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6 Votes

IT'S PUNCHIN TIME!!! (6.79 friendly)

December 3, 2013 by zakisslackin
Comments: 17    |    Views: 22610    |   

Tank/Brusier Build

DotA2 Hero: Sven

Hero Skills

Vanquisher (Innate)

Storm Hammer

1 3 5 7

Great Cleave

2 8 9 13 14


4 10 12

God's Strength

6 11 16


15 17 18

Color Code

Usual color code I use to show how important something is

Red - So Bad
Orange - So-so
Yellow - Average Joe
Blue - Really Good


The Time has come and you have been chosen to be the almighty Rouge Knight, Sven. Many have tried to match up with Sven and yet none have come near to his strength. This guide will teach you how to play Sven effectively and being a reliable Tank/Bruiser, so without further ado, Raise your fist in the air and show then the true potential of the Rouge Knight!!!!


Storm Hammer

This is what Sven is known for. It's the Heart of the Cards for him. Having this move as soon as possible is a necessary. With having a range of 600 and a 2 second stun, this thing can come in handy for sooooo many things such as ganking, team battling, or even stunning your enemy under a turret. The only problem is that it cost 140 mana flat. At early stages, you will only be able to use this once or twice so make it count early game, but later in the game you will be able to lay down more than enough stuns while in a team battle.

Great Cleave

There is one thing your gonna have to realize and that is you are going to be the tank of the group. It ok if you don't have as much farm as the ADC does. You are going to be able to take the hits for the ADC when they are in trouble. Having this is nice to have lane control for early game, other than that its not really necessary.


This is good for late game and helping out a lane. Since it's an AoE boost that give Armor and Movement Speed, its gonna help in team battles. I would still get it before Great Cleave mainly because it also benefits you and Warcry can help you either from running away or chasing down another hero.

God's Strength

This skill is LITERALLY A GAME CHANGER!!!. If you use this before a team fight and use your stun right after, you will do tons of damage. If you don't know how his ult works let me explain it. While in his "Rage Mode" he gets a +100 on his damage output. Each time you level up the skill also it gets a +50 added on. This Ultimate will allow you to AT LEAST 1v3 if you know what you are doing. The only problem I have with the ult is that it doesn't last as long as you think it would. I've had it finish out on me right in the middle of a team fight. It's ok because the cooldown for all levels is 80 seconds.


I'm not going to explain all of the items that you should get in this build but more or less on the important items

Black King Bar

Black King Bar is a really good item to have for Sven, the main reasoning behind this is because you are probally going to go first. Plus you will be the biggest threat so you need to take care of yourself so you can protect you team. I only find this to be useful for when the group battles begin to appear frequently, other than that you can hold it off and rush Heart of Tarrasque.

Helm of the Dominator

Now I know what your thinking,WHY DON'T YOU GET A Mask of Madness?" Yes Mask of Madness is a good item; however, I see it more as a carry item rather than a tank item. If this were a Carry Sven guide I would add it, but this is a Tank Sven Guide so Helm of the Dominator is in. Plus the Active on the item will help you early game laning.

Armlet of Mordiggan

Ok, I can feel the rage comming from you, yet I can explain myself on why Armlet of Mordiggan is better than Mask of Madness. To begin, Armlet of Mordiggan active, Unholy Rage

Arcane Boots

The only reason why I put these in is because I know that people will need mana while playing Sven. The only reason why I put this in the situational area is because I never
had to worry about mana. Considering that all I had to worry about was mana for my Q, I saved my mana for a time that my Q was needed. Get these if you are running out of mana


Early Game (Start ~ 15 mins)

Sven is a relatively easy hero to play. You have room to make mistakes but you have to worry about mana consumption. Sven is lacking in mana, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since he only has two skills that really require mana. Just relax in your lane, get some last hits.

Mid Game (20 ~ 35 mins)

By this point you should have leveled up enough to have some of your core items and begin to start roaming for ganks. When you are about to go in for a gank., try to get the stun when they are pursing to kill your teammate. Be the last minute hero and try not to steal the kill (REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE THE TANK AND YOUR GOAL IS TO TAKE HITS).

Late Game (40+ mins)

By this point, you should have a Black King Bar or a Heart of Tarrasque . Be the initiator when it comes to team battles (especially if you have BKB). Turn on Warcry, then God's Strength, turn on Black King Bar and zone out the carry with your Storm Hammer. Also, don't be afraid to take hits, you are there to be the meat shield for the team, don't die in the process, but you can push your luck


Thank you for taking the time for reading my guide on how to play Sven, the Rouge Knight. I understand that my build may not be the perfect build, but trust me in the fact you will get far with this build. Feel free if you want to correct me on something wrong or you have a better opinion (I really like Constructive Criticism). Over all, thank you for taking the time to look at my guide... I plan on making more guides too (Sorry this took so long!!!)

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