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76 Votes

How to win with Alchemist

September 7, 2012 by xeysz
Comments: 45    |    Views: 705637    |   

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ackalu | February 19, 2016 9:13pm
I've followed your item build on my first try on alchemist, my team was feeding the enemy but i won the game with a score of 22-6-21!
Hands up for your guide, looking to see some more guides of you!
Cheers mate!
mythodian | November 23, 2015 9:50am
very nice guide, i am not much of a dota player but wouldn't it be great playing with a troll warlord.
KARUN | August 20, 2015 2:53pm
the most useful guide for Alchemist i have ever seen. Its a really nice one!
soumik27 | January 15, 2015 9:30am
+1 nice guide =)
aesridhar | January 6, 2015 5:59am
Very good guide, however in the competitive scene and in higher ranked games, Alchemist as a support hero is a thing and maybe a build for that mode of hero should be suggested.

Also with the Shifting Snows buff to Greevil's Greed, Alchemist as a safe lane core should be now a 1-1-3 build I think if you're looking to afk farm in a relatively easy lane. I had a 2 v 1 lane against just a PA and farmed very easily that I actually went Battle Fury, which I've seen XBOCT go with. Then I built into maelstrom, ac, mjollinir.

Just something to consider
DotaSaint | October 15, 2014 10:47am
Well done!.. Helps me a lot.
I was just looking for a guide that doesn't have radiance or armlet in it, beacause i don't like that itens for alchemist. Great job!

Tigerre (4) | August 26, 2014 7:02pm
Getting Hand of Midas into Power Treads/ Phase Boots into Battle Fury can be really good, I once had a friend who managed those three in 13 mins!

Battle Fury's wave-clearing ability is much better than Mjollnir's one, so against an all push line-up getting a Battle Fury is much better, and in some situations going Armlet of Mordiggian is really useful.... Why is Linken's Sphere banned? It helps against so many line-ups, especially against that Blink Dagger Doombringer etc...

Love this guide heaps :D

I would love it if you could update it for it to be more accurate :D

Maxing Greevil's Greed first is probably the way to go in most situations, though pros like Na`Vi.XBOCT do go for the max Acid Spray+ Unstable Concoction....

How on earth do you solo a lane as Alchemist? I know I saw XBOCT beat a tri-lane in the final-game of the finals at TI3, he got first blood and a double kill, then kept the kill count in Na`Vi's favour for the early game....

Why wouldn't you get Mekansm on Alchemist? It's perfect for a support Alchemist, which works really well, as with Greevil's Greed, Medallion of Courage, 3 or 4 stack ancient camp and lvl 2 Chemical Rage
Brugriff | August 10, 2014 8:39pm
Why do you hate Unstable Concoction?
ACkun | June 28, 2014 8:18pm
This is actually a really good item build. I once played PL in a pub game with my friends so we had a strategy and the enemy kept feeding. Score was 41-11. It was so boring I let the game drag on just farming and farming, but the enemy alchemist unfortunately did that too. When I next saw him, he had a double kill with the two strongest heroes in our team, BS and Sniper, excluding me. His build was AC, Mjollnir, Blademail, Halberd... and whatever else. The BS totally melted in front of him with that ridiculous attack speed. And the sniper died from his own damage (blademail.) Fortunately, we still won because his teammates are the worst. But if he had better teammates, I have no doubt that we would have lost.
Sam the man | August 2, 2013 3:54am
Why are the stats not in the unstable concoction?
Ancient Hero (17) | July 11, 2013 3:16am
You run aggresive trilanes against him to prevent him from leveling greevils greed or getting farm. He has the worst stat gain in game and relies on his ulti and items. Try to initiate on him before he can use his ulti.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (7) | July 11, 2013 3:00am
nandimithra wrote:

how to efficiently counter him?? preferebly in late game?

Don't let him get that far :P
Or try to disable him a lot until he gets wrecked by your carry xD
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