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8 Votes

High Tide

November 6, 2012 by Watcher
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Watcher (5) | November 7, 2012 5:53am
@ezbreh you will note that all the recommendations in this are geared towards someone just starting off, i openly admit you have to practice and learn different ways to play! but duo lane on tide is amazing, perhaps you should practice it more and you may see the same success i personally have had.

And i did not contradict myself, you should be up in the creep waves denying.. because of the natural ability of Tidehunter to absorb damage he can stay up in the minions and absorb some abuse, if you are against a team that is melee coming into grab creeps you just have harass them back.. and what i mean by your lane partner helping you is if you Anchor Smash them, they have reduced damage and your partner should be stepping up to either harass or help you kill that hero. and the logic behind one point in Kraken Shell early is that you remove debuffs, i am all about people being safe, sometimes not dying is better then killing.

However i see your argument and respect the feedback! keep it coming!
SuperNova (16) | November 7, 2012 4:27am
you should consider refresher orb and orchid. both make tide a rape-machine
Numeta (27) | November 6, 2012 10:09pm
If you start with stout shield, you're supposed to leave kraken shell empty until level 10. Just sayin :)
ezbreh (2) | November 6, 2012 9:50pm
I suggest a duo lane, if you can help it (Tide makes a great solo lane because you can get your blink dagger much faster) however Tide really shines with a partner. His gush ability can make a jungler's gank job so much easier!

Tide is more commonly as a tri-lane puller or a solo off-lane. Putting him in a dual lane is a waste and makes both yours and your other lanes weaker.

You mentioned tide makes a great solo because that somehow allows his to farm better? That's really only viable if it is up against solo vs solo which only happens during the action of an aggressive tri-lane.

If you are against melee, that is fine get in there and use anchor smash and have your lane partner (preferably ranged with a nuke) harass them!

you want to deny deny deny deny deny! let your lane partner collect farm!

Your statements here slightly contradict each other as your lane partner as the farmer should not be the harasser also. Because you are melee, you can barely harass (since you mentioned not harassing with Gush either) and thus you leave cs + harass up to the farmer which is not good.

Also as previously stated, maxing Anchor Smash is the typical tide hunter build along with Gush too. Getting Kraken Shell is usually frowned upon but is still viable, although as you can see your Anchor Smash damage suffers as a result.
Watcher (5) | November 6, 2012 5:53pm
POOH BEAR wrote:

The guide seems to be a good beginner guide. Maybe you can try to work in items such as Blade Mail for initiating purposes. I also found items like Pipe of Insight to fit well into a support tide build.

Besides my input +1 sir.

both good suggestions! thank you!
POOH BEAR | November 6, 2012 5:47pm
The guide seems to be a good beginner guide. Maybe you can try to work in items such as Blade Mail for initiating purposes. I also found items like Pipe of Insight to fit well into a support tide build.

Besides my input +1 sir.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 6, 2012 1:45pm
Very nicely written here, very humored and readable text.

I like the item and skill build, it fits that of a support/ganker tide quite well!

Good job good sir, +1

EDIT: If you start with a Stout Shield, your not meant to get Kraken Shell, because they don't stack.
Watcher (5) | November 6, 2012 1:42pm
Garzvaar wrote:

Also, when you want to reply to someone, go to their original post and click quote in the top right hand corner!

Makes it look like this!

Well you are just a wealth of knowledge thank you very much
Garzvaar (2) | November 6, 2012 1:36pm
Watcher wrote:

@Garzvaar thank you so much! i was going to look into how to do that today and you really helped me thank you so much!

Also, when you want to reply to someone, go to their original post and click quote in the top right hand corner!

Makes it look like this!
Watcher (5) | November 6, 2012 1:35pm
@Garzvaar thank you so much! i was going to look into how to do that today and you really helped me thank you so much!
Garzvaar (2) | November 6, 2012 1:33pm
Hey Watcher,

Good guide, I like the build. But I've just made my first guide as well, and I've found that if you want it to look fancy and stuff for example being able to write Tidehunter like that. Just put two brackets '[[' before and after the word.

So to get Tidehunter you just write Tidehunter, with double brackets on either side. This also works for items such as Blink Dagger and makes your guide look a little more enticing to the audience than just a massive block of colorless text :)

Great guide!
Watcher (5) | November 6, 2012 12:32pm
@DirtGrub perfect, that was my target honestly!
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