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14 Votes

Huskar the ultimate sacrifice. A guide by F.E.A.R.

September 10, 2014 by F.E.A.R.0
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 15, 2015 7:41pm
Rizal wrote:

huskar is really capable to kill all heroes by herself if he is already have BKB, satanic, aghanim, veil of discord, monkey king bar or abyssal blade is better than daedalus.....

One word : kiting.
Rizal | February 15, 2015 7:29pm
huskar is really capable to kill all heroes by herself if he is already have BKB, satanic, aghanim, veil of discord, monkey king bar or abyssal blade is better than daedalus.....
vagnox | June 7, 2014 11:49am
i think you under estimate Bane, he still have some Enfeeble that cannot dispel by anything, not goes through Black King Bar though
Entenei (2) | March 14, 2014 11:42am
Does Ethereal Blade increase the damage the guy takes from your jump and or negate the damage you take from it?
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 10, 2014 4:09am
cocolapin wrote:

Aghanim's Scepter should be CORE ITEM
think about a dagon after you finished aghanim to kill heroes faster.

a good Huskar DOESNT NEED Morbid Mask! GO only if you are desperate, mom to push, hotd to stack, IT DOESNT WORTH THE PRICE !
Your goal is to kill as much heroes as you can !

situational item : Blade Mail Ghost Scepter Ethereal Blade Blink Dagger

You don't need a Ghost Scepter, Ethereal Blade nor a Dagon they're not much of a big use. Huskar 100% needs lifesteal. I didn't said a Morbid Mask, I said Helm of the Dominator. Lifesteal works great on Huskar and always did.
cocolapin | February 8, 2014 7:20am
Aghanim's Scepter should be CORE ITEM
think about a dagon after you finished aghanim to kill heroes faster.

a good Huskar DOESNT NEED Morbid Mask! GO only if you are desperate, mom to push, hotd to stack, IT DOESNT WORTH THE PRICE !
Your goal is to kill as much heroes as you can !

situational item : Blade Mail Ghost Scepter Ethereal Blade Blink Dagger
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 7, 2014 4:59pm
oldKainen wrote:

There is a mistake in the allies section: Dazzle's Shallow Grave don't protect against Axe's Culling Blade.

Thx I'll fix that.
oldKainen (14) | February 7, 2014 4:39pm
There is a mistake in the allies section: Dazzle's Shallow Grave don't protect against Axe's Culling Blade.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 7, 2014 3:32pm
i zimbra wrote:

Hey, why do you use two ORB effects?

No not 2 orb effects. You see Burning Spears is useless in late game, so you can pick up a Desolator in replacement of Burning Spears to do big DPS. Huskar is a beast with Desolator, though played him with Helm of the Dominator and Desolator. Both are great, but Helm of the Dominator is better cause of the lifesteal. If you don't like Desolator you can always buy Helm of the Dominator just like I mentioned, than later make it into Satanic.
i zimbra | February 7, 2014 2:45pm
Hey, why do you use two ORB effects?
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 5, 2014 4:45am
Keep da comments incomin ;)
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 3, 2014 6:17am

A nice well explained guide. It could use some touch ups though.

As with all of your guides, please do not just copy paste stuff from dota2wiki directly as it beats the purpose of making a guide. A guide should reflect your experience with the game not copy pasting.

Also as Sando said double bracers are redundant.

I would rather save up 350 more gold and get a platemail which rounds off his core easily.

BKB is more of a situational item.

IMO the first choice for a luxury should be either Assault or MKB and not Daedlus.

I just copy the abilities and the balance change log nothing else more. The other is from me. I added Black King Bar as a core. Even I know it's a situational cause of his magic resistance. I just added it as core, cause I thought it will compare it with other thoughts of people. The luxury I added, I did not meant you should make Boots of Travel and Daedalus first items, you will make an item by your own choice. I also wrote 1 or 2 Bracers not Bracers at once. You will decide whether, you'll make 1 or 2 Bracers. I checked other guides who do this and I'm not the only one.
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