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Guide to Sven utter domination

July 26, 2018 by Fall of Man
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Phsc (4) | July 26, 2018 12:19pm
I have a few problems with your guide, my opinion, but I'll tell you why.
First of all, no tangos, Sven has high base dmg, he doesn't need a Quelling Blade out of base, he can buy one with the rune gold considering your team gets 1-2 runes if he gets 3 tangos, he can buy the Quelling Blade fast in the side shop of the safelane.
Skipping Power Treads is a terrible idea tho, you will most likely have mana problems as you can't tread switch, you will also have less dmg, mostly with your ultimate, and less attack speed, Mask of Madness ends at some point and maybe you're still running at some random person, probably out of mana, as using God's Strenght and Storm Hammer will probably spend all your mana, anyway, both Echo Sabre and Mask of Madness do the same thing, and most pros just get one, into maybe a Sange and Yasha as it also gives movespeed with is even greater with your Warcry and makes Boots of Travel not that useful, or into an early Blink Dagger that means an even earlier Black King Bar, but it's still viable, but in an really easy game a Sange and Yasha is better and in a hard/almost lost game a early Blink Dagger can turn the tides.
There's also one strat in lane where you keep your upgrade points not learning Great Cleave but at level 6 or 7 you learn it all at once and try to get a kill with God's Strenght and get the tower, with the 2-1-2 meta we have right now, this can mean a rotation into your lane ensuring the offlane farm, maybe even you a tower, and maybe even allowing your mid to kill the enemy mid, but this is a risky play.
Also another thing, don't push you lane to farm the jungle, please consider that under the tower the enemy offlaner will be getting farm, it's better to maybe tell your support to make stacks, and then he stays in the lane to get the gold and XP while you clear the stacks, while also farming ancient stacks too.
Also, you talk about how Boots of Travel and Echo Sabre are better than Power Treads and Sange and Yasha, what the ****? 500 gold difference is really a small thing, Boots of Travels gives you less movespeed when you consider Warcry and it gives way, way less stats, considering that Power Treads gives you 10 strenght, and Sange and Yasha gives you 16 strenght, thats 26, while ulted, its 260% damage, so your 26 went into 68, while Echo Sabre gives you 31, thats like half of it, the only good thing it gives is mana regen, which you can get from tread switching, and not to mention Sange and Yasha also gives agility, which is better than attack speed as it also gives armour, and some times you might be initiated not being able to use Warcry to save you.
Manta Style is just bad tho, it gives great stats for the price, but Sven doesn't really care about silences, and if he does, he has a Black King Bar.
Your guide also has Abyssal Blade which is terrible, Sven doesn't care about the active, neither the Vanguard, neither the Skull Basher as he's a kinda slow attacker and already has a stun which is Storm Hammer, the only good thing is that it pierces Black King Bar, but then, it's really expensive.
and well... Scythe of Vyse...? why?
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