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Invoker is a very nice pick. IF USED WELL
If used well he can literally start and unending avalanche of snowballing.
But... is it always good to pick invoker? Nope.
Then, When should i pick him and when not?
Why to start with quas if you are gonna level early exort instead?
simple, because coldsnap its so fuc*ing OP.
you dont have that much harrass, and you are gonna soak all the damage the enemy mid is gonna give you.
that would happen if you started with exort.
You dont harrass with spells, like, Templar Assassin with her passive, or Skywrath mage with his painfull birdies, you harrass with you basic attack.
Why? Quas gives you ALOT of early HP regen, you can trade with your enemy, then wait 30 seconds farming your lane, and boom, you're full hp.
Also, coldsnap gives you a VERY BIG ganking weapon, and a good first blood possibility aganist your enemy.
You go, to right click your enemy, he will do the same.
When you right click an enemy hero, the creeps will start attacking you, NOW you must use coldsnap.
Your creeps will keep triggering coldsnap, blicking the enemy right click, and drammatically increase the damage he recives, in less that 2 hits he will instinctively back, follow him with some more autoattacks.
He will have yo use the healing salve, or 2-3 tangoes, while you'll just have to wait your quas to heal you up (or just use 1 tango if the trade was hard).
Now your enemy knows you are the boss, if you have a templar assassin, or another low range enemy mid, use coldsnap on him, as soon as you are gonna kill the last creep of his wave, so your creeps will head to him, triggering the coldsnap.
The invoker has a very big arsenal of combos to use at his advantage.
the most common and used spell is the:
its simple.
Keep equipped meteor and tornado (WWQ - EEW) trhow tornado, then rapidly switch to defying blast (QWE), trhow meteor, and as soon as your enemy fall to the ground from your tornado, trhow the defying blast
you'll be pressing these bottoms:
if tornado and meteor not equipped
if equipped
now. why did i put Eul's scepter is MUST HAVE item?
its simple, it gives you the opportunity to do another combo, what i call the:
use eul's scepter on enemy.
use sunstrike after 0,5 - 1 seconds, use meteor, switch to defying blast, use it as soon as eul's scepter's effect ends.
heres the scaling damage with exort's level:
-Enemy crossed your creep wave, punish him.
-Focus target in teamfight.
(Bad initiator)
-Deal infinite ammout of damage.
-Land a good meteor.
-Catching up on fleeing enemies.
-Fighting a strenght hero.
-Played bad early game, not enough brust damage to insta kill someone.
-Skeleton King
-Storm Spirit
and many other... If you look how to use this skill, you are in the wrong guide.
-Played bad early game, not enough brust damage to insta kill someone.
-Not a big deal. just over 500 pure damage on teh head, global, that gives vision.
-Played bad early game, not enough brust damage to insta kill someone.
-Combo with tornado and meteor.
-Boost where you want.
-Attack disable (u mad Faceless Void?)
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