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2 Votes

Have Some of That (OP)

September 12, 2015 by galkatz373
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galkatz373 | September 11, 2015 11:16pm
Tirolone wrote:

Hello mate, congratulations on your guide, and welcome to this salty community of dotafire.

I like your guide very much, because it's brief. You say how u do things, and that's it. I read it in 5 minutes, and understood your porcupine.

Now, I'll comment on some things, in the name of constructive criticism ok, because you deserve it for your great brief guide, mate. Well done!

I like you not getting Viscous Nasal Goo early, because in most matches I really don't use it so early, I rather spend all my mana on Quill Spray, to get those tasty juvenile kills. But, I still partly agree with ChiChi... I don't know if you use the same skill build for every match.. If you do, you should reconsider that, because if you got no Viscous Nasal Goo and a teammate comes at your lane, say level 4, to gank... Damn... you won't be able to slow nor remove armor so the ganker gets a kill, you see... and that's just lame. But hey, that's just an opinion, your guide is still great ok.. like I said, it's brief, It has the core of a build, and not the exceptions. I believe you could slowly add those exceptions, to enrich your guide. And that's why I'm commenting like that, ok? Don't get me wrong ok.

About the item build, first thing is: Those items, together, make for a very powerful Bristleback. U got Ring of Health and Ring of Basilius for the early game, Vanguard for the mid game, and then you wanna go for Octarine Core. well, that must be the challenge for this build, right? Because it's a hard transiction. So, I'd like it if you write a little on your guide about how to farm that, meaning: Do you withdraw form teamfights for a while, or do you risk less until you get it? Because, just holding the cash for that 2700 piece, as a tanker... man... it's dead risky business, isn't it?

I personally prefer Assault Cuirass as my lifesaver item, instead of Octarine Core, because it just makes more sense to me. It helps your team, you see.. But you're also right, Octarine Core is a great item if you manage to finish it.

And that leaves me two final question: do you go as 1 with Bristleback? Because rushing expensive items like that, you can't be a 3, can you?

and the second question: do you help the carrys get the kills, or do u get all the kills u can? (is that how you farm for Octarine Core?)

Once again, thanks for the Bristleback guide, well done!

(and if you do write about how you go for Octarine Core I'll vote on your guide ok)

Thank you for the feedback, I would like to answer it.
I should have mentioned early Viscous Nasal Goo in some cases, but I still stick to my opinion that Bristleback is better in most cases.
And about the Octarine Core I don't really farm alone for it, I just play with my build laning and team fights and I usually get by minute 25.
Octarine Core is built by 4 items so I get
Point Booster then Vitality Booster, Energy Booster and Mystic Staff.
Each of them are useful for bristle during the game and don't cost much (except Mystic Staff).
I do get a lot of kills but mostly by the enemies themselves ( Quill Spray) or early game laning, I'm not the main carry I just tanky hero who can kill.
Because of those kills I can afford myself Octarine Core mid game.
VWXZ | September 11, 2015 8:41pm
I like it. As a trench player trying all sorts of weird stuff to break 1.6k I have used this exact build myself and was pleased to see someone make a guide of it. I do have two thoughts though:
    I buy
Arcane Boots after Ring of Health and disassemble to make my Octarine Core - i will often go for Guardian Greaves anyway later. This solves all your mana problems early game and if you play right, you are tanky enough to survive without the 9 strength from treads.

Also you should mention Meepo as a hero countered by Octarine Core. You can literally 1vs5 if all five + team attack you. Magic Lifesteal is hilarious.
Thanks and sorry if the formatting doesn't work.
Tirolone | September 11, 2015 4:51pm
Hello mate, congratulations on your guide, and welcome to this salty community of dotafire.

I like your guide very much, because it's brief. You say how u do things, and that's it. I read it in 5 minutes, and understood your porcupine.

Now, I'll comment on some things, in the name of constructive criticism ok, because you deserve it for your great brief guide, mate. Well done!

I like you not getting Viscous Nasal Goo early, because in most matches I really don't use it so early, I rather spend all my mana on Quill Spray, to get those tasty juvenile kills. But, I still partly agree with ChiChi... I don't know if you use the same skill build for every match.. If you do, you should reconsider that, because if you got no Viscous Nasal Goo and a teammate comes at your lane, say level 4, to gank... Damn... you won't be able to slow nor remove armor so the ganker gets a kill, you see... and that's just lame. But hey, that's just an opinion, your guide is still great ok.. like I said, it's brief, It has the core of a build, and not the exceptions. I believe you could slowly add those exceptions, to enrich your guide. And that's why I'm commenting like that, ok? Don't get me wrong ok.

About the item build, first thing is: Those items, together, make for a very powerful Bristleback. U got Ring of Health and Ring of Basilius for the early game, Vanguard for the mid game, and then you wanna go for Octarine Core. well, that must be the challenge for this build, right? Because it's a hard transiction. So, I'd like it if you write a little on your guide about how to farm that, meaning: Do you withdraw form teamfights for a while, or do you risk less until you get it? Because, just holding the cash for that 2700 piece, as a tanker... man... it's dead risky business, isn't it?

I personally prefer Assault Cuirass as my lifesaver item, instead of Octarine Core, because it just makes more sense to me. It helps your team, you see.. But you're also right, Octarine Core is a great item if you manage to finish it.

And that leaves me two final question: do you go as 1 with Bristleback? Because rushing expensive items like that, you can't be a 3, can you?

and the second question: do you help the carrys get the kills, or do u get all the kills u can? (is that how you farm for Octarine Core?)

Once again, thanks for the Bristleback guide, well done!

(and if you do write about how you go for Octarine Core I'll vote on your guide ok)
ChiChi (47) | September 11, 2015 3:01pm
Hi galkatz373, well done on your first guide!

I think you could make this a bit more complete so it would deserve a +1, because right now it doesn't add very much to the already existent guides, but you're almost there.

Anyways, my opinions/suggestions:
  • I don't agree with your skill build. An early point in Viscous Nasal Goo might be necessary for you to get early kills, from level 4 onward (I think taking it only at level 7 is to lose a lot of potential, because this is the slow that allows you to pursue enemies and quill spray them more).
  • If this is the tank build, as you say, you should seriously consider a Hood of Defiance/ Pipe of Insight, specially in this meta so centered around magic damage dealers.
  • Another amazing Bristle item which you did not mention is the Solar Crest - it's good for Bristle whatever place he takes in that particular game.
  • Other significant friends you didn't mention are those that deal with armor reductions, such as Vengeful Spirit, Dazzle and even a Desolater Templar Assassin, because Bristle's damage output is augmented alongside that of his allies.
  • Other significant foes you didn't mention are Legion Commander and Axe, because both have ways of stucking you hitting them face-to-face, which means no damage block, and Silver Edge holders, such as Slark, for they can use the break to take away your passive.

michimatsch (26) | September 11, 2015 2:44pm
I don't completely disagree with apaz.
I just want to say that this build is used for snowballing out of controll.
If you can have Vanguard and Octarine Core early enough you should be unkillable and if done right you are able to 1 vs 5 the enemy team.
apaz (17) | September 11, 2015 3:05am
A well enough made guide. Some Effort was put in, and the formatting is good. You done well.

As for the build, I like Octarine Core, but not that early. The buildup sucks for a bristle. The rest, I feel, is rather standard.
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