Hi all, and welcome to my first guide on one of my favourite hero :
I have not a really good english, so if you want to correct me in the comment section, just do it !
Why do I make this guide ? For two reasons : First I see too much "noob Techies" in pub game, and second i don't really like the other guide for
If you want to see Techies stats, story or skills, is amazing.
Enjoy reading !
Items explanation
First, go for one
Tango, because it's always good to have
Then, buy 3
Clarity. Why 3, and not 2 or 4 ? Because you need 2 for your first 4 Land Mines, and by my experience, you don't need 2 more, one is enought.
Buy a
Town Portal Scroll, and tp to your hard lane.
Buy the Soul Ring Recipe, so you don't need to use the
Animal Courier to buy it.
And if no one buy it, buy the
Animal Courier.
After that, rush your
Soul Ring, and when you have it, buy
Boots of Speed and
Arcane Boots.
With this two items, you can have enought mana for drop every 10 seconds a Land Mines, but you gonna have mana problem if you don't drop your
Arcane Boots when you use
Soul Ring.
Then, do your
Aghanim's Scepter, with this item you can be very usefull in team fight, dealing big dommage and not be out of position.
Drop your
Aghanim's Scepter when use
Soul Ring is a bad idea, because you gonna lose life over time, drop 2 items at the same time is also a bad idea, because it take like a half second to drop one item, use an other and take your item, but drop two items or more is way too long. Remember : drop your
Arcane Boots when use
Soul Ring, and
Aghanim's Scepter when you use
Arcane Boots.
And now, you have a big choise for your next item :
If you are more playing with your team, buy the item in "For your team section", and for sure, adapt to the situation : One snow-balling right-click carry in the enemy team ? -> go
Heaven's Halberd. Too muh magic damage ? -> go
Pipe of Insight.
Storm Spirit /
Ember Spirit ? ->
Orchid Malevolence. I think you get it. I also precise that
Scythe of Vyse is one of the best item in this game, so if you are well farmed, get one.
An other way to play
Techies is to occupe a lane.
For this way, consider buying
Blink Dagger for your survability,
Eul's Scepter of Divinity for mana regen and move speed, and
Necronomicon for take tower faster when the two team are fighting, you can also buy fast
Boots of Travel.
The bunker build is more to increase your Mine/min, so
Octarine Core, and
Bloodstone are very good.
The turtle build is an exemple for these party so long that you don't know what to do.
Octarine Core +
Refresher Orb is good for have a permanant
Minefield Sign, to protect one side of your base. You can replace
Bloodstone by
Scythe of Vyse, and
Guardian Greaves by
Boots of Travel.
Oh, one last thing : I say'd
Scythe of Vyse is one of the best item in the game, but the best item in the game is
Observer Ward. If no one want to buy them, there are no reason to not buy them. Make some math and you will see that buy 5
Observer Ward (= 15 min) is better than lose one of your teamate, and after 20 min, buy 10
Observer Ward (= 30 min) is better than lose your carry or your mid.
Also, always carry a
Town Portal Scroll.
Play style
The most important chapter : How to play
Techies ?
First, when you have buy your item, i say'd tp to the hard lane. Why ?
First because
Techies need to tp to increase his chance to have a first blood.
And second, because
Techies is an hard laner. He is not a mid, not a support, not a roaming, and not a carry.
So, when you tp, go to the turn, and put your Land Mines in the middle of him.
You will see that creep don't walk on them. I hightly recommend you to play with bot to see where the enemy tower see, and where the creep walk.
Put 4 Land Mines there, use 2
Clarity. You have enought time to do it if you tp very fast.
Why 4, because 3 is not enought for hero like
Ursa who have big amount of armor and healt at level 1.
Be carefull, the Land Mines now provide 10 golds when destroyed, so don't put them if you know there is sentry ward.
Early game
When you have your
Soul Ring, you can place some Land Mines around your lane to be safe, and then try to get the tower as fast as possible. Don't put Land Mines at rune (you can do it if you have less than 2k mmr ^^,) and at side shop. And just don't put Land Mines when the enemy team can see you. How to see if you are a bad
Techies ? If you are solo offlaner and you have less level than your carry you are a bad
Techies. How to see if you are a good
Techies ? If you have more level than your mid, you are a good
Techies (if your mid don't feed).
When you get the tower or you reach 15 min, it's time to move... or not.
Mid game
I consider 3 way to play
Techies :
-The team
-The pushing
-The bunker
For the team
Techies, you will more be the support of your team, defend your tower when ou feel the enemy want her with
Remote Mines, fight with your team, and build team item.
