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[Irrelevant]A Full Guide to Arc Warden(6.87)

May 3, 2016 by Dimonychan
Comments: 8    |    Views: 19426    |   

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4L1B1 | April 10, 2016 7:56am
Nice guide there! Just 1 question: would you say necro is core on the carry build too? If yes, would hotd be better then mom? You could build satanic later and dominate a creep to hide in the forrest which could be used as a "mobile tp base" for the double. Just an idea :)
Dimonychan (43) | April 10, 2016 9:00am
Yes, definetly. It is just too good. Even if you sell it later, the impact Necro makes early-mid game is well worth it. HotD gives way less DPS with Rapiers than MoM, and active ability isn't worth it - it is much better to use either one of your allies, their summons or necros to TP if you want to backdoor. Satanic isn't good because the Double only lives for 20 second and it is not that essential for it to survive so that's kind of a waste. Also the dominated creep dies when you build into Satanic.
4L1B1 | April 10, 2016 11:39am
For the rapier build mom is better, thats true. Was actually talking about the carry build, i guess you will be in fights with your team with the real hero there too, so i thought more damage, more armor and a late satanic would be better for this one. I always feel like Mom is kind of a glasscanon item ^^.
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AlphaStrategizer | April 9, 2016 4:52pm
Very, very, very amazing guide, but a little nitpicking. Arc Warden is the only hero who can reliably have Two sets of necronomicon summons on his own. Lone Druid can buy two books if going for a split push build (I've done this before when I was super bored and trolling a little...........okay........a lot....:P
Dimonychan (43) | April 9, 2016 9:51pm
Yeah, I've left LD out of sight, he deserves at least an honourable mention. Will fix in the next update, thank you.
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