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29 Votes

Huskar - Life on the Bleeding Edge

August 27, 2013 by Sando
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d00mhammers | October 9, 2014 7:36pm
Xereal wrote:

Very nice, colorful guide. +1
On a side note, I find that getting a satanic on Huskar after already having a HoD is kind of useless, but that's just my personal opinion. Overall, great guide!

Reminds me of myself. I rush dom then boots by lvl 6 to help early ganks. Build armlet for more gank power survive and damage. Then depends on how well u doing, get satanic first for awesome life steal damage and survive. if you have difficulty farm or survive, get crstalasis for crit, more heal and damage. Allows you kill and farm better. Vs hard carries, pick heaven halbard, for 45 damage + hp, evasion 25, and slow :D with disarm top, works vs mortred and sniper well. Finish build with ether assault if yyou feel u need armor and your team dont have it. You already have decent armor from satanic and armlet. If you want more survive, get heart for more hp and presence + passive heal. For ulti spam get scepter which also gives hp some speed but unneeded mana. Vs evasion, you can get MKB with further boost your damage and nulify defensive of mortred, butterfly, riki could.

I really enjoyed this guide. Thanks mate. :D
TheSofa (54) | July 18, 2014 2:46pm
Kyotosomo wrote:

Very awesome guide!

It's Sando. Get used to it.
Kyotosomo (1) | July 18, 2014 2:43pm
Very awesome guide!
Time Traveler BadBug | May 13, 2014 6:37am
I definitely gonna try this build, I have a feeling that huskar is still a pub crusher..
datvu2408 | April 22, 2014 7:11pm
One fun trick is making HotD, dissassemble it into Armlet and MoM (if you have money), and with Blademail and MoM, you basically a hell to 1v1
Xarai | April 13, 2014 8:31am
um a very good ally is witch doctor, stuns + constant healing
Sando (118) | January 14, 2014 1:17am
The lifesteal does depend on how much damage output you have, but it can be extremely effective once you have reasonable farm. For example, the other day I played a game (won mid fairly easily vs Shadow Fiend) where I'd got pretty big. A full health Legion Commander started a duel with me mid team fight when I had about 50% life, my heal and armlet on. Thanks to lifesteal and the attack speed stacks, my health hardly moved while her's dropped rapidly.

Outworld Devourer I haven't had too many problems against - he'll struggle to lane against you if he goes mid, so either he goes safe lane and ends up underlevelled, or goes mid and gets minimal farm. Either way you should be able to maintain a lead over him. Yes, he's scary if you're locked down and he's raining pure damage on your head, but that applies to anyone he's attacking. If you get a Black King Bar he can't use them on you, and he can't stand up to you in a straight fight.
greekcomedians | January 13, 2014 9:24pm
Please Dear God put Outworld Devourer as a "Bad Enemy" instead of a "Favorite Enemy"! At the start he may be easy to lane against but his pure damage orb attack will go right through your magic resistance! Also, Timbersaw has a lot of pure damage nukes and is a super-hard counter to Huskar.
Zipp_y | July 19, 2013 7:01am
I'm more like a baller Huskar (no lifesteal) and generally build him to be tanky (since he has a free bkb near dying), and it generally works for me. I get Heaven's Halberd instead of Dominator to compensate. I'm just not getting the lifesteal thing (for now), usually first skill is enough to get me up and running (plus urn).
Marlan | July 10, 2013 11:10am
Pure damage is unaffected by physical and magical resistance as well as damage block and the like.

However it is blocked by magical immunity.

->Won't damage magic immune units.

Damage Types:Pure
->It does not affect units under magic immunity

I tested it like I said. Huskar will ROFLstomp Lifestealer midgame. (Level 16, and 15,000 GP) and Lifestealer will win against Huskar lategame. But with build adjustments it is possible for Huskar to win against Lifestealer but unlikely. In a real game, you have to win earlier before he carries too hard. Just as going all push means you have to end fast.
Sando (118) | July 9, 2013 2:11am
I think unfortunately you're being a little bit biased with your approach to this - I'm a Huskar fan but I try to be as objective as possible when assessing what fights you are likely to win or lose.

If you tailor the items to suit/counter one hero then it becomes even more difficult to properly assess who is likely to win/lose particular encounters. For example, we could say Lifestealer could get Linken's Sphere for this fight to block Life Break completely - have I ever seen a Naix with one? Probably not!

I think a more "realistic" setup for the test would be:

Huskar - Total 18000/17600 Gold

- Armlet of Mordiggian
- Satanic/ Daedalus
- Black King Bar
- Power Treads
- Heaven's Halberd

(+109 dam, 88str, 55as, 10arm, lifesteal, disarm)

Lifestealer - Total 17700

- Armlet of Mordiggian
- Assault Cuirass
- Skull Basher
- Power Treads
- Mjollnir

(+104 dam, 39 str, 190as, 20 arm, lightning proc, lightning shield, bash chance, armour reduction)

Not quite sure how that would work out - could depend quite a lot on what procs and when!

P.S - Blade Mail will return the damage inflicted by Life Break, even through the BKB - it's pure damage.
Marlan | July 8, 2013 10:52pm
Lifestealer was also trying to counter huskar as well. Abyssal, HoT, AC, and HH are what won it for Naix.

Huskar should be able to initiate first most times, unless it is a teamfight. And even if naix pops Life Break, Huskar can just kite until it wears off, leaving Naix even more vulnerable. Huskar could also cast his ultimate in melee range, leaving almost no chance for Naix to use his rage in time, lest he just be kited and lose the cast all together. Huskar SHOULD be able to cast his Lifebreak first.

Blademail will deal no damage if Huskar will (and he will) use his BKB.

Lifestealer is clearly the winner in the late game, but Huskar is a very clear and absolute winner in the midgame, at the ~30 minute mark. Even with equal farm and levels. In your average game, Huskar should take the lead. These late game tests are all extremely close, but Naix does win every time in the late game tests. But this is assuming equal farm and levels, which really shouldn't be the cast unless Huskar failed.
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