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42 Votes

How To: Elder Titan, the Worldsmith

May 4, 2013 by xCO2
Comments: 35    |    Views: 226977    |   

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ShoutyShout13 (2) | April 2, 2014 5:17pm
For those who said that Blink Dagger is un-necessary on Elder Titan, his main job is to try to catch as much people as he can. Yes, while he may struggle with initiation on his own, he can excel with a follow-up initiation such as after Sand King's Ulti combo that doesn't scale, provided that you can even help with an initation. Blink Dagger also allows him to be there ready for Earth Splitter and smacking people due to Nature's Order instead of lumbering in the background, hoping that the Ancestral Spirit is enough to initiate at a safe distance. If you find that you are continously getting stunned, getting a BKB is common sense.
NeretvA | October 13, 2013 8:14pm
You might wanna put in a part on how to mid with him. Seeing as how he's been seeing a bit of action in Starladder S7.
Pd131 | October 5, 2013 4:41pm
I have tried your guide on blink dagger so i put my ancestral spirit behind enemy and i blink to the front when i use echo stomp the enemy cancelled it and i got killed so its a bad idea to have blink dagger for him
Mirror (22) | August 12, 2013 1:32pm
The name should have been "How to Elder the Titan."
FancyFish (1) | June 9, 2013 7:51pm
xCO2 wrote:
Thanks, and yeah the solo Echo is really a **** initiation. I just lost a game as Dark Seer with an Elder Titan because we had no good initiation for my wall to get off with a good vacuum.

There's a bunch of ways to initiate with the Blink. I personally prefer blinking from the front and Ancestral Spirit in the back, Echo Stomp, and then an ult.

What do you mean by "should've added the item choice before posting the guide"?[/quote]
I hate how much **** you're getting for Blink Dagger. It's a solid item on him, but, from my experience with him, I would recommend that late game, as there are other items that could benefit him more in mid-game, like BKB. You should use the spirit in an initiation to not use your echo stomp from a safe distance, but to INCREASE your stomps AOE, while you're at a comfortable/ iffy area, beecause while your not a tank, your a durable, and you can stand a couple hits before they go night-night. And for the people who say you'll easily get stunned, get a BKB smart ones. Earth -> Spirit -> stomp -> Splitter activates -> FALCON PAWNCH, teamfight in a nutshell
Also, for the boots as a semi-carry, I would recommend Phase Boots because 1. the extra damage compliments the 200+ damage from level 4 Astral Spirit. 2. After my Earth Splitter, I'm usually finding butt-loads of creeps between me and Mr. Squishy, and phasing through creeps is nice. Also, Armlet of Mordiggian should be core, because he has no real attack speed and the tons of damage is also nice. Maelstrom and Mjollnir are also acceptable in his semi-carry self, as the only reason he isn't a carry, as well as with Tiny, his attack speed is bad. As for support, you should replace/include early game wards with crow, if there are no other supports, or at least mention it. Also, he a highly effective ganker, as he can spirit -> sleep -> beat to bloody pulp, while getting nice movement speed from spirits to keep up the chase.
For the initiation build, I don't like orchid malevolence on him, because it's too costly for single target item as a initiator, a better item(s) would be like going to semi-carry, with Armlet of Mordiggian, Battle Fury, or Heaven's Halberd. 4125 gold could be used better than putting overkill on one hero, as 99% of people that a silence would be devestating on are heavy nukers, and only like Tiny and Ogre Magi are tanky enough to withstand 3-4 hits of only Elder Titan, aka Pure Awesome! In short, Orchid Malevolence doesnt't benefit you all too greatly, as 1. You could kill them easily in a teamfight anyway because your Elder Titan. 2. Veil of Discord would be better in a teamfight 3. 4125 gold could be used on an item that benefits you better outside of its ability like Necronomicon 2 or hell, just get a Refresher Orb if you have that much gold lying around. In shorter short, it's a meh item on him for 4125, there are cheaper items for a teamfighter, why don't you see Sand King with Orchid Malevolence?
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, +1
TangoNCash (3) | May 14, 2013 12:56am
@Cryslo The cast range on ancient spirit is actually 1200. I completely agree with your comments, and before you pick up a BKB a Blink Dagger is actually a liability IMO, because it puts you in the centre of a battle where your Echo Stomp can be interrupted.
Cryslo (2) | May 11, 2013 11:25am
Strongly disagree with this guide. Elder Titan can be very powerful mid especially against more fragile heroes. He has great starting str and armor and his W is extremely efficient in terms of damage:mana ratio with the additional ability to make your autoattacks hurt like nothing else. Also if you say he is quite item independent, why does your core cost 7000g for 2 items that only benefit yourself? Blink dagger is unnecessary as spirit gives your q 1000 range. If you really need the mobility, buy a force staff. BKB is highly situational as I find that your range often enough to get that first strike against the enemy team. IMO, your core should revolve around utility items that benefit your entire team such as mek, pipe, drums and later extend into things like shivas, AC.

Agree with Salari about the color coding btw, really detracts from the ease of reading of your guides. I found myself scrolling up every few sentences to remind myself what each color meant. Would be much better if you just typed things out/left things in the normal font. For example, isn't it common sense that you should stay away from foes? Really no need to color code the entire list red.
saifthedestroyer (6) | May 7, 2013 5:52am
over all nice guide. up vote :D
Yoda (9) | May 5, 2013 11:12am
TangoNCash wrote:

It's a built-in positioning tool, and it's much more reliable than similar positioning skills like Skewer.

But a magnus will still get a blink anw ;) The thing is that the stomp isn't like a Ravage, it has a small AOE and might only hit two players unless everybody is Vacuumd or something, double stomp is still more reliable than a one-man-stomp. And as xCO2 said, tc is very item independent. He can easily farm up a creep camp as well.
Yoda (9) | May 5, 2013 10:42am
xCO2 wrote:

What do you mean by "should've added the item choice before posting the guide"?

I meant the item choice explanation, the reason why you chose blink and bkb instead of going for a cookie cutter build, so that you wouldn't of gotten all of this hate in the comment section.
TangoNCash (3) | May 5, 2013 9:12am
I strongly disagree with the Blink Dagger. One of your great strengths as a hero is your ability to use the spirit to proxy-initiate from up to 1000 away, without placing yourself in the middle of a battle. It's a built-in positioning tool, and it's much more reliable than similar positioning skills like Skewer.

Instead of spending 2000+ gold on a positioning item you can invest this money in the teamfight utility items that really help you to shine, like drum, mek, and the like.
R_a_y | May 5, 2013 3:37am
Blink Dagger? Battle Fury? Why?!
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