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13 Votes

HOW to play PUDGE and make your enemies tilt so hard (7.06f)

October 2, 2017 by TheQookieMonster
Comments: 3    |    Views: 81194    |   

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WhosNuker (7) | September 5, 2017 8:00am
I don't disagree with this entire guide but I do disagree with some of it. You should consider using things like Pudge< and color to make it easier to read and less boring to be quite honest. Also, consider adding more than 1 build for your item build as reading through the same thing just a bit of change for each build is kind of hard. Finally, consider adding more to the talent section explaining your reasoning and situational stuff. For example, the 20 talent, a lot of people choose the +1s Dismember duration and you just flat out said you won't bother explaining why the +150 GPM is better.
LordVesper (5) | September 1, 2017 1:59pm
While these item builds are nice and all, what would be my source of mana regeneration as Pudge? I know that Clarity will help a lot but I personally get Soul Ring too since it synergizes well with Tranquil Boots and Pudge's naturally high HP. What do you think?
TheQookieMonster | September 1, 2017 4:55pm
I don't disagree, its a very feasible build. The thing is I get stick, sometimes a normal one to replenish my mana. Most of my hooks are usually a hit, so personally, I don't have mana problems. So buying a normal stick, and putting the 550 gold towards Hood is what I go for after. Once you get hood of defiance, you literally just walk at people and they die lol.
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