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3 Votes

I could eat a crill!

September 16, 2012 by Manelzao
Comments: 4    |    Views: 6349    |   

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OmniBoy | September 19, 2012 2:04am
Leech wrote:

I'm sorry but you're a missing a lot of elements for a good Tidehunter build.

First of all, getting a Heart of Tarrasque requires a **** ton of farm, something tide shouldn't be doing (if team actually plays correctly).

Secondly, a positive score doesn't mean anything as a support player. Often times you will have a low k/d ratio and focusing more on presence in fights and helping with map control. Sure you don't want to feed, but there is such a thing as necessary deaths and sacrifice.

Third, Blade Mail is NEVER core, on anyone. It's an item built purely on situation.

And last, playing against actual good players and more importantly, ones that are competent, will not be fooled by a Kraken Shell skill rush, in fact they will have ways to take you down with or without if necessary. Sure it mitigates quite a bit of damage, especially early game, but that won't be your saving grace.

I think you need to reevaluate this guide. I don't see a pipe or drum anywhere on this guide at all. Then again, people do have different play-styles, but this will not teach someone good habits if they are reading this to learn.

I agree 100% with you
Leech (25) | September 18, 2012 9:37pm
I'm sorry but you're a missing a lot of elements for a good Tidehunter build.

First of all, getting a Heart of Tarrasque requires a **** ton of farm, something tide shouldn't be doing (if team actually plays correctly).

Secondly, a positive score doesn't mean anything as a support player. Often times you will have a low k/d ratio and focusing more on presence in fights and helping with map control. Sure you don't want to feed, but there is such a thing as necessary deaths and sacrifice.

Third, Blade Mail is NEVER core, on anyone. It's an item built purely on situation.

And last, playing against actual good players and more importantly, ones that are competent, will not be fooled by a Kraken Shell skill rush, in fact they will have ways to take you down with or without if necessary. Sure it mitigates quite a bit of damage, especially early game, but that won't be your saving grace.

I think you need to reevaluate this guide. I don't see a pipe or drum anywhere on this guide at all. Then again, people do have different play-styles, but this will not teach someone good habits if they are reading this to learn.
CNP9 (1) | September 17, 2012 10:51am
finishing the bracer to do drums would be good and the blade mail is only usefull when there are hard carries farmed in the other team ;)))

jaslam (21) | September 17, 2012 7:02am
good build - you would need to be very aggressive in the lane with this build, and really stop your enemy from farming (allowing your carry to ideally perfect creep farm)
on a side note, tide is one of the best pipe carry / supports in game.. i would suggest adding it!
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