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Hands up for your guide, looking to see some more guides of you!
Cheers mate!
Also with the Shifting Snows buff to Greevil's Greed, Alchemist as a safe lane core should be now a 1-1-3 build I think if you're looking to afk farm in a relatively easy lane. I had a 2 v 1 lane against just a PA and farmed very easily that I actually went Battle Fury, which I've seen XBOCT go with. Then I built into maelstrom, ac, mjollinir.
Just something to consider
I was just looking for a guide that doesn't have radiance or armlet in it, beacause i don't like that itens for alchemist. Great job!
Love this guide heaps :D
I would love it if you could update it for it to be more accurate :D
How on earth do you solo a lane as
Why wouldn't you get
how to efficiently counter him?? preferebly in late game?
Don't let him get that far :P
Or try to disable him a lot until he gets wrecked by your carry xD