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6 Votes

Guide on Carry Silencer

May 16, 2014 by Vain
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DzikaPanda (16) | May 17, 2014 12:57pm
Please do some formating :D
Xyrus (104) | May 17, 2014 12:17pm

Well aghs makes you tankier and lets you do double curse, if you go for a curse build.

If you dont level curse early though, Rod of Atos is better.

This ^

It's useful for some insane Mana Burn, but isn't something you'll want every game
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 17, 2014 9:57am
Well aghs makes you tankier and lets you do double curse, if you go for a curse build.

If you dont level curse early though, Rod of Atos is better.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 17, 2014 7:56am
For all those people arguing about the Midas, just pretend you're playing an Outworld Devourer: they both share a good orb effect that kind of scales in the late game with levels (natural INT growth and extra skill points) and items, and as such a Hand of Midas can keep your damage high in the late game. And if Silencer snowballs in the mid game, he'll get the extra INT from his passive.

Other than that, both Silencer and OD share more or less the same item build: Hand of Midas or Mekansm first depending on your needs (late game presence or early-mid game pushes), then Force Staff (or Rod of Atos versus carries who don't build a BKB) and Scythe of Vyse/ Black King Bar, maybe getting a Shiva's Guard first if you're having troubles with carries. That's how I build him, and while I like the Force Staff more than Atos, they're both good items with an awesome active. You also don't list the Mekansm as a core, but I perfectly agree with it since a Midas is better if you can get it early and there's another good Mek carrier in your team.

It's a good guide: I personally don't like the Aghanim's Scepter on Silencer because it doesn't increase the duration of the silence nor it reduces its cooldown, but the rest is very good. You should also change the starting items, either going mid with a Null Talisman and a Tango rushing a Bottle (as Xyrus said) or starting with a Ring of Protection and make a quick cost-efficient Ring of Basilius for your laning phase (thus skipping the Talisman).
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | May 17, 2014 5:39am
Well this is pretty good
Nuxy | May 17, 2014 4:56am
nice guide ill try it :D good job
Xyrus (104) | May 17, 2014 3:52am
FleetAU wrote:

jesus xyrus, you really go out of your way to pick out everything I say around here

I did agree with half of it -_-
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 17, 2014 2:41am
Meh , no curse, you are destroying his aoe damage potential early game, a max curse at lvl 7 will hit just as hard as an emp.
Rush an aghs by 15 min and you can double the damage and mana burn, nothing wins a lane as hard as curse haras

As for the items pretty much my same build, id rather get a euls or forcestaff instead of the midas though, or even a bottle
FleetAU (16) | May 17, 2014 2:08am
jesus xyrus, you really go out of your way to pick out everything I say around here
Xyrus (104) | May 17, 2014 12:52am
Is this a Silencer Mid guide? If it is, I would recommend taking a single point in Glaives of Wisdom at lvl1. For a low Mana Cost, you can do a lot of damage to the other Laner or at least keep most opponents away from the Creep Wave and even Orb Walk to hit them under Towers. I'd also add Bottle as Core since, as a Mid, you'll want a source of Regen early on, as well as to amke good use of the Runes when Ganking. If you can't get Runes, then just Bottle-Crow.
FleetAU wrote:

Now, midas on silencer? not sure about that

Vain wrote:
!Ofcourse,why not Hands of midas if u think u can get it early.I didn't say that you have to get it by anymeans.

This is fair, Hand of Midas is Situational on any Core Hero, sometimes you'll find yourself dominating the Early Game, but you can't quite finish them off in 20:00 - 30:00, so you focus on strengthening yourself for the 2nd half of the Mid-Game or even the Late Game.

It should probably be moved to Situational Items though, just to prevent any confusion
FleetAU wrote:

Why the hell would you get a bkb on silencer
bkb=protect from magical damage
magical damage=spells
silence=no spells

Global Silence can be removed by becoming Magic Immune an by Purge, so if the other Team activates a Black King Bar, pops a Manta Style, uses Diffusal Blade or any other form of Purge or Magic Immunity, you can easily just wait until Global Silence is popped to activate BKB and go ham!

It's more than likely that against a competent Team, you'll need a Black King Bar on Silencer, especially given the over 2 minute long Cooldown on Global Silence
FleetAU wrote:

I don't like to level last word that early unless I have a Crystal Maiden on the team as you tend to run out of mana really quick.

Just because you level it, doesn't mean you have to spam it, simply save it for when you want to go for a Kill, or for Teamfights, in conjunction with Global Silence so you can Silence them for up to 12 or 13 seconds and get a (nearly) guaranteed Disarm. <}3
FleetAU wrote:

I don't think you should get a null talisman unless you are going to get a dagon or magical damage amplifying thingo

Generally, I would either have one in my Starting Items, or not bother building it at all unless building Dagon or Veil of Discord
Vain wrote:

I don't understand why you're saying not to level last word and this null talisman thing,null talisman at start so that you won't ran out of mana and have more mana to cast on enemies,also for mana regen too.Its more advantage this way, you can try it if you doubt.

The Regen isn't really noticable by itself, but starting with +9 Damage and an extra 78 Mana (6 Glaives worth) is really handy. I recommend starting with this, since with Silencer's "bullying" potential and lack of need for Mana Regen if only using Glaives of Wisdom early on, it suits a Mid Hero who can wait until 2:00 to get his Bottle.
FleetAU wrote:

In gerneral you really need to explain your reasons for skilling what you do, why you buy those items. And this is a hero guide, explain how to play him for gods sake, for example: if chasing down a hero, use your rod of atos to slow him so you can rip out his guts with a sharp frisbee

Agreed, simply telling people what Items to buy won't help them learn how to play a Hero, you've got to explain the reasoning so players can better understand how a Hero works and how they synergise with certain Items, e.g. Last Word immediately followed by Orchid Malevolence == 5 second Silence + Damage Amplification + 6 second Silence and Disarm...but that isn't necessarily the best 1st Item on him, since they can simply run away from you when you do that, but combined with some good Slows... 8{D
the-_-wanderer (1) | May 16, 2014 11:30pm
Nice!your first guide still u did good. Goodjob and Goodluck :)
Vain (2) | May 16, 2014 11:16pm
@FletAU !Ofcourse,why not Hands of midas if u think u can get it early.I didn't say that you have to get it by anymeans.Silencer is playing as a carry here, you think he doesn't need a bkb?,Opponents are gonna try to disable him for sure thing coz like you've said he has his ultimate silence.
I don't understand why you're saying not to level last word and this null talisman thing,null talisman at start so that you won't ran out of mana and have more mana to cast on enemies,also for mana regen too.Its more advantage this way, you can try it if you doubt.
And I think I've mentioned about skilling(check skill built)too if u can see it,plus there's a few line on what why we need those items,example like u've said Rod of atos slows the targets movement,nobody is that too stupid and keep standing still without hitting the target after using rod of atos against the enemy.
Anyway since this is my first guide,In the the next guide i'll try bring more on about the items usage .Thank you for your advice though,appreciate it :).
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