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17 Votes

How you should actually play PA - Just like MVP

August 8, 2016 by Potmbestherodota2
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youngvoy | November 16, 2016 7:46am
i loved this guide i won most of my games because of this build
BooM_ShAkAlAkA | July 16, 2016 6:39am
agree this
the hyatt | July 6, 2016 8:35am
Can't you go Desolator 3rd after wand rather than 4th after Vlads? I feel as though the immediate upside of having that damage and negative armor will net more kills (and expand desos window) than vlads. At minute 12 you could be blowing people up if an ally can help. If you are extra bloodthirsty having an echo saber makes those blink KOs more likely. Great guide as well
magicmat (1) | August 22, 2016 7:17am
With echo saber u wast your attack speed benefit of blink. I thin ES is a nogo on PA
DerrickZoolander (4) | July 4, 2016 6:54pm
I completely agree with the whole Battle Fury is not core. It is great if you are fighting an illusion carry, but that's it.

However, that said, I saw a PA with 5 Battle Fury that was wrecking my team with Stifling Dagger. She still lost though.
Noctis99 | July 3, 2016 7:40pm
very nice guide bro..... well done !
Terathiel (49) | July 1, 2016 10:03pm
A good guide, finally a guide that doesn't insist on Battle Fury and emphasises PA's power to contribute early, which really is the only way you can play the hero in these days of counters. However, she really isn't as good lategame as you say, and gets outcarried very easily. Her crit's a really bad steroid compared to other carries at a measly 52.5%, and when true strike comes out and your BKB duration is getting low, you're extremely squishy and vulnerable. She can lategame OK against some heroes, but there is a large number that will outcarry you and there needs to be more focus on ending early.

With that said, what are your thoughts on Talisman of Evasion and Solar Crest? Admittedly, I rarely if ever play PA, but I've had some success with those two items to solve any mana issues and provide a huge -armour to delete targets.
Potmbestherodota2 (1) | July 2, 2016 4:09am
Thanks for the feedback. I still think that PA will man fight and beat everyone in the game late on if she can get a good opportunity to Phantom Strike onto them. In terms of 1v1 physical single target damage she wins, but yeah with low BKB duration later on and the odd MKB she does get a bit more vulnerable so you have to pick your moments well to remain strong.

Yeah I agree, PA excels in the mid game, before the enemy can really start to counter her. I have actually never tried Solar Crest on PA but I imagine it would work quite well. In terms of mana issues PA literally has none after Vlads, but the minus armour would probably be amazing. I'm still not sure I would do it, Desolator gives some armour reduction, and I would rather build a Talisman into a quick Butterfly, but if someone else on the team got it then that would be amazing. I think the best time to get it would be to rush it, but that's when you're trying to rush the Vlads, although you could try building Solar Crest instead of Vladimir's Offering, I imagine that might work.
plaq (3) | July 5, 2016 6:41am
solar is imho more of support/utility item and should NOT be built on 1/2 pos heroes in general.

and btw no, PA can't manfight other carry in late game xD... try it on Slark, WK, TB, spec, CK or morph for example.
Terathiel (49) | July 2, 2016 6:38am
Nitpicking definitely, but she won't manfight effectively; she does a rather pathetic 1.7k DPS when fully slotted, compared to a Troll Warlord's 2k, a Morphling's 2.3, and Chaos Knight and Terrorblade do more than double what she does, not to mention all of those heroes are tankier than she is. She's about on-par with Anti-Mage in terms of lategame, and a bar below Luna, Lone Druid and the aforementioned Troll. However... Dota is a team game, so this is fairly irrelevant, but in a vacuum, she's a fairly poor lategamer, especially since the nerf to Abyssal Blade on her.

I see what you mean about Solar Crest being a subpar Desolator - since Deso actually gives raw, crittable damage, and the evasion's likely wasted since any competent enemy will get True Strike anyway. I'll run some tests, once I've finished with the Radiance- Abyssal Blade thing I'm trying...
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Potmbestherodota2 (1) | June 28, 2016 9:35am
You should not be taking 30 minutes to get Vlad's and Deso. You should hope to get that done before 20 minutes, if not earlier, and have a BKB and be working on the next item by 30 minutes. Vlad's Deso in 30 minutes is terrible GPM. BF you should do in 12-15 minutes anyway.

Even if you need a BKB in a game, I still get the Deso first because it actually gives you presence and damage, and BKB after Vlad's is far too early, unnecessarily early.
assimic777 | June 25, 2016 5:31pm
Nice guide. I agree with everything. +1
achenial1 | June 25, 2016 10:21am
Nice, i will try this
Potmbestherodota2 (1) | June 23, 2016 2:50pm
Hi guys, be sure to let me know what you think of the guide and give it a things up if you feel like it, no pressure!
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