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6 Votes

Huskar - A guide for soloing roshan

August 13, 2012 by SalsaShark
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SalsaShark | August 13, 2012 6:29pm
I prefer leveling Spears after i get the Lifesteal aura, becausa on the early levels the spears do too much little damage for 15 HP each shot... I prefer leveling all the 4 levels at once... Mostly because when I rosh lvl 7, I get 2 lvls, that usually go to spears... but before lifesteal, I prefer not to use'em... (And i know that you can't lifesteal with the spears)
Snarfs (4) | August 13, 2012 1:17pm
you dont need spears..... -.- berserkers blood is what makes huskar huskar
compared to dmg burning spears add, berserker blood stacks do much more as far as dmg and attk speed which = more dmg. And the fact that lifesteal items; which is what allows huskar to stay at low hp and not die so he can keep attacking fast and hard, do not stack with burning spears if u have them toggled on..

i get attributes before spears always, and my games go extremely well from lane phase to raxing

* another thing, try getting a crystalys before armlet. armlets good but crystalis gives you a 20% chance to crit for 175% dmg plus 35 dmg. And crits+lifesteal is a combo made in dota heaven
SalsaShark | August 13, 2012 8:48am
Ups, I misplaced the build skills, you just need 2 levels on inner vitality, then you can level spear, that'll be around level 8-9
aragon00808 | August 13, 2012 7:40am
burning spear at level ten, thats insane men, do you what is the use of burning spear? you can use burning spear for harassing and last hitting, and burning spear what makes huskar, Huskar.
Hades4u (296) | August 13, 2012 4:15am
Not bad, but a level in Burning Spear is a must, for harrasing or killing fleeing enemies.
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