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How to be a thug in pubs- It's a Ganksters paradise

April 22, 2012 by Thug Life
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AkiTsubasa | January 20, 2013 9:45pm
I hope no people saw this post... a ganker end up with global taunt is my best skill...
xCO2 (72) | July 30, 2012 8:10pm
Not going to say I support this guide because I won't support demoralizing other members of the community, especially new players, but if I were you I'd emphasize more on actually having skill. If newer players sees this guide they are going to just be 0-5-5 trash talking fail carries.
Thug Life | April 24, 2012 12:01pm
Balder (5) | April 24, 2012 5:30am
You are a THUG this game is yours. You can dominate anyone who comes to gank you. You are impossible to catch, you can flee unharmed from every situation, you can farm places out of others reach, Crush any hero who comes to gank you and you are definately the most powerful player in the game

This is NOT true. You're not impossible to catch, they can reach you, but that doesn't matter, this is what THEY must think about you. Learn this and the entire game is yours. Thugs don't fear attack, because thugs already know their attackers are afraid to truely **** with a thug.

Why this sounds to me SOOOOOOOOO familiar xD? At least you can thank me for using my Quotes!!! :P

Just to make it sure (not spoiling, but you didn't thank me for the inspiration so i must let people know where you get this idea from, because i worked really hard on my guides):

Both guides have this paragraph xD
dmnRO (1) | April 23, 2012 1:15pm
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