Itemising Ursa
When it comes to
Ursa, the item choices are very diverse. As with any hero, you will have to choose what items to buy based on your enemy team. This guide is very focused on the solo killing of Roshan, which you should be able to do at levels 4 - 7 and after, keeping in mind that you need extra armour and lifesteal to solo Roshan effectively.
Generally, These are the starting items I recomend on Ursa;
Healing Salve
Ring of Protection
Iron Branch
Iron Branch
Iron Branch
This will cover the basic regen and stats you need to lane and last hit. You should always be last-hitting in your lane, and laning with a support is usually best. If you are very greedy, you can scrap these starting items and go straight for a
Ring of Basilius and a
Tango, but this is highly not recommended.
Early Game
During the Early Game, you will wanting to rush a
Vladmir's Offering. This will allow you to solo Roshan and gain an instant gold and experience advantage in the game. Also,
Boots of Speed are an essential pickup early game as
Ursa has high mobility issues and will have trouble getting kills without some boosted movement speed.
After Roshan has been savagely slain at the claws of the BearMan, you are going to want to use your offensive early-game advantage to get some kills up your sleeve.
Phase Boots are basically ALWAYS the boots of choice on
Ursa, but
Boots of Travel are an acceptable pick up later in the game. Other that your boots, a
Blink Dagger or a
Shadow Blade is going to be essential for initiation and possibly escape.
Blink Dagger is almost always picked up,
Shadow Blade being a much less popular option. This mobility is essential for playing ursa, and after you have boots and your mobility item, you can start considering larger items.
Mid/Late Game Item Choices
Eye of Skadi is a great and very popular pickup item un
Ursa. It gives a great bonus of 200 health and +25 to all your attributes. This will not only increase your damage, but your base HP, HP regen, attack speed, armour and all those great things. But that's not the best thing about this item. The cold attack bonus will crush any enemies that do not have escapes. This item is awesome against all supports, and harder to kill tanky heroes like
Chaos Knight,
Dragon Knight,
Lone Druid and heaps other.
Black King Bar is almost considered core on
Ursa. The only reason I did not place it there is because it is sometimes (but rarely) not needed. Because of
Ursa's high mobility issues, stuns, slows and disables will shut him down easily. Getting nuked in the mid game can also get you killed by annoying spells such as
Ice Blast,
Thundergod's Wrath and
Sonic Wave. This item will protect you entirely and make those nice and squishy supports and casters food for your ravenous hunger! This item is especially good against hero's with DPS slows such as
Venomancer and
Queen of Pain. This item is also good against
Skywrath Mage,
Tiny and
Ogre Magi
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