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Guide to Geomancin like a true Meepo!

August 22, 2013 by Satire
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Guide to Geomancin like a true Meepo!

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


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Divided We Stand

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Meepo is known as the hardest hero in Dota 2, but with some practise and the right desicions you can Geomance your way to victory. The meaning of this guide is to give you some in depth information about Meepo and not to learn you the absolute basics of Meepo (Like a blink poof combo or the basic mechanics of Meepo). I will not go over the hotkeys I use or things like that, so if you are totally new to Meepo and do not know how to do a blink poof combo or you don't get the mechanics of Meepo, I recommend reading this page, and watching this video:
This guide is going through one whole game, from picking Meepo, to ending the game with a good victory!
NOTE: This guide is also available ingame! Check the guide here:

When do I pick Meepo?

Not every game is good for Meepo. Meepo is very easily coutered, so take a good look at the other teams' composition before picking Meepo.
Meepo is highly vulnerable to a few things, like:
- High Damage nukes (Like QOP's ult)
- Long AOE disable (Like Enigma's black hole)
- Earthshaker (Just don't pick Meepo against Earthshaker, he will screw you over!)

If the opposition doesn't have one of those thing, you can pick Meepo. Don't pick Meepo just at the start of the game, wait for the other team to pick their heroes, otherwise the opposition can counter you very easy and very hard.

Where do I lane Meepo and what items do I get?

Meepo doesn't need a lane in particular. The easiest lane is the safelane, but Meepo can also be a mid hero and Meepo + 1 offlane isn't a bad lane either. Try to get the safelane, but if that isn't possible you can choose an other lane.

The item build is the same for every lane. (But if you are going up solo against an other ranged hero you might want to consider buying a Stout Shield. If you're up against another melee hero it isn't needed that much).
If you get some farm, you sometimes want to buy an orb of venom. The slow is really good and the poison damage is a nice bonus. The boots you want to go with are Tranquil boots or Power Treads. If you want to go in the jungle after you are level six Tranquil boots are required. (When you feel you don't need the heal from Tranquil Boots anymore midgame, you can always disassemble and switch to Power Treads or Boots of Travel. The best time to switch your Tranquil Boots to Power Treads is after you get the Aganims. The stats share is then 100 % so all your Meepo's benefit from the extra stats gained. BEWARE: You can only switch the Treads on your main Meepo, you can't switch individually!) If you want to push down some towers you can go with Power treads.

The most important thing in the earlygame is to not die, and get all the experience. It's good to get some farm, but experience is better! You will get the farm once you are level six, so don't worry to much about that! Try to get to level six as soon as possible and then you're free to go where ever you want!

How do I skill Meepo in the earlygame?

It's up to you. There is no superior skillbuild for Meepo. You want to have poof maxed at level seven, and skill your ult at level six, eleven and sixteen. That are your only rules. (One thing I personally like, is to get Geostrike at level one. It helps a lot with lasthitting!)
After you have maxed poof you have some options for the skillbuild. If you want to make some kills happen, you could max out Earthbind second, and Geostike third. But if you want to farm quickly and do more damage and slow, you can max out Geostrike second and Earthbind third. It's really up to you, do what you like and what you need most in the game.

I'm level six, what to do now?

There are some possibilities when you are level six. You can jungle really fast. You can stack two camps at one time so the jungle is a good option. You can also go into the jungle with only one meepo, you can clear the camps fairly easy with some poofs. With Tranquil boots you can heal the damage taken and just jungle with one Meepo. With the other Meepo you can stay in lane or try to set up some ganks.

One of the other options you have is to stay in lane with one Meepo, and go roaming with the other. This is hard to do, because you need to have good map awareness, but once you get used to having two (or more) Meepo's on the map it can work out very nice. If there is an empty lane, you can go there with one of your Meepo's and get the experience from that lane.

An other option is to leave both of your Meepo's in your lane and push down the tower, you will get some easy gold from that and if they come to contest the tower the other lanes will have the opportunity to push, so this isn't a bad decision either.

You have to try to get the most experience possible once you are level six, and get some good farm. You want to get an Aganims Scepter as soon as possible. (You want the Aganims as soon as possible because you become so much stronger after you got it. The stats share goes from 30 % to 100 %!) Once you got the Aganims scepter, your farm will skyrocket and you will have a blink dagger in a very short amount of time.

I have my Aganims Scepter and my blink dagger, what do I do with it?

I like to go roaming with the main Meepo, and let the other three or four Meepo's farm. You can farm with the other Meepo's by jungling or pushing lanes. You need to have good vision and good map awereness. You can try to get some kills with the blink poof combo when you got the blink. If you succeed at doing so, you will get lots of gold and get some luxory items very quickly.

BEWARE: Meepo is fairly easy to gank with some good stuns. If you get ganked, you have two options:
1: Try to poof the Meepo who is getting ganked to an other Meepo on the map.
2: Get all your Meepo's to the ganker(s) and kill them.
Option two is very risky, but if executed correctly and all Meepo's wil come in you're likely to get the kill.

Your main goal in this stage of the game is to get lots of gold. If you succeed at doing that your lategame will be awesome.

I have lots of gold, but what do I buy, and what do I do?

There are some options for Meepo once you reach lategame.
1: Full splitpush mode. Buy Boots of Travel and be anywhere, anytime. You have five BoT's to your service so make use of that. You can gank everywhere, or just splitpush to victory. If you teleport anywhere with one Meepo, the others can poof to that one. If I do this, I like to constantly roam over the map with my main Meepo, and search for kills. Try to keep good vision op if you do this kind of play, because if you are ganked and you die you have to wait 100 seconds before respawn.

2: Full teamfight mode. Buy an Assault Cuirass and help your team with pushing. You can just walk with your team with the main Meepo and get farm with the other four. If there is a teamfight happening, do a blink poof combo in the middle of the fight and there will be so much magic damage dealt, you will probably get some kills.

3: Full pick-off mode: Go for Scythe of Vyse, put four Meepo's in the jungle and just search for kills. With a Sheepstick you have a secured kill if you peform your combo right.

After you have done one of these options, you can probably have some fun and end the game.

Summary of this Meepo guide

Meepo does not need a very good earlygame, just don't die and get the levels you need. Once you get those levels try to get a fast Aganims and blink, and have some fun with it!
The skillbuild and itembuild are your choice, but take a good look at the opposition and your gameplan and choose the right items.

Don't think that you will own everybody now you red this guide, Meepo is still very hard and you need to practise a lot. It's good to first practice against bots with Meepo, you will get a good map awareness and you will get used to having more heroes on the map. With a lot of practice you will get used to Meepo and you will geomance your way to a victory!

NOTE: This is my first guide, do you have tips and/or questions for me? Just ask!

NOTE: This guide is also available ingame! Check the guide here:

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