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42 Votes

Insight (refreshed after 4 years) - A guide to Storm Spirit

April 12, 2015 by Arterial
Comments: 22    |    Views: 193594    |   

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Free MMR | May 2, 2015 4:27am
+1 <3 gg trivia
Mi16r4XLR8 | January 17, 2014 5:15am
Best guide on storm ... better that the most rated .. a sure +1
rocky (4) | April 30, 2013 2:20pm
in terms of skill build most people go qewwwrw, I like using qeweere personally for the harass in lane. can you justify why qewewrweew is better?
Arterial | March 6, 2013 5:09pm
Tell me what you guys want to see.
Arterial | March 6, 2013 1:00am
I've added a huge addition, please check the guide again.
Arterial | March 4, 2013 8:10pm
Yanniboi wrote:

Hello nice guide and very informative, I haven't tried it yet so I don't want to vote (nothing personal). I've got some questions about Storm Spirit and I'd appreciate it if the author or anybody who knows could answer them. Thanks in advance.
    Can he dodge ANY spell with his Ball Lightning? For example Sniper's Assassinate assuming he targeted Storm before he used his BL but the bullet hit him while BL was activated. Or if he crosses Riki's Smoke Screen, or Silencer's Global Silence or Zeus' Thundergod's Wrath or even avoid death from Axe's Battle Hunger.
    If he uses two spells one after the other the Overload doesn't stack right?
    To deal damage with Ball Lightnight you need to cross the enemy or just use it close to them? And if the answer is close to them, does it affect everyone around Storm Spirit or it randmly chooses an enemy, such as minions.
    Can he activate items while using his BL? For example BKB or Bottle?

I know you sort of answer the first and last question, but I'm not sure if it includes all the items and all the spells.
I've seen some people in PUBS who all they do in 1vs1 is move left and right with their ulti, about 2 out of 3 times I've killed them, quite easily (can't remember which heroes I was playing), I'm guessing this is a noobish way of playing the hero right?

Sorry for the late reply, but as a rule of thumb, Ball Lightning should be able to avoid any damage. Assassinate will have one of twp results (I'm not sure which), 1. Sniper will lose his target, meaning that he will not even shoot tbullet. 2. The bullet will hit in flight, but do no damage. Furthermore, Assassinate has a range limit, and even if it somehow manages to skip the aforementioned problems, it should be out of range. As for the ultimates, Storm should avoid all of it, for Riki's smoke, there will be no silence (unless your Ball Lightning ends inside the smoke). If I remember correctly, Ball Lightning can also protect you from the tickovers, such as QoP, Axe, Veno, etc.. Overcharge never stacks, that's why you always land a hit after you leave Ball Lightning. (You also jump around just to get the charge.) As for the damage, treat it as an AOE. All targets that are in the path or within a small AOE of the landing point will be dealt damage equal to how far you have travelled. All instant cast items can be used, such as Shiva's, and abilities. I'm not sure for bottle and BKB, but for BKB, it would be better for you to use the shift key, so that your BKB has a longer duration.
Yanniboi | February 15, 2013 8:17am
Hello nice guide and very informative, I haven't tried it yet so I don't want to vote (nothing personal). I've got some questions about Storm Spirit and I'd appreciate it if the author or anybody who knows could answer them. Thanks in advance.
    Can he dodge ANY spell with his Ball Lightning? For example Sniper's Assassinate assuming he targeted Storm before he used his BL but the bullet hit him while BL was activated. Or if he crosses Riki's Smoke Screen, or Silencer's Global Silence or Zeus' Thundergod's Wrath or even avoid death from Axe's Battle Hunger.
    If he uses two spells one after the other the Overload doesn't stack right?
    To deal damage with Ball Lightnight you need to cross the enemy or just use it close to them? And if the answer is close to them, does it affect everyone around Storm Spirit or it randmly chooses an enemy, such as minions.
    Can he activate items while using his BL? For example BKB or Bottle?

I know you sort of answer the first and last question, but I'm not sure if it includes all the items and all the spells.
I've seen some people in PUBS who all they do in 1vs1 is move left and right with their ulti, about 2 out of 3 times I've killed them, quite easily (can't remember which heroes I was playing), I'm guessing this is a noobish way of playing the hero right?
Arterial | December 1, 2012 12:54am
so damn ignorant
Arterial | December 1, 2012 12:52am
why would i even consider bumping my own thread
dont u think u are jumping to conclusions a little too fast?
just because i never use dotafire (cuz i still prefer the playdota guides) doesnt mean that i would bother using multi accs
try check my ip or whatever
SkyneT800 (1) | October 18, 2012 3:58am
Destiny wrote:

the more I think of it, the more I like it

Nothing to think about it.

If you're going to same*** and bump your own threads at least be smart at about it. Really wish Dotafire banned multing
Destiny | October 18, 2012 3:26am
the more I think of it, the more I like it
Whated (12) | September 16, 2012 12:37pm
I approve this guide.
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