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Basically, what he said. Otherwise, stupendous guide.
Thanks! I've been watching a few competitive games lately and I've noticed that a lot of the pros do indeed opt to jungle using sandstorm. I think this would work if you manage to stack camps, and you keep an eye on the map at all times so that you're not "AFK jungling" when your team needs you. And if you're conserving mana, a fast blink might be much better than arcanes, especially if your team already has someone carrying arcanes.
I'm disappointed that you don't even mention semi-jungling with
I think
Basically, what he said. Otherwise, stupendous guide.
I'm disappointed that you don't even mention semi-jungling with
So my itembuild is
I also think your skillbuild is not ideal because it doesn't allow you to semi-jungle. My build to level 4 is
I think
Thanks for the input :)
I didn't go into jungling much (other than pulling creeps and farming those), because I feel that in most pub games it's better if you're present in lanes to help out. I think going for a fast blink is actually a really good idea if you expect fights to break out early AND if the enemy has an easy way to cancel your ultimate. I'll add that into the guide when I get time. If the enemy lacks stuns/interruption spells, or you have another initiation method on your team (like
My issue with sand king jungling is that using
So my itembuild is
I also think your skillbuild is not ideal because it doesn't allow you to semi-jungle. My build to level 4 is
I think
This is great! Love the videos, very helpful.
Colorful, detailed and good!
Thanks! I plan to add a section on warding as well sometime soon, so watch out for an update in the next week or so :)