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After you read this guide, you will no longer be a walking fat ****ing creep watching your teammates fight and hooking oxygen 24/7. As a bouncing 5k-6k player, I have nearly 1k Pudge wins with a 3.2 Kill-Death Ratio and almost 60% Winrate (In plain language, I have the same stats as Qupe). I will show you how you should play Pudge and how to maximum your impact because the hero is literally a hit or miss and if you're missing your hooks, you need to be assisting your teammates in other ways. You need to be always going to the path of least resistance and ganking heroes that have no escape mechanic and aren't tanky. We just won the Arcana Vote, its time to git gud
Disclaimer: This guide is for people who have an above "average" understanding of the game and hero. With that said, information and tips within this guide will still assist you on your journey of "gittin gud" hahah im 12 btw. I'll keep this guide as simple as possible
If you're trying to gank an anti-mage and Puck, just uninstall this game and don't ever play Dota 2 ever again. Without Dismember, you cannot kill any hero that has escape without a reliable stun from your teammates.
You cannot kill on your own successfully or difficult to do so: Bristleback,
Templar Assassin,
Queen of Pain,
Huskar, Wind-Ranger and more.
Sometimes, I get lucky and I hook them near the tower, or a gap between some trees but you should avoid those outlined examples. These heroes should be generally avoided unless they are below 75% Health Points.
If you see a storm spirit or Tinker mid, stay in safelane and assist your core until you are level 2 and have your hook or level 3. Personally, I start rollin when I have my hook at level 2. You need to ask yourself the following questions 1) Who can I successfully kill 2) Which lanes need help 3) Which lanes should be pressured
Biggest and common mistakes : I've done these mistakes myself and sometimes you don't pull or stack camps for your core, or you're sapping experience from your mid laner while doing absolutely nothing. If you're having a difficult time ganking, you should make sure that your core is having a easy lane to farm without problems.
Purchase smokes You should constantly be smoke ganking. Usually mid-lane is warded, but if you are under smoke and have a level 3 hook, they will not expect it a hook. I've hooked people so many times under smoke that they get so tilted from dying or they actually abandoned the game.
Here's some hook spots. Make sure you don't dwell here for more than a minute.
Hook Spot 1
Hook Spot 2
Hook Spot 3
(I'll add other good spots or maybe a video in the future)
Pudge does receive a notorious reputation for being a hit or miss hero but his impact in games solely depend on the player. You can so do much with little farm. Pudge is the sort of hero that doesn't need much farm, just a couple of key items for him to utilize his full potential. It is common to see Pudge players with GPM's of 350-450 with an average of 5-15k Networth. Pudge's power comes from his ability to reposition heros, take heros out of the fight for a moment, scare the opposite team without knowing where the next hook will come from and most importantly, his ability to dismember heros that activated Black King Bar. Pudge is the only hero that can pierce and stun a hero that has activated his BKB. He's literally a walking abyssal blade.
During fights, Pudge is either used as a safety mechanism or played as an initiator. For example, if you're fighting against a Faceless Void, Pudge will stay back and hook people out of chrono. If you're pushing high ground, Pudge can stay back and hook people to safety if they're caught in a chain stun or he will try to hook someone from high ground. In complicated fights, Pudge can hook enemies to place them out of position while initiating another core hero to take them out of the fight, for example dismembering an Earthshaker so he doesn't Echo Slam your entire team.
With that said, positioning as Pudge is important. You're either going to blink into someone and hold them with dismember, or you're going to stay far back to hook someone away from danger. It is also wise to dismember high value targets like, Faceless Void or Earthshaker if possible that can turn the tide of a team fight. Pudge is a very situational hero, so your actions will be life or death for your teammates. Patience from Zhou.
Lastly, it is important to note that Blink Dagger and forcestaff are vital items for Pudge. These items allow you to kite, and kiting is important on any hero, especially on Pudge. If there's alot of AOE on the opposite team, make sure to turn your wind lance into a Euls sceptor.
Hooking. Being a dirty hooker takes patience, focus and timing. You need to understand that your hook has a travel speed. Pudge has a 1300 maximum hook range (can be increased with Aether Lens). Your opponent is a moving target, nobody is going to stand still like a ****ing donkey waiting to be hooked (sometimes they do, lol). Here's some tips to maximum that you're not wasting mana on hooking air and actually increasing your odds of striking a direct hit.
His level 10 talent tree in my opinion is the only one that makes you think on whether you should get the extra health bonus from the +8 Strength selection or the 2% mana regeneration. The rest are a no-brain. If you have a crystal maiden on your team, you select 8+ Strength. Her aura will give you mana. If you think the opposite draft doesn't require you to get the additional strength bonus, usually against magic line up, you can opt in selecting the regen. In most cases, I select +8 Strength, 70% of the time.
As for his other talents, Pudge lacks ****ing armor, you always get +5 Armor. End of discussion. When you get tranquils + Wind lance (Speed stacks), you dont need more movement speed.
Always get 150 GPM. Always. I'm not even gonna waste time elaborating why.
For level 25, you get 1.75 Stack, it increases your damage, your health, makes you fat and juicy and increases the damage of your Ethernal Blade by a **** ton if you have lots of flesh heap stacks. 120 damage rot is pretty useless, and underwhelming, you just kill yourself faster and doesn't justify the massive bonus from the 1.75 stack talent.
I have seen some people purchase Iron Talon, since it allows you to slowly jungle some camps. It's not recommended and your best bet would be getting a early hood of defiance and using the active spell to farm since you block 325 of your own rot damage with 25% magic resistence including Flesh Heap passive. Also 500 gold is a waste and Pudge needs all his money. Once you get your momentum going, you can rot creep stacks fairly early if there's no safe opportunity to gank or pressure lanes. Pudges sole purpose in this current meta and life is to make your enemies life miserable, inflict fear and make them turtle within their side of the map.
Always carry a tp. Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.Always carry a tp.
In real-estate, they say - location, location, location. In Dota2, ROTATIONS, ROTATIONS, ROTATIONS.
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