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4 Votes

Invoker. Teach those ignorant squishies how to die.

May 5, 2013 by H2Stickman
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Dante404 | December 27, 2014 11:18am
i totally get you h2atickman....awesome man awesome
zGKrom (10) | May 12, 2013 8:03am
H2Stickman wrote:

guys, you didnt understand at all the point of this guide.

this guide is aimed on building an invoker that ALONE can kill single or multiple target, with a spell rotation.

you dont need alacrity if you can deal over 4000 istant magic damage.

yes alacrity is good for ally carry, but this is not what the guide wants to show you

Tehnically, it's not instant since it's gonna take a couple of seconds for def blast to roll with meteor, it gives time to the enemy to use a force staff/mek. Good guide but I feel this should've been part of a bigger, more general guide for invoker. There is no "only way" to play invoker.

Even tho, as mentioned above, I'll give it a +.
H2Stickman | May 6, 2013 8:37am
guys, you didnt understand at all the point of this guide.

this guide is aimed on building an invoker that ALONE can kill single or multiple target, with a spell rotation.

you dont need alacrity if you can deal over 4000 istant magic damage.

yes alacrity is good for ally carry, but this is not what the guide wants to show you
Catkillerfive | May 6, 2013 2:59am
Wulfstan wrote:

Alacrity is not just for -Played bad early game, not enough brust damage to insta kill someone.Its just too good not to put it on your carry,or let's say on a push on someone( Lone Druid's bear).

Not to mention you can use it on the Catapult early game to kill the towers faster (As the Catapult deal the highest damage vs Tower early game)
wallensteiN (1) | May 6, 2013 12:04am
nobody can understand too much from your guide
Wulfstan (77) | May 5, 2013 11:15pm
Alacrity is not just for -Played bad early game, not enough brust damage to insta kill someone.Its just too good not to put it on your carry,or let's say on a push on someone( Lone Druid's bear).
H2Stickman | May 5, 2013 10:17pm
Ha forgot about them.

Basically you can chose the boots you prefer, dosent matter.

but i suggest thread or phase ones.

sme chooses arcane or the healing ones (forgot the name)

honestly, you can chose the boots you prefer, or the ones you need.

but in late game, if you can get the boots of travel, take them.

you'll go almsot as fast as when you have haste rune, with boots fo travel, and 3 istances of wex.
Smith (2) | May 5, 2013 9:50pm
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