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6 Votes

Huskar - A guide for soloing roshan

August 13, 2012 by SalsaShark
Comments: 5    |    Views: 16557    |   

Solo Roshan

DotA2 Hero: Huskar

Hero Skills

Blood Magic (Innate)

Inner Fire

2 4 13 14

Burning Spear

8 9 10 12

Berserker's Blood

1 3 5 7

Life Break

6 11 16


15 17 18

Huskar - A guide for soloing roshan

August 13, 2012


I have to say, this is my first guide, I thank you already for reading this, and if it sucks, don't be ashamed, and tell me... I can take it ;)



This is a very basic intro to my guide, since I started playing Dota, I felt like huskar was never seen as a solo roshan hero, and that always pissed me off. Maybe it's because it's a bit harder for him to solo Roshan, and there are a lot of other heroes that are really easier to solo roshan (Such as Lycan and Ursa)... But nevermind those other heroes, Huskar is under the spotlight right now...

Item Build

Before reading any further, remember: If you want to solo Roshan on level 7, you gotta farm really well! The starting items are really basic, a healing set, and three branches, if you buy those items, you'll still have 250 gold left... If you don't spend this gold on the starting items, the boots of speed will come a lot faster, allowing you to have your items made in the right time!

The tricky part is that you have to complete the Helm of the Dominator before or at level 7, it's not hard, seing that it costs less than 2000 gold... The helm will provide you lifesteal aura and, more important, can turn any neutral creep into a friend...

On level 15 (give or take), If you still want to solo Roshan, keep the Helm, otherwise, turn it into a Satanic...

The rest of the items are really basic, apart from not having the Urn of Shadows.

Skill build

There's no secret, max out Beserker's Blood ASAP, this guide has in mind that you wanna kill Roshan at level 7 (or higher)... And at least 2 levels on Inner Vitality, so you have a little more survivability while Roshing... Remember that this guide is focused more on the early game, but still, soloing Roshan on higher levels is really easier...


You're level 7, you have your Helm, your boots of speed and your three branches, hopefully you got the skill build right, and ready to take down Roshan all by yourself, like a big boy!

First, you need to get one strong creep, I prefer getting the Centaur, because of the 1100 hp and the stun (witch you'll be able to use only twice)... Once you found your favorite strong creep, dominate him with the Helm and go to Roshan's Lair

Second, If you think roshan's warded, just buy a smoke for you and your creep, after you get in there, no one'll harm you...

Once you're in there, you have to make sure roshan focus you... Because the less life you have, the stronger you become ( careful, you may be stronger with low life, but not invincible).... When you loose lots of life, let your creep take the damage and use your Inner Vitality, and repeat, until roshan's dead...

You may take about one minute to kill him all by yourself, but you'll be granted with an Aegis, 200 gold and roughly 2 levels for free!

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