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17 Votes

Guide to Earlier Impact Weaver

July 14, 2013 by DamonPrinc3
Comments: 13    |    Views: 103222    |   

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seankenny6688 | March 25, 2014 4:10pm
Insanely Useful Build, This Is Most Possibly The Best Way To Build Weaver
Ancient Hero (17) | July 15, 2013 12:31am
Its a great item if you plan to max swarm early and go deso, melts through str and squishies so quickly. Its already -13 and however much swarm reduces. Combine that with something like an alch, dazzle,naga etc for a great anti armor lineup. I dont find PMS good due to him being ranged and not getting much out of it.
porygon361 (46) | July 14, 2013 11:27pm
I think I'll try building both Medallion and Poor Man's Shield and see if it'll work out. I just like the utility of Medallion too much to give it up.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | July 14, 2013 10:51pm
I forget the team that did it, but there was a weaver who went up against an extremely tanky Na'Vi lineup, and got medallion to allow them to actually deal some physical damage to Alchemist, Dragon Knight, and Lifestealer, who would have otherwise ignored weaver. Also helped them pick up an early roshan.

It was ICCup
DamonPrinc3 (3) | July 8, 2013 5:19am
Played a few games with medallion. Sorry but I have to stand by my earlier stance, I really don't like it. I did infinitely worse with medallion than I did with Poor Man's.

I have to advocate PMS over Medallion every time.
DamonPrinc3 (3) | July 7, 2013 5:55pm
porygon361 wrote:

As a Weaver player, I almost always prefer Medallion of Courage. The -6 armor debuff is not to be underestimated, and it combos well with Desolator, which I usually get regardless of how the game progresses unless I am feeding (and that's hard to do with Weaver). The only problem with it is that when the debuff is active, the defensive capabilities of this item is gone, but this shouldn't be a problem with Shukuchi. In fact, I almost never had a problem with getting out of a sticky situation without a Poor Man's Shield (unless I'm facing up against a tri-lane, which is extremely rare in pub).

I think you should also mention last-hitting with Germinate Attack in the laning phase.

Forgot to mention that the rest of your guide was good :)

I'm going to re-evaluate Medallion and try a few games of it but I've altered the build to include Medallion as an alternative to Poor Man's.

It might just be a personal playstyle choice because I've just always had better games with Poor Man's over Medallion but I'm still open to it and I'll tell you how it goes after a few games with it.

And ya, I almost always prefer Desolator to have more game impact but I tend to find when I get in my higher MMing range that I'm just getting burst down and shutdown too much by really good enemy players and enemy team coordination so I go for Linken's and play more of a farm game.
porygon361 (46) | July 7, 2013 5:41pm
As a Weaver player, I almost always prefer Medallion of Courage. The -6 armor debuff is not to be underestimated, and it combos well with Desolator, which I usually get regardless of how the game progresses unless I am feeding (and that's hard to do with Weaver). The only problem with it is that when the debuff is active, the defensive capabilities of this item is gone, but this shouldn't be a problem with Shukuchi. In fact, I almost never had a problem with getting out of a sticky situation without a Poor Man's Shield (unless I'm facing up against a tri-lane, which is extremely rare in pub).

I think you should also mention last-hitting with Germinate Attack in the laning phase.

Forgot to mention that the rest of your guide was good :)
DamonPrinc3 (3) | July 7, 2013 4:54pm
TKH_96 wrote:

Good and useful guide. I especially love the Shukuchi brakedown. +1 from me

DamonPrinc3 (3) | July 7, 2013 4:48pm
samukobo wrote:

Don't know much about weaver, I'll just get with the facts.

Poor Man's Shield actually costs more than Magic Wand.

Medallion of Courage technically doesn't reduce your armor, as it returns your armor to its original value before medallion, so it's more of an offensive tool.

Is your skill build supposed to be incomplete?

Other than that, I really like the detail.

Fixed, fixed and fixed. I clarified what I meant by the lowered armor in the medallion section.

DamonPrinc3 (3) | July 7, 2013 4:36pm
Dwemer wrote:

"Skukuchi can be used to dodge a number of projectiles such as Sven's Storm Bolt"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Storm Bolt shouldn't be dodgeable, it should hit invisible units, you shouldn't be able to dodge it.

EDIT: NVM, it's a bug, you should say it's a bug in the guide. And I believe Alch's stun does hit weaver (it shouldn't).

Note about it being a bug added. I just wrote that out of the experience, I wasn't sure about the exact correct mechanics.
Dwemer (1) | July 7, 2013 10:41am
"Skukuchi can be used to dodge a number of projectiles such as Sven's Storm Bolt"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Storm Bolt shouldn't be dodgeable, it should hit invisible units, you shouldn't be able to dodge it.

EDIT: NVM, it's a bug, you should say it's a bug in the guide. And I believe Alch's stun does hit weaver (it shouldn't).
samukobo (28) | July 7, 2013 2:39am
Don't know much about weaver, I'll just get with the facts.

Poor Man's Shield actually costs more than Magic Wand.

Medallion of Courage technically doesn't reduce your armor, as it returns your armor to its original value before medallion, so it's more of an offensive tool.

Is your skill build supposed to be incomplete?

Other than that, I really like the detail.
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