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How to be a thug in pubs- It's a Ganksters paradise

April 22, 2012 by Thug Life
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How to be a thug in pubs- It's a Ganksters paradise

Thug Life
April 22, 2012

Being a thug


While all thugs are pro, not all pros are thug.

You are a THUG this game is yours. You can dominate anyone who comes to gank you. You are impossible to catch, you can flee unharmed from every situation, you can farm places out of others reach, Crush any hero who comes to gank you and you are definately the most powerful player in the game

This is NOT true. You're not impossible to catch, they can reach you, but that doesn't matter, this is what THEY must think about you. Learn this and the entire game is yours. Thugs don't fear attack, because thugs already know their attackers are afraid to truely **** with a thug.


This is the key to becoming a thug. For every thug must know his world better than his enemy. In dota this means understanding the group of players you are with and against and understanding their playstyle, but also their mentality and emotions. True thugs are un-emotional, but use everyone elses emotions to get anything they want. True thugs play WITH pubs like they are their pawns and crush any pub against them.

True thugs are self sufficient and never blame their pub team mates for not doing their job.

Building your crew

Always communicate You must build and lead a team. This starts by being friendly to your team and immediately focusing them on game strategy. Get them to be serious at the start, because WINNING at dota is serious biznizz. When picking heroes in a pub make sure to play a hero that has some sort of ability to carry your team to victory (most any hard carry/dps, rhasta,DP or basically any hero that can have a large impact on your teams victory independent of your teams ability to win INDEPENDENT of needing much from your team. Hard support are generally very bad picks unless you already know your scene and one or more other players on your team is worthwhile to support. Tell your team that they should always carry tp's because that's the best way to outnumber opponents and win fights and hope that they do. Give suggestions and never orders until your team trusts you to listen to. The relationship you got with your crew is the most important thing you can do for your team. If they start arguing IMMEDIATELY STOP IT. It is crucial at all times to be focus and action oriented, arguing does not benefit focus or cause in game action.

When your team respects you, they WILL listen and you can control them somewhat. Control is power. If you are the best player it is important for you to LEAD if you want to win. First rule of pubs is NEVER TRUST PUBS. If they aren't warding courier then you do it. If you are relying on your team for MIA calls you are making a stupid mistake. If you are expecting your team to know how to target in ganks without telling them, you are making a mistake. People that complain about their teamates doing poorly after whining at them the whole game need only look at themselves. Sometimes small criticisms put nicely are also important, but again phrase things as suggestions people will respond better and if they are responding you are in control. That is always better because since you are a thug, you are going to be a better player.

Talkin thug

**** talk is the most important aspect in being a thug. If used properly your enemy can become angry/irate/attack team/feed/make mistakes.

You must know when and how to **** talk or it can backfire. Thugs know they are better than the average player so generally starting with some **** talk is a great idea - when you kill an enemy after it makes them feel like its gonna be a REALLY LONG GAME.. their team starts to lose faith and more importantly - FEAR THE THUG. Everyone knows dying to a ****talker feels worse and when you try your hardest and still die.. man is that infuriating. The goal is to troll, with minimal effort. You must keep your focus always on the game and be distracting them.

If you are carry and doing well safely farming, DO NOT TALK. One great way of farming as a carry in pubs is to not get many kills or harrass and have your enemy forget you are even there.

If you aren't quite sure if you are a thug, then don't **** talk.

Most devestating times to **** talk
When an enemy makes a noob mistake failing to understand game mechanics/total fail build (this causes team to lose faith in them/make them feel foolish/play worse. HAHA HE TRIED TO BUILD TINKER WITH NO MISSILE GGWP
When an enemy player makes a mistake causing a teammate to die/lose teamfight. (teamfight losses are the most important times to **** talk.) this is when the most disputes among teams occur. -LOL NOOB CANT EVEN GET HIS ECHOSLAM OFF GGWP
First blood - a GGWP will do.


You have to actually be good for this part.. but if you are a decent player aka better than average pub this is where you show them your dominance. If you have ANY ability to win the lane go as hard as you can for that lane dominance. Otherwise go into immediate protective farm mode and wait for mistakes then attack with full force. Getting them to initiate a fail gank is almost better than you ganking them, much more demoralizing.

After you have rep in the game as a thug - enemy's will never admit it as you have **** talk them into anger, but you will still feel and feed on their fear.

This is when you can begin using your thug nature to cause teams to dive for you in a desperate attempt to shut you up or to ignore you and allow even more farm.




Hopefully you have been dominating and representing in the game as a true thug. If so this is when you spread the FEAR OF THE THUG. Have wards up - maintain farm. Use fear to pull in heroes that gank you afraid of you getting too strong. If you are getting ganked by TOO many just tp out LOL once and immidiately farm elsewhere. They have just spent several heroes time trying to gank you only to have you tp out.. damn. Continue to farm to be even stronger always have tps. Always be in fights that will be earning you kills or be constantly farming. The only time you should be seen is when your out making that dollar. They should be afraid of your carry, of your ganks, or your pushing. They should be so afraid that they make mistakes. This is where thugs win HARD as opposed to just win.

Ranked Play

thugs welcome

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