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3 Votes

Guide to 6.85 Windranger

October 11, 2015 by AlphaStrategizer
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magicmat (1) | October 21, 2015 2:44am
I ve played WR actually for a few times (low mmr) and disagree with your guide. As others said before, not maxing Powershot is a fault. It doesn't matter on wich lane u play. This skill harass the enemies a lot at start, help lasthitting mutiple creeps, creats space for taking run, is great in early teamfights with 2-3 heroes and at last, finishs fleeing heroes.

Same for Shackleshot which adavantages above Windrun named previously. 3 seconds are enough to flee in mid game but a two man stun in a team fight is huge. Also enough for a single kill with shackle and Focus Fire. Windrun offensivly will help u only in an 1 by 1 fight when the enemy has no stun and not much magical damage.

At last i dont like item builds with Hand of Midas for heroes who could have a high impact in the early and mid game like Windranger. I see too many heroes in my skill bracket who get it meanwhile the other team get an big advantage from ganking, taking towers and fight as a team.
Axyom_Fate | October 17, 2015 1:54am
Cold Embrace not Ice Cocoon.
TheSofa (54) | October 11, 2015 7:45am
... I was refraining from saying that...
Sanvitch (18) | October 11, 2015 7:33am
Whereas I would say; If you can't land the Shackles, why play the hero? It's her best ability, you should learn to use it decently well. Even if it's not two hero shackles, landing a 3.5s stun is still solid.
TheSofa (54) | October 11, 2015 7:08am
I think what Alpha is trying to say is that... (paraphrasing) "If you don't land your shackle, Windrun is better than Shackleshot." Which is true.

However, Alpha, you have to realize how easy it actually is to land a shackle. It has a 575 search range!

And also, there are trees everywhere.
Sanvitch (18) | October 11, 2015 5:09am
But Windrun gives you less value past the first point than Shackleshot does. You get up to a 3s increased duration, and some slight slow with extra points in Windrun. Shackle gives you up to 2.25 seconds of extra disable on two heroes.

Windrunner is a pretty aggresive hero early on, because you have large amounts of pick-off potential, and rotation potential due to a high damage nuke, your ulti, and a really long duration stun. By not maxing Shackle till post 11, you are delaying that timing window by probably 10 minutes, you are delaying your ability to fight by 10 minutes, your ability to gank by 10 minutes.

The real value in Windrun comes from it letting you man-fight people once you have a damage item up; But before then, how is it more valuable than a 3.5s stun when enemy heroes are still probably in lanes?
AlphaStrategizer | October 11, 2015 4:37am
Although I do respectfully disagree with you on the first topic, as I believe that Shackleshot is nice, but is too unreliable to have heavy emphasis on it in the early mid portion of the game, due to the lack of direct accessibility to trees, and the unreliability of creeps, but I do believe you have a point when it comes to the mobility in your second portion of the response. I believe that although the mobility is very nice, it is absolutely essential to get your aghs ASAP, but if you are on a team with an Alchemist, and you convince him to give you a fast Aghs for free, then it could be very effective. Thanks for the feedback!

Edit #3:

Added 3rd Skillbuild In Case Of Alchemist On Team (And he gives you priority on Aghs)
Sanvitch (18) | October 10, 2015 5:44pm
I think the standard mid skill build is like 2-3-1 by 6 (Or at least a common one worth mentioning), with ulti taken at 8 instead. Since, you don't reaaaally need it that early in lane, and you benefit hugely from the extra level in Shackleshot. Like your stun is 1.5x more effective with that second point.

Also I'd put Blink Dagger/ Force Staff a little above ag's in terms of priority. Because you are active a lot earlier with that pick-up than you would be with half an ag's. Especially on offlane windrunner.
AlphaStrategizer | October 10, 2015 5:40pm
Although I do semi agree with that, pre arranging everything beforehand does pay dividends, as you can focus on getting yourself a different item if the Alchemist said in advance, such as a Hand of Midas, and as I said before, you don't have to be relying on Alch. The simple fact that you are getting an Aghs without having to have a slot open in itself is insanely powerful. This opens you up for mobility, survivability, or damage, and slottage is an insanely problematic topic for Windranger. Although you could rely on him for a fast aghs, which is a better idea when planned in advance, you can also simply get a full blown scepter before he gets one, then have him skip over you for the Aghs upgrades. As long as you get it before you are 6-Slotted, you're golden.
Blubbles (13) | October 10, 2015 5:32pm
Yes quick aghs is needed but if alch is going to get you an Agh's it going to be far past the time you need it sinc ehe needs at the very least Phases, bottle, and a farming item like Maelstrom or Midas. Once he gets that you should already have at least a point booster and another component, and not be reliant on the alch.
AlphaStrategizer | October 10, 2015 2:14pm
It depends on whether or not Alchemist is playing a more supportive role or not. Although Alchemist is a hard carry, it is common to get one or two priority Aghs' before going for his items. Although thanks for agreeing with the quick aghs. Plus, even if he doesn't give you a fast Aghs, late game he will still give you one, so you an sell yours to get another slot.
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