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3 Votes

Jakiro DOTA 2 (6.79v)

January 17, 2014 by Mi16r4XLR8
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Eheroduelist (2) | January 16, 2014 5:21am
T1mmay wrote:

Even though the skill has been changed to auto-cast i still don't think it's a good harassment spell for laning as it has quite a sizeable aoe which normally causes you to hit some creeps with it, pushing the lane.

With it being an auto-cast, you can turn it off or on at times considered by the user to be reasonable.
That, and if the situation occurs where you would want to push the lane (situations vary from time to time)

and worst case scenario you can pull the creep wave (more difficult in suicide lane, but that comes with its own set of difficulties).
Mi16r4XLR8 | January 14, 2014 7:48pm
certainly it has a good aoe, but while harassing, usually the opponent backs off from his creep wave ... that much is enough for you to cast it on them... and once they see you are aggressive then they play it safe (passively)which helps the lane partner to get some last hits.
T1mmay (6) | January 14, 2014 3:34pm
Even though the skill has been changed to auto-cast i still don't think it's a good harassment spell for laning as it has quite a sizeable aoe which normally causes you to hit some creeps with it, pushing the lane.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 14, 2014 12:13pm
Well, now that isn't a autocast ability anymore it makes more sense. I'm used to play with the 4-3-0-0 or 3-3-0-1 (if I can get Arcane Boots early) build by level 7 because I never thought about using it as a lane harassment tool: in fact, I usually cast it on towers when pushing since it reduces the attack speed of towers, too. I might try getting an early point, probably at 5-6 going 4-2-1-0, since I think getting two points in your main skills by level 4 is mandatory.
Sando (118) | January 14, 2014 8:50am
Liquid Fire is useful early on for particular lanes and for pushing. If you're running a 2v1 lane with a hard carry against a hero you're unlikely to kill without a massive overextend or ganks from elsewhere, it's pretty hand to be able to spit out some extra harassment damage at no mana cost.
Mi16r4XLR8 | January 14, 2014 8:35am
Peppo_oPaccio : Thanks for the observer ward reminder,the liquid fire is used because of playing sort of mind game on your opponent, the attack speed reduction on meele heroes is quite irritating and about ice path and dual breath ... ice path cannot possibly kill any one but can surely stop an escaping enemy and more over you do no want to push the lane to enemy tower specially in a hard(oflane) lane, bro you should secure a kill..but many times in my game by mistake by maxing up dual breath I got double kills which my carry should get so its a type of initiating skill for AS and MS reduction.. i dont usually use it as a finishing skill ... whatever it depends on the game what to max out first..
Eheroduelist (2) | January 14, 2014 6:36am
I actually question why not to put a point into it sooner-
I played Jakiro this morning for the first time in about a few months (not counting the one Wraith Night I played just before it ended xD, but that keep me in-synch in terms of his abilities).

it's an incredible auto-cast skill, it turns your right-click harass into a DoT (similar to everyone's not-so-favorite Viper), it doesn't deprive you of mana to be saved for a much more valueable Ice Path, and if the carry has to leave lane for whatever reason (or whatever the circumstance calls for) it is a splash damage DoT that can help push the lane out.

Of course it's not a lvl 1 skill, but I got it at lvl 3 and harassing became a lot easier, especially since the DoT damage doesn't scale well at all into the mid-to-late game.

Another thing to emphasize is to try to time your ice paths in synch with your teammate's stuns. If you see a teammate's stun is about to wear off, you should already be setting up the ice path in order to add another 1-2.2 seconds to the stun-lock.
It's pretty incredible how easily a kill can get away or be secured within that split-second decision, and the 1-2.2 seconds that the stun lasts.

Overall a good guide though. Very likeable, and it emphasizes one of my weakest points as a support: warding.
Wards save lives. I usually (on most of my support heroes in general) get too caught up in trying to feed carries last hits and harassing enemy heroes to go warding, and it has costed me a gank or two.

I think that spacing out your purchases between the items you really need to function well as the support and warding is an invaluable skill and needs to be practiced before doing anything beyond pubs/bots.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 14, 2014 4:53am
I like this guide: I don't quite get why you put a point into Liquid Fire before maxing out the two other skills, but it doesn't hurt if you're comfortable with it. As for Dual Breath and Ice Path, I strongly recommend maxing Dual Breath first since the nuke damage is much more useful than the extra stun duration; after all, if you don't kill an enemy with a 1.8 second stun you probably wouldn't kill them with a 2.2 second stun either.
Also, I think you forgot to put the Observer Wards between the starting items.
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