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Huskar the ganking machine

January 19, 2013 by Jaxtor
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Linaz | January 26, 2013 9:31am
1- burning spears at level 1 is so good, if you can orb walk it is awesome.

2 - aghs on huskar is awesome, but it is really a win-more item.

3 - if your playing huskar to gank - boots of travel can work really well (sometimes)
LiLPr0 (9) | January 19, 2013 8:18pm
depparted wrote:

Aghs on huskar is idiotic. Period.

Ethereal and aghs huskar 1 and a shadow demon 1 shots everyone even centaur with 9000 hp..
depparted (3) | January 19, 2013 6:32pm
Aghs on huskar is idiotic. Period.
If you rush it and get it before 16, you'll be delaying your real items and be less effective.
If you get it after 16, popping your ult every 4 seconds in a teamfight will get you killed against every single organized team. It may work on lower brackets, but anyone with a brain can counter a huskar that keeps losing 20% of his HP every 4 seconds.
Oh yeah, and one point in burning spears early on (level 1 or 2) is mandatory.
This is one of the best harrassing tools in the game, since it synergises so well with your passive... you harrass the enemy, get your HP lower and it gets way easier to last hit
Jaxtor | January 19, 2013 2:00pm
depparted wrote:

worst huskar guide ever.

one point in spears, one in healing, passive and stats 'till you can't up stats anymore
armlet, phase and dominator/madness is all you really need for huskar

You may only need that but you are a far better ganker if you can pop your alt every 4 seconds. Also your character is useless with out his berserker skill seeing as that is what makes him actually tick.
depparted (3) | January 19, 2013 1:37pm
worst huskar guide ever.

one point in spears, one in healing, passive and stats 'till you can't up stats anymore
armlet, phase and dominator/madness is all you really need for huskar
Jaxtor | January 18, 2013 12:31pm
Swish wrote:

For fun I often go treads -> urn -> dagon 1-5 -> BKB or other survival items

I max blood and spears with ult in there first most people skip spears but I like the dot and typically I can kill two heros with this build 1v2 you jump the one with most hp and dagon immediately once he is under 1/4 hp with a high dmg stacking dot. You then start working on the other hero the initial one runs away typically because of the low hp and dot kills him and your insanely high attack speed/dps can down the other hero. If they have dots like veno you often will die from the low health with spears unless you click urn on yourself as soon as fight is over. All of this takes place in 6-9 seconds.

This build in a 2v1 relies on you spooking one of their heros so make sure you don't feed if the other team isn't cautious. It is a pretty aggressive approach but you have to remember the more damage you take the more you do and you scale more than the other heros damage as your hp drops if they don't have stun.

Huskar is great, normally I go other AIS and str/dmg items but this is a fun build if you like roaming.

Two many people underestimate spears in place of life steal but the extra dmg+IAS you gain is well worth the 15 hp per attack. If you hit one hero 5 times after ult, at max level that is a bonus 5x16x7=560

That 560 dmg before reduction is bonus on top of your normal attacks making pretty much any hero fodder, watch out for blade mail though.

I find I don't even need inner vit until mid/late game because urn takes care of your healing needs early/mid game as you wander the rivers and jungles.

I like this build and I think I will give it a try. Until recently I didn't understand the power of the urn but as I play more I like it allot. But I think one reason I didn't go the urn route is because I am not a big clickie fan only because I often forget that I have them and because my build is dependent on me using them I die. lol. Probably something I should work on. Yes I know I have mantas up there but some times I even forget that I have it.
Jaxtor | January 18, 2013 12:28pm
Awais wrote:

i like it, i play huskar like this but i usually get regen either mana or hp :D
Edit: Why NO HELM?!?!? that should be first. item cause u can stack ancients..

Are you talking about helm of the dominator? If so the reason I don't go that far is because I feel like morbid mask gives me all the hp regen I need with my incredible attack speed and getting the heart of the tarasque is more important in my mind and my list is already very expensive and honestly I am not the greatest at last hitting yet so I have to be careful on how I spend my cash.
Jaxtor | January 18, 2013 12:26pm
GGnet.Ace wrote:

Tangoes on situational REALLY ?
I mean ffs why make agha ...What profit do you get from agha but ulti upgrade ?Do you really need those stats ?
Where the hell is armlet AC and daedalus.Also Urn is a nice choice for ganking.
And MOST ORB WALKERS get orb level 1 .Burning spear is kinda useless in level 10 compared to its level 1 power.

Well I put Tangoes in situational because personaly using my inner vitality I don't need to use the money on them but then again until level 6 I am pretty cautious and don't die much due to lane harass. Others might play differently then I do so I put them in the situational category. As for the scepter the upgrade it takes you from having to wait 15 seconds on your cool down and starting a fight with the enemy losing 50% of their health to a 4 second cool down on the ult and the enemy losing 65% of their health. To me 11 seconds is huge and so is 15% extra damage. As for burning spears at level 10 instead of lvl1 I would rather have berserker and inner vitality up to 4 each and my ult at 1 wth a stat boost than my DOT right off the bat. The stat boost gives you a better percentage increase from inner vitality and attack speed from berserker. Burning spears while the damage is nice it isn't needed so soon when your enemy allready starts at half health and is slowed for 5 seconds by 50%. But that is my play style and it might not suit everyone.
GGnet.Ace (4) | January 17, 2013 7:52am
Tangoes on situational REALLY ?
I mean ffs why make agha ...What profit do you get from agha but ulti upgrade ?Do you really need those stats ?
Where the hell is armlet AC and daedalus.Also Urn is a nice choice for ganking.
And MOST ORB WALKERS get orb level 1 .Burning spear is kinda useless in level 10 compared to its level 1 power.
Swish | January 16, 2013 1:54pm
For fun I often go treads -> urn -> dagon 1-5 -> BKB or other survival items

I max blood and spears with ult in there first most people skip spears but I like the dot and typically I can kill two heros with this build 1v2 you jump the one with most hp and dagon immediately once he is under 1/4 hp with a high dmg stacking dot. You then start working on the other hero the initial one runs away typically because of the low hp and dot kills him and your insanely high attack speed/dps can down the other hero. If they have dots like veno you often will die from the low health with spears unless you click urn on yourself as soon as fight is over. All of this takes place in 6-9 seconds.

This build in a 2v1 relies on you spooking one of their heros so make sure you don't feed if the other team isn't cautious. It is a pretty aggressive approach but you have to remember the more damage you take the more you do and you scale more than the other heros damage as your hp drops if they don't have stun.

Huskar is great, normally I go other AIS and str/dmg items but this is a fun build if you like roaming.

Two many people underestimate spears in place of life steal but the extra dmg+IAS you gain is well worth the 15 hp per attack. If you hit one hero 5 times after ult, at max level that is a bonus 5x16x7=560

That 560 dmg before reduction is bonus on top of your normal attacks making pretty much any hero fodder, watch out for blade mail though.

I find I don't even need inner vit until mid/late game because urn takes care of your healing needs early/mid game as you wander the rivers and jungles.
Awais (1) | January 15, 2013 4:01pm
i like it, i play huskar like this but i usually get regen either mana or hp :D
Edit: Why NO HELM?!?!? that should be first. item cause u can stack ancients..
Jaxtor | January 15, 2013 10:03am
Just wanted to take the first post place!
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