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12 Votes

He has come to kick ass and eat fish sticks, and he doesn't see any fish sticks.

May 6, 2014 by Timminatorr
Comments: 18    |    Views: 60754    |   

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Katsumotosan | January 16, 2015 11:24am
Say it one more time hemo
KanturuX | July 28, 2014 8:06am
^lol, you don't see a quad post everyday^

+1 to the guide :)
hemo | May 23, 2014 11:12pm
why no armlet it's good for tanky heroes it give you 25 strength and increase damage but take 5hp per second or more i don't know
hemo | May 23, 2014 11:12pm
why no armlet it's good for tanky heroes it give you 25 strength and increase damage but take 5hp per second or more i don't know
hemo | May 23, 2014 11:11pm
why no armlet it's good for tanky heroes it give you 25 strength and increase damage but take 5hp per second or more i don't know
hemo | May 23, 2014 11:11pm
why no armlet it's good for tanky heroes it give you 25 strength and increase damage but take 5hp per second or more i don't know
Zrog (1) | May 15, 2014 11:05am
I'm sad that you don't mention Armlet + Lifesteal as a possible item build. Slardar needs attack speed, and Armlet is a good way to get it (or Armlet + MoM if you're feeling balsy).
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 6, 2014 7:11am
Timminatorr wrote:

I mentioned getting the ring if you are comtested in the item section, but maybe ill seperate thebribg from the core to its own tab, becouse you dont need the ring either if you have a hero like dazzle or abbadon in your team.

Sorry, I probably read the guide too quickly. And about the Medallion, the only time I picked it on Slardar was when we had a very aggressive negative armor-based team with TA, Dazzle, Bristleback et cetera; Dazzle couldn't pick one because he was building a fast Mekansm. In any other case, it's just good for fighting Roshan.
Sando (118) | May 6, 2014 6:11am
It's a fair enough point, it's certainly unusual to pick Slardar and play him in this way, but I just wanted to raise the point that he can do it much more effectively than many people think. Yes, you normally pick him as a semi-carry/initiator, yes you normally pick him to counter invis heroes, he's very good in that role, and it's why you'd normally pick him - but he isn't totally locked into it.

Normally you'll always get Blink Dagger unless your team has tons of other initiation - but he can actually farm reasonably fast with a Maelstrom first, and build into a pretty effective DPS/lockdown carry. 25% chance of a physical stun and 100 extra damage is not to be sniffed at with enough attack speed, and he can often punch well above his weight in late game engagements if he has an Assault Cuirass.
Allegiance (9) | May 6, 2014 5:55am
Slardar farms superslow, so he can pretty much only hard carry if he snowballs.
That's why i don't like non-blink builds at all. Slardar gets picked because he is a good initiator and his ultimate is pretty good if your team has a lot of physical damage.

+1 obviously
Timminatorr (57) | May 6, 2014 5:06am

In my opinion the Ring of Health is not needed unless you're playing a contested lane: a Magic Wand should be enough to keep your already high HP up before finishing your Blink Dagger, and I'd rather have a 10 minute Blink Dagger than getting it two minutes later because of the Ring. It's not a big deal, but personally I'd take the Ring after the Dagger.

The rest of the build is pretty solid, both skill-wise and item-wise; I even tried a Medallion of Courage sometimes, but it's very situational and useless unless you want to fight Roshan early. Nothing particular to say about the skill build. +1

I mentioned getting the ring if you are comtested in the item section, but maybe ill seperate thebribg from the core to its own tab, becouse you dont need the ring either if you have a hero like dazzle or abbadon in your team.

The medallion is nice and i have never tried it myself on him, but i imagine its like getting a vlads on antimage, you kind of want it but you rather have a support pick it up.
And if you are playing wit friends there is decently high chance that there is a good medallion support in your team like venge, dazzle or visage.
Timminatorr (57) | May 6, 2014 5:02am
Sando wrote:

Overall good standard guide, few typos in there and a bit more visual formatting if you want an A+, but very solid.

Slardar is an unusual hero, mix of tankiness, initiation, damage and utility against invis heroes. I think he's pretty underrated. The only thing I'd disagree with on your guide is his lack of lategame, against non-illusion heroes he's an absolute beast with enough attack speed = permabash.

I'd say you've got two options for his build really - initiator/snowball style with Blink Dagger/ Armlet of Mordiggian/ Black King Bar, or he does actually have quite a good hard carry build with Maelstrom/ Mjollnir/ Assault Cuirass/Lifesteal.

Yea im not really satisfied with the guide, and ill probably have to make the item icons bigger, becouse this way it doesnt look too great.

His lategame is pretty decent, and he is pretty good at crippling opposing carries but damage/bash≠good lategame.
Single target damage is not what makes a hero good in lategame.
For example weaver falls off hard after 45 minutes, and yet he does insane amounts of rightclick and can survive a lot of stuff with time lapse.
The majority of Void's lategame potential comes from chronosphere, not from his bash or evasion. Spectre is insanely tanky but can still be beaten if the supports are able to survive the haunt.
My point is that lategame potential comes from other things then damage or bash.
Even farming speed counts and slardar doesnt farm fast.

And a blinkless slardar isnt really viable, even a 1 position slardar wants it, just like a 1 role ursa or wraith king still wants it.

But if you want to screw around or hate blink then yes, your build would look something like maelstrom with attack speed and lifesteal.
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