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Guide to Templar Assassain

October 16, 2014 by GromDota
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Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Templar Assassin

Hero Skills

Third Eye (Innate)


1 3 5 7


4 8 9 10

Psi Blades

2 11 12 13

Psionic Trap

6 14 16


15 17 18

Guide to Templar Assassain

October 16, 2014


TA is a hero that does very well with levels and farm but also has the ability to dominate most 1v1 match ups which is why I would always recommend going mid on her if you can. The main goal as TA should be to win your lane by out csing your opponent, looking to actively kill him when there is an opportunity and be ready for the mid game when TA is at her best. However, TA still has very good late game potential and adds a lot to a team.


Bottle and Phase Boots: Bottle for taking advantage of runes as TA can utilize them very well by having refraction up at all times. Phase is very good for early game damage and it gives you chasing potential.

TP Scroll: Be ready to counter gank

Drums: Just an overall cost effective item that gives good stats (sometimes can be the difference maker between living and dying) while giving a good active that makes chasing targets easier.

Yasha: Excellent item that gives a good amount of agility+MS which helps you farm faster and feel comfortable during team fights.

All the items above should be acquired by around the 15-17 minute mark if the game is going average.

Desolator: This is your first big damage item and will allow you to deal a massive amount of damage while factoring in Refraction+Meld.


It is important to know who you are facing mid because this could alter your starting items and skill build.

If facing a pudge, you have the option to go wraith band+tango and skill psi blade first which will effectively zone him out of lane. Refraction isn't needed because the pudge shouldn't be able to deny you in any case. Also, maxing meld against pudge/ember is very useful since these heroes like to position themselves very close to you and can easily take off refraction.

However, maxing refraction is usually the standard build and definitely allows for your psi blades to be more effective when spilling (meld damage doesn't spill).

The most important thing you want to do as TA in lane is farm. Try your best to get as many last hits as possible to get your items up. It is also good to be actively searching for kill opportunities in mid as this will only lead to more farm.

There is not much more I can say about laning other than keep farming!


My goal as TA is to rush out the desolator as fast as I can (with boots/drums/yasha) as this really opens up the game. TA's burst damage sky rockets and chances are that you will be doing the most damage in the game at that point provided you had a good timing of your items (I would say around 20-25 minutes).

When you get the desolator, your goal is to force fights and take objectives. TA can also solo roshan with desolator so always be watchful of an opportunity.

Laning against Viper/Razor

Viper: Get a really good block and try to get the creeps under your tower by denying as much as possible. With refraction, last hitting is easy under tower. Try your best to harass with spill when going for denies/last hits. When you have boots and are on radiant, stack the medium or hard camp about 3 times and clear it when you get the chance. At 10 minutes, with your stacks and lane farm, you should have about the same net worth as viper making his pick useless!

Razor: Go boots first. He should go for link when you are about to last hit, grab the last hit and immediately back. Keep repeating that process and look to stack camps if you aren't getting enough out of lane as this is one of the worst match ups.

However this gets easier when you hit 6 because you simply place traps all over mid lane and when he goes for link, pop a trap and run. He should only get maybe 1 or 2 ticks of damage and you can simply run to him and kill him since he is slowed. It is very important to take advantage of him messing up his link because razor is an easy kill if he doesn't steal enough damage after level 6-7.

Random things

When you are chasing someone, place a trap somewhere in front and don't immediately pop the trap! The trap starts with a 30% slow which increases every second by 5% up to 50%. Try and get the most out of the trap.

Positioning in lane is the most essential thing when playing this hero. Try and position yourself so that every time you hit a creep, it spills on to the opponent. Eventually, you will be able to get a deny-last hit while harassing your opponent at the same time. However this only comes with practice!

I almost never go blink unless I am getting free farm while killing the opposing mid (even still I would skip it). I feel it really hinders your mid game damage and since you have sufficient chase power with phase/drums/yasha.

If you have some difficulty landing meld strikes, you can get 2 points in psi blades early for that extra attack range since it really does help.

Lastly, meld can be used to disjoint a lot of spells so take advantage of that (viper strike).

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