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How to get an Average MMR-3K

November 30, 2014 by YevN
Comments: 4    |    Views: 29229    |   


Due to statistics from Valve, only 1% of the players get into leaderboard and get 6K+ MMR. Most of the leaderboard top players have a high profile and also very intense gaming background may be from Dota 1 , Heroes of Newerth(HoN), World Of Warcraft and League of Legends(LOL). They train and practice for years before Dota 2 even exist and they are already playing well in classic dota 1. So when Dota 2 come out, they become the highest skill players among us.
Rest of us, who play Warcraft III for fun and have basic concepts about the game stuck in the 3K-4K MMR range. For those who are truly new to this game,they just had to start from the lowest MMR like 1k or 2k....something like that.
So, this is the guide for those who thirst for knowledge how to get basic level of Dota skill and how to improve yourself to become a 3K and above player.

Difference between 2K and 3K

2K players random a lot.They think Dota is a playground with a bunch of interesting heroes and items. They do not think about last hitting properly, they do not bring TP scroll for their survival or to help teammates and worst of all, they judge the end of the game by the start.

3K players sometimes random just for fun.But when they play ranked match, they play carefully and try not to make huge mistake. They know last hit is important, they know TP scroll is important and they know the game has a comeback even if they lose early game.
But their mistakes are that they have less practice to last hit creeps so that they miss a few.They sometimes TP wrongly.And they trash talk a lot. They blame other people to cover their mistake because they think they are the best.

So,3K players can play better and more fit into the game than 2K players.So,if you are 2K player and have this kind of typical 2K mindset, you have to change it.

Counter Picking

In 3K tier, their reflexes and controlling are not so much differ but the only thing that separate them is the decision making. The one who think calmly but have eagerness to win can think the better decision than the one who rage and scare to lose.
So, the one who scare to lose may pick Overpowered(OP) heroes like Wraith King and Faceless Void first because they just scare to lose and they think only them can carry this team.
The one who is calm just simply wait and see the opponent's lineup and counter pick them.
Some of the good examples of counter picking is "Ancient Apparition > Necrophos","Anti-Mage or Phantom Lancer > Wraith King", " Doom > Faceless Void" and so much more. The only thing you need is a good Dota statistic website which show a good counter pick. For me, I use and

Wasting Time

Some players just sit at the tower if the enemy team group up and approach to their towers to push. This kind of wasting time makes you slow in farming and also make you high chance of getting caught. The enemy team will not just snowball inside your tower, they will wait and if they think they have the right chance they will come in. If you are not near the tower, then they can't see you but you can see them which makes you stay in the dark and wait for their mistakes. So , if enemies try to push your lane, go other lane and farm but carry a TP scroll. Keep farming while keep looking them. If they made the wrong move,just TP to the tower and wreck them with your team. If they don't make the first move, you can simply farm your current lane and then get a free tower. Therefore, your team will get more gold and you also get more XP while the enemy loses a tower, XP and also gold.

So, the advice is Don't ever waste time. Last hit creeps, destroy the tower or kill heroes.Such simple as that.

Psychology of a 2K player

Your team mates are a bunch of idiots and so your enemies are. Thats why, never pick a pure support if you're in 2K because it is too risky to trust them wholly. Think about the situation that you are a good support and have more gold than your carry while they are feeding and blaming the whole team for their death. So never pick a pure support. Pick a versatile hero which can be played as so many roles like Necrophos,Mirana,Tide,Viper and Nature's Prophet. So that even if your carry fails, you can change yourself as a core carry or if your carry is doing great, you can just simply buy wards, gank lanes and try to be a best support.

And one more thing, call a lane before you pick. If you want mid, just say it. If someone in your team say he will mid, ask him he can handle or not and say you trust him and he should also trust you. If your mid is not owning then leave your lane and gank mid for him.
If he dies and the mid is free, just go and grab some XP and harass the enemy team's mid.

Last thing inside the mind of low MMR player is blaming. They may not know themselves but deep inside the mind, they think they are the best in this team and if the game is start losing, it is not because of them but because of their teammates. So, they will start saying things like "OMG!! Mid Feed" , "noob we lost" , "wtf you doing...?? " and some blah blah blah. Do you think that if you say like that it automatically solve the problem and wins the game? or Do you think that it makes your teammate less confident and want to kick your *** more?

Think again.You all 10 people are trying to have fun in this game and after the match, only 5 people will get happiness and 5 other people will cry. So don't make it much more unhappy and take it easy. Even if you lost, never blame anyone but try to find a mistake.Is it your hero pick? Is it you never roam? or is it you being a bad support? or is it you being a bad mid? or is it you who never TP and help when your teammate is being chased? Try to find some mistake. Every single game, you have to improve yourself instead of doing the dumb thing over and over again. The worst enemy of you is repetition.

3K is not enough

Yes,it is true. Even in 3k MMR tier, there are bunch of *******s who will just random and who will just insta-pick sniper and if they die to Pudge they call gg and their team is noob.But comparing to 2k and 1k, 3k is much much more fun to play and also has a status of being average player. If you are below average in something, you should consider yourself and decide to improve it or just quit it. That's my advice.

You will start to see more and more serious player if your MMR increase.3K player and 3.5K player is not the same. 3.5K player plays to win and much more greedy in MMR. They aim for their next stage "being 4K MMR player". So,they will start to pick more appropriate heroes like Viper for mid instead of sniper, Tidehunter for offlane instead of drow ranger and Enigma for jungle instead of Lone Druid. Faceless void for Carry instead of Riki.

The match will become more competitive and fun to play even if you lose or win because you can try your best. In 2k, you can try your best but may be one of your teammate is AFK and one is intentionally feeding the couriers and their heroes.

So Try your best to get more MMR.But don't take too much stress. It just a game.

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