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7 Votes


December 29, 2014 by eeon
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Kyphoid returns (42) | December 29, 2014 5:15am
I am 7100th viewer
eeon (6) | December 29, 2014 4:13am
wangyuphing wrote:

Am I the 7000th viewer?

YEEEY! Congratulations, you were our 7k visitor! You have just won a free ITEM explanation of your choosing!
wangyuphing (9) | December 29, 2014 12:53am
Am I the 7000th viewer?
BrecMadak | November 28, 2014 6:09am
I'm glad to see enthusiastic and deterministic approach that you show for this guide, simply let's not abandon this guide so soon which my initial thoughts had been that way untill seeing your reply to be honest. Will check this guide occasionally, hopefully see it updated already by then. Good work, +1 already to encourage you even more at this stage !

p.s noob question: is there any seperate section on this site to see our favourited guides, couldn't see it on my own.
eeon (6) | November 27, 2014 12:59am
BrecMadak wrote:

I came here in the hope of finding some informations about Manta Style, but end up without not finding it yet. Maybe you may want to consider adding it eeon ?

Ofcourse! It is not completed yet. I want to add a separate section for Sange Yasha and all that derives from them. Personally I only buy Manta Style these days to get rid of silences and other pesky debuffs line track and amplify. You can use your illusions for stacking and pulling creeps, blocking camps and to mess with your foes, you know, by moving one of your illusions instead of the hero so they ll cast spells and run after it... really fun. Works very well with Radiance and Diffusal Blade. You also have a 0.1 second of invulnerability so you can dodge missiles if you are quick enough that is.
Ty for your interest
BrecMadak | November 25, 2014 4:31pm
I came here in the hope of finding some informations about Manta Style, but end up without not finding it yet. Maybe you may want to consider adding it eeon ?
eeon (6) | November 15, 2014 10:46pm
Thanks for all the help guys. I have added some clarifications, as suggested. Please let me know if you find any other problems/confusing stuff in the guide.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 15, 2014 7:42pm
also, specify that Daedalus crit chances stack diminishingly, not additively.

implying that daedalus has 25% chance of it proccing for the first daedalus. The second daedalus has a 75% chance of having a turn to proc and 25% chance of proccing. Thus, the second daedalus has an 18.75% chance of proccing. Having two daedalus gives you a 43.75% chance of proccing, so they do stack but with diminishing returns.
porygon361 (46) | November 15, 2014 5:26pm
You should specify that Orb attacks won't draw creep aggro only if you manually cast it, or newbies might think that getting an item like Desolator will prevent them from drawing creep aggro :P.
Unscathed (47) | November 15, 2014 4:48pm
A great guide that is useful for newbies.

Ninecent (3) | November 15, 2014 3:36pm
One thing I noticed:
Under Daedalus is mentioned that its crit stacks with itself and other crits. Please clarify this to mention only the crit chance stacks, not the actual crit.
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