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204 Votes

I'm the Juggernaut, bitch - Yurnero guide

April 28, 2013 by Swordz
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ProNursesinDOTA | January 6, 2016 12:52am
I think youre missing a must item for juggernut?..

Its the lothars edge.

When I play Jugger, ill go with this build always..phaseboots, soulring, lothars edge, aghanims scepter, bkb, desolator and butterfly with a win rate of almost 90%...I PLAYED JUGGERNUT 60 times already and I won 50 of those.

Hear how to do it..
Early game get a phase boot and a soulring, soul ring is a must for juggernut early game, harass the hero with your first skill run away from from the creepwave activate soulring and slash him to death..since at 6-10 you're mana cant keep up with your abilities to use it continuously..if you low in health no mana, you can always activate a soul ring and heal..with this soul ring you can also spam your first skill..

Mid game probably i have lothars edge already, and buy some ward and hunt those farming heroes when they are alone..they will take the full damage of my fury..then aghanims scepter.

even pudge with 2500 hitpoints is dead with a max ulti and critical with aghanims scepter...
But of course during late game if all are getting fat coordinate with your team...

Great guide though.+1
[-] | June 18, 2015 10:41pm
I recommended to build mask of madness....

for fast juggernaut.
Hagwill | January 29, 2014 2:07am
If you didn't Know that you can use blink dagger and shadow blade and Blademail when you use blade fury, you Know it Know!
blood genocide | January 11, 2014 10:58pm
I didn't use juggernaut in dota 1 but since i get items a lot for him I give him a chance in dota 2. thank you so much in this guide i do fairly good at him and now my standing using him is W 9 / 1 L He is now my go to guy if I wanted to win. Great Guide!
INeverHead | November 18, 2013 11:12am
Very good guide :D.
kheean | October 6, 2013 3:49am
no healoing wards if you are not on an aggressive trilane. max healing wards after bladefury if u are on an aggressive trilane usually hardlane. ur goal is to push hard and destroy 1st tier tower as fast as possible. u shud hav supports like cm, veno, ss, lesh, etc. basically any support hero that has either a stun or a slow and is also a capable pusher.
Void Yaksha | October 3, 2013 4:15am
played three times juggernaut with experimental build won all three matches
KrazyJet | July 22, 2013 6:48am
I just registered on this forum to comment on this guide.

I have been a DOTA player for well over an year and am always playing lots of diff heroes and looking up guides to better those heroes.
But the start i got with this guide was amazing.
i was going 9/0/3 till mid game and was owning.
Ended up with 16/3/4 as we were 4 vs 5 and were getting ganked, But one omnislash in teamfight and i would secure 2 kills at least.
I followed the experimental guide, And I should really say it is badass.
Now im inclined to sticking to yunero for sometime and trying out all the builds.
Hutska35 (1) | June 15, 2013 5:38pm
funkyd0nkey wrote:

lol healing ward on 9th lvl :D
worst guide ever, downvoted.

Seriously? Just because you didn't like a point in the skill build you are downvoting this guide? Did you read all the guide or did you just take a look at the top resume?
Juggernaut is a carry hero. He needs farm. Do you know what healing ward does? It pushes the lane. So? you are more vulnerable to ganks and since your tower is far away and the players in the opposite team can easily go for kills when they harassed you enough. If you are ever thinking "Oh but i will use the ward when it's AoE doesn't contain the creeps" then I would like to say that it is a waste of mana. You already picked up a salve and a bunch of tangos. You already got enough healing stuff. Even if you are getting so much harass that both of them will not handle the situation you can just buy another bunch of tangos (or a salve) or simply ask it to your lanemate. You already got mana problems early game. Healing ward serves the pushing purposes.
Therefore your argument is invalid.
funkyd0nkey | May 23, 2013 3:31pm
lol healing ward on 9th lvl :D
worst guide ever, downvoted.
Cody_X | May 10, 2013 6:24am
Well, this guide is great! +1 from me.
I used to play jugg the "classic" way, ie rush a bf then get a vlads butterfly and deso.
I recently tried your build 3 , and oh man, is it something else. With a decent lane partner with cc of some kind, you can stomp so hard.
I've taken to skipping the stats at lvl 4 and getting a point in healing ward.
I also skip the drum unless our team is heavily pushing, but I do love that build.
Thanks for writing a great guide!
Swordz (2) | April 28, 2013 7:37am
It's an old guide, at the time jugg was a bad competitive (his ult was weaker at the time) pick and no one bothered to level healing ward early or stuff like that because there was no push meta. I may update it sometime.
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