Arcane Boots and
Soul Ring are suffisant for your mana, you don't need
Bloodstone, or
Octarine Core. This way is the more easy way to play
Techies, but not the better. Do it if the enemy team can catch you easily, or if you have guy like enigma in your team (
Black Hole +
Stasis Trap = 8 sec stun.), or if you play with a friend,
Magnus +
Techies is a very good combo.
The pushing
Techies is really good versus a team fighting team. You stay on one lane, plant Land Mines all around, and
Remote Mines in. Kill every wave with one
Remote Mines. Be very carefull : buy
Observer Ward or place many
Stasis Trap, buy
Sentry Ward if they have invisibility, and after your
Aghanim's Scepter, buy a
Blink Dagger to be safe, or an
Eul's Scepter of Divinity just before for the mana. After, consider buy
Necronomicon, they push very fast. Use them when the other team are not here, or to push other lane.
The better lane for doing this is the enemy safe lane, so their wood are not safe.
If you cannot push the enemy safe lane, push the enemy hard lane, but not the mid, it's too dangerous.
The bunker
Techies is like the pushing
Techies, but you occupe a place and not a lane. Do it on the enemy jungle or the enemy secret shop. If it's the secret shop, place
Observer Ward to see the
Animal Courier. The items and the way to play is pretty the same than the pushing
Techies. But if the enemy don't come, don't stay here during all the game, it won't be worth.
With the 6.85, you no more have a Land Mines limit, so we you are in a turtle position, don't forget to put a Land Mines every 5 seconds, it will help you.
This is 3 way to play
Techies, but you have to alternate between them. Your item choise will define your main way to play, but adapt to the situation of the game.
Friends & Foes
A Short chapter, but important.
Magnus, like I say before, is very good in duo. I think you get why, he can push one guy or all the enemy team in your Land Mines.
Tiny, a very good lane combo. Simple : Techies plant Land Mines, and when an enemy come near to
Tiny, he
Toss him on
Techies. Easy kill, and when
Tiny have mana and
Techies have Land Mines, the enemy don't take a single last hit.
Pudge is pretty same, but it's more early. This is the only way to play roaming, by roaming with the
Pudge, and place Land Mines when he
Meat Hook.
And all the hard carry who need to farm safely in their wood, just put
Stasis Trap to protect them, or many Land Mines if you want try to get kills.
Zeus this guy is insane, he can detect all your bomb ! And now with the 6.85 the Land Mines wont explode when he destroy them, so this hero gonna be a really hard counter to
Techies... Another problem is
Thundergod's Wrath.
-Illusion and invocation hero, like
Naga Siren,
Some othet things on Techies
I consider a good
Techies don't just win a game, he destruct the enemy team mental.
Don't play it like the other guy I see in pub, who played like a robot !
You are on your lane, and in one instant you disappear. In fact you buy a
Smoke of Deceit, and go in their wood when you know there are nobody in, and start placing Land Mines.
When you play the pushing
Techies, be so close to the enemy base than they thing they can catch you, but in fact you are totaly safe and you know it, because you have
Sentry Ward,
Blink Dagger and you check their inventory, and then they die.
Remember, more you are close to the enemy ancient, more you are close to your victory. Putting
Remote Mines under your tower the whole game is just a free lose, because
Gem of True Sight exist, and you have only one
Minefield Sign for 3 lanes.
I place
Techies in the top 10 most difficult heroes, and he is for sure the most strategic hero. But, we all see so much some guy who play him very bad, and now he is called as a "noob hero"
Some tips :
(This trick his not so usefull in 6.85 because the Land Mines wont stack properly, so the enemy always see there is many Land Mines)
Drop your item when you use
Soul Ring or
Arcane Boots, I say it before, but it's very important.
You can perfectly stack mine easily :
1)Put one Land Mines where you want, and make a control group with it.
2)When you have your cooldown, press Q (your key for your Land Mines), select your control group, and click on the Land Mines icon.
3)Enjoy enemy thing there is only one Land Mines and suicide them (It really happend for me ^^).
This method is very good for your Land Mines, because it's really really hard to say if there is one or more Land Mines at the same point. This work with
Remote Mines if you don't move when you place your
Remote Mines.
I can't say the best place for put Land Mines, in fact it depend of many factors, like where the enemy support place his
Observer Ward and also his
Sentry Ward, where the enemy carry walk... Just be inventive and startegic.
This guide end here, but I will rework him often.
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