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2 Votes

I WILL SURVIVE (Tanky Undying)

December 1, 2014 by OctoHat
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Unscathed (47) | December 5, 2014 3:52pm
OctoHat wrote:

thx Man :D

but i have a question, about using icons for skill, do we need to type anything else or just plain hero skill?

[[spell name]] [[hero name]]
OctoHat | December 5, 2014 3:59am

thx Man :D

but i have a question, about using icons for skill, do we need to type anything else or just plain hero skill?
TheSofa (54) | December 3, 2014 8:35pm
^^ That.

I have a small disagreement with your skill build.
I personally think that maxing Tombstone is a lot better than maxing Soul Rip. Because you won't have 20 units around you most of the time, and Tombstone is like the best gank-turnaround ability in the game, I would max it first.

My preferred skill build is Q>W>W>E>E>E>Q>E>Q>Q>R>R>W>W>W>Stats>R

Give it a try, and tell me if you like it!
Cataclysm2146 (3) | December 2, 2014 6:00pm
RedNinja | December 1, 2014 1:07pm
Thanks for your guide. Undying is a great hero and super fun to play. I have played him a few times (~60 times) with an 80+% win rate on him.

My two cents: Undying skill build very situational and should be based on who you are laning against as well as the enemy team composition.

From my experience, I almost always max tombstone and decay first, with 1 level of soul rip, perhaps, if I need some heals. The only times I add early points on to soul rip is if I'm against broodmother - she does not like it at all :). IMO, decay allows you to dominate your lane and setup the early kills easily.

I get the ulti at level 6 if it makes sense:

i.e. gank planed on my lane, or we are intending to dive for kills and take down tower at the same time - and this is is just so I can tank and heal.

Regarding items... I'm not sold on blood stone, you are not an int hero. The only one I like with it is axe, and still is situational. IMO, undying doesn't need much mana to spam his skills. I rather build a fast blademail, mek or other tank items... My prefered build for him is

Mana Boots, Vanguard, then blademail, Crymson and Shivas. If facing nukers, then also a pipe.

Kyphoid returns (42) | December 1, 2014 4:46am
Heres some advice.

Sections you need to add:
When and when not pick.
Friends and foes.
Different builds for different match ups
Gameplay when facing certain hero.
Elaborate on spamming your skills.
Undying can ward, so be sure to add that.
Add skill description in front of skill images.
Concisely present item progression.

Finally, you steal 20 str from 5 heroes which translates into 380 hp

Mention the fact that youshould soul ring once you have stolen hp.
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