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4 Votes

Guide to Geomancin like a true Meepo!

August 22, 2013 by Satire
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CaptCPC (2) | August 23, 2013 8:34pm
Meka is outclassed by the post-buff Aghanim's Scepter (or even a bloodstone if you can get enough charges).

Power Treads doesn't just give 100% of the stats with Aghanim's, it gives 200% (130% without Aghanim's) since all the clones carry the boots individually. Very good for raw health.

Armlet and Ethereal Blade are also pretty good. The former gives cheap raw STR while the latter gives Meepo the killing power of a woodchipper if you don't need hex.
Satire | August 22, 2013 9:27am
Thanks for the reaction! To awnser your questions:

I don't put the Stout Shield in the build because I personally rarely get it. You don't build it into something, so I don't like to get it. Or it has to be totally necessary, like I mentioned. So in my case I don't get it like 60 % of the time, but like 5 %. If you get Tranquil Boots quick, you don't really need the block from the shield anymore because you can heal the damage taken.

I thought about putting the Mek or/and Vlads in the build. But it's kind of the same story as with the Stout Shield, I don't like to get it. I don't see Meepo as the one to get the Mekanism in general, Meepo should not 'waste' his gold on that kind of support items.
The Vlads is a kind of different story, sometimes I get that, but most of the time I don't. I rush Aganims and Blink, and most games I don't feel I need the Vlads anymore. That's why I did not put the Mek and Vlads in the build, simply because I don't think they are the greatest items to get on Meepo.

Thanks for pointing out the Aganims and Power Treads syncronisation, I should have put than in the text, so I did now!
Apaec | August 22, 2013 5:50am
Hey bro! Like the guide.. As a meepo fan myself i have a few questions for you with regards to some of the things that you mentioned: I feel that Mentioning a stout shield in your item build is better than just mentioning it in the writing - a Stout Shield is an item that you often want to get in 60% of games, so i think that deserves a special mention. I also believe that you should mentino the aghanims syncronisation with powertreads with regards to stat sharing. I was a bit confused at why you havent mentioned either a vladimirs offering or a Mekansm in your build (although you have mentioned an assault curi*** which is good :) I think that treads > Tranquil so it should be mentioned in core items (as i dont think tranqs in midgame is a good idea unless you are still jungling). You can also occasionally in the correct games see a nice victory from maxing geostrike before poof/net, although it is often best to stick to the more universal build with maxing Poof first. Nice guide though, a big fat + from me :3

also, if you want to hyperlink items/heroes/skills you can use double square brackets... eg
[.[nyx assassin]] produces Nyx Assassin (without the dot ofc!)
Satire | August 22, 2013 1:14am
What kind of extension you would like to see? Maybe I forgot something!
yubiyoy (3) | August 21, 2013 6:55pm
The guide is good so far, however you could extend it a lot if you'd like. Nice video :)
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