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3 Votes

How to get an Average MMR-3K

November 30, 2014 by YevN
Comments: 4    |    Views: 29231    |   

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Cataclysm2146 (3) | November 30, 2014 7:26pm
Bro, not all players are like that. I actually don't even have an mmr yet(havent played the calibration matches). I'm Level 16 dota profile with less than 200 hours, and I carry tps, acknowledge when I'm doing bad, and can lasthit pretty well(I can get all the last hits in a freefarm environment if I have ~50 damage). Also the one thing you should add I see EVERYBODY at my level do is group up. And by group up I mean stand in the same nice circle for people to aoe disable the **** out of.
Smuggels (82) | November 30, 2014 5:54pm

bad guide.

stupid premise.


horrible English.

horrible spelling.

incredibly bad understanding of MMR.

all in all this guide makes me feel sorry for you.

the only good thing you said was

YevN wrote:

Every single game, you have to improve yourself instead of doing the dumb thing over and over again. The worst enemy of you is repetition.

everything else ... horrible.

Xyrus (104) | November 30, 2014 5:48pm
tmoney00861 wrote:

lol dude you cant stereotype mmr like that my solo mmr is 1998 and i ALWAYS carry tp scrolls, ALWAYS focus on last hittting and i understand dota is a team game. if we have a team of carries, i will last a pick a good support (my proof is omni is my best hero- im 40 and 8 with him) so we can win a game. theres so many good players that have ****ty mmr. i never judge someone off their mmr because that laugh at me (that "2k noob") are very suprised when i end up winning us the game

What he says in the guide doesn't apply to every 2k player (I'm also an exception 8{3 ), but it does apply to a lot of 2k players. This is a guide aimed at any 2k player wanting to raise their MMR, so unfortunately, it's going to have to focus on common errors.

If you're not raising your MMR inspite of already following this advice, then your problem may lie in a more complex area such as Positioning in Teamfights, Item choices, etc. which are more difficult to advise on in a general guide.

For example, I find that most 2k "Support" players aren't very active early on (again, I'm an exception 8{3 ). They sit in Lane, Harrassing and Denying Creeps. They never Gank, they never Snowball, they never control the early Game as many Supports can, e.g. Earthshaker, Shadow Shaman, Vengeful Spirit, etc.

There's also my pet hate, people who Pick greey Safe Lane Carries who then can't find any Farm because they're up against a strong Laner or 2. Don't pick Heroes who need Farm, but will struggle to get it if there's even a little bit of aggression from the other Team, e.g. Spectre, Medusa, Naga Siren. Pick Heroes who either don't need much Farm ( Faceless Void, Juggernaut, Mirana, etc. or Pick heroes that are good at Farming even under pressure, e.g. Phantom Assassin, Lycan, etc.
tmoney00861 | November 30, 2014 4:52pm
lol dude you cant stereotype mmr like that my solo mmr is 1998 and i ALWAYS carry tp scrolls, ALWAYS focus on last hittting and i understand dota is a team game. if we have a team of carries, i will last a pick a good support (my proof is omni is my best hero- im 40 and 8 with him) so we can win a game. theres so many good players that have ****ty mmr. i never judge someone off their mmr because that laugh at me (that "2k noob") are very suprised when i end up winning us the game
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