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4 Votes

Guide to Tinker

September 19, 2013 by Fuji89
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Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 20, 2013 5:47pm
Isn't the most commomn skill build, while I am thinking about it. 1 Laser, then 2 Heat Seeking Missile, and maxing Heat seeking missile and march?

I know that Max laser build is generally overlooked because while you do get the additional damage burst, you forgo getting march which you need to push lanes when you finish Boots of Travel

I guess a heaving ganking Tinker build would use it, though.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 20, 2013 10:13am
Try Blink Dagger over Force Staff.

Blink into the treeline and then TP back to base so that you mitigate the chances of being caught out and die.

Also, the only time I feel you shouldn't go Tango + 3 GG branch is when you get pooled regen from you allies or you random, and you get a null talisman first. You do this because you need to be able to last hit in lane and tinker has a hard time doing so. Starting with 3 GG branches and a tango, you won't have much sustain or last hitting power compared to common mid heroes.
dr_wack | August 28, 2013 10:32am
I personally recommend adding more lategame items in there, and from my personal expirience, blink is better than force staff. Also you should put a "final build" section, to give an idea of what their inventory should look like at 90 minute mark
Ancient Hero (17) | August 18, 2013 9:34am
Orchid and Bloodstone are also items that tinker can get. The Soul burn from orchid+his burst can kill squishies easily and bloodstone gives him some HP.
Mukl | August 18, 2013 8:22am
i like this guide, contains everything you need to know.. just one pointer is that if you want to hyperlink an item/hero/skill you can do so using double square brackets... eg
[.[nyx assassin]] (w/o the dot) gives you Nyx Assassin
samukobo (28) | August 18, 2013 4:07am
Nice guide overall, the "laning against specific heroes" section is really nice imo. Perhaps add Batrider, Death Prophet, Huskar, Shadow Fiend, Skywrath Mage, Viper and Zeus in there to make it more detailed? Some of these really deserve a spot as they can potentially completely shut down a Tinker player early on without knowledge on how to counter the hero in mid.

You should create a proper guide though, it's better and more noticeable than just making a blog post, not to mention it can display your alt tab skill and item builds.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Storm Spirit.
Fuji89 | August 18, 2013 3:53am
O-R-W-K wrote:

I like your guide but 2 things stand out: first is your primary build. II think the tango 3 branches allows for a quicker bottle. The next is a bit bigger: no soul ring? Is there a reason for this? I think it's one of the best items for him.

Thank you! I have completely forgotten about soul ring while writing this guide and yes, it is a MUST item on Tinker as well!
O-R-W-K | August 17, 2013 8:54am
I like your guide but 2 things stand out: first is your primary build. II think the tango 3 branches allows for a quicker bottle. The next is a bit bigger: no soul ring? Is there a reason for this? I think it's one of the best items for him.
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