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2 Votes

Grim's Guide to Phantom Assassin

February 10, 2015 by ashwinthegrim
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ChiChi (47) | February 10, 2015 8:51am
Are you sure you have something on it? I just searched with Ctrl + F and found nothing. See if you have published again the guide after altering it; otherwise, only you will see the changes (I've noticed this once in a computer I wasn't logged in, it showed just some parts of my guide, and I was like "what the hell", until I discovered you have to refresh that publication button, and not only the "save" one).

Anyway, sorry for the suggestion if you had it already! And great guide again :)

Do more guides! I need some help with Leshrac and Pugna, for instance... :D
ashwinthegrim (7) | February 10, 2015 8:18am
ChiChi wrote:

Dude, your guide on PA is sincerily one of my favourite guides on Dota Fire so far! You have all the essentials, and your writting is clear and interesting. I've been learning PA, and this type of guide is exactly what I needed. Much deserved +1 from me! And I don't really see the need for more color or whatever, since it is so well structured and summarized :)

I would add a suggestion: to be even more complete, what do you think on saying something on Blade Mail as a PA's foe?



The point about Blade Mail is valid, however, since a Black King Bar is core, and you'll have it on during any fight, you should never have trouble against a Blade Mail. However, if you see a Blade Mail and you do not have BKB up, do not engage.. I'll add that to the guide (although I remember already mentioning it somewhere)..

P.S: I just noticed that I already do have a note about Blade Mail. Was there something else you were looking for?
ChiChi (47) | February 9, 2015 7:59am
Dude, your guide on PA is sincerily one of my favourite guides on Dota Fire so far! You have all the essentials, and your writting is clear and interesting. I've been learning PA, and this type of guide is exactly what I needed. Much deserved +1 from me! And I don't really see the need for more color or whatever, since it is so well structured and summarized :)

I would add a suggestion: to be even more complete, what do you think on saying something on Blade Mail as a PA's foe?

Master of buttons | February 8, 2015 10:55am
Has potential, really needs some formatting and color. Maybe a second item build, current one doesn't have a lot of flexibility. Again the blocky-ness of the text made it a hard read and a bit bland otherwise good content.
ashwinthegrim (7) | February 3, 2015 9:25am
Unscathed wrote:

1. get vlads deso
2. snowball
3. profit

but eh, basically both builds are aiming for mid/late game. wont complain.

Like I said, I have mentioned deso in the guide as a potential mid game focused item. As for the vlads, it's a great item for the mid game, I just prefer letting a different hero pick it up.. It frees up an item slot for you, and the aura is pretty much all you need (unless 2 hp regen op)..
Unscathed (47) | February 3, 2015 9:10am
1. get vlads deso
2. snowball
3. profit

but eh, basically both builds are aiming for mid/late game. wont complain.
ashwinthegrim (7) | February 3, 2015 8:44am
Unscathed wrote:

I am against the BF build. Instead, we can just make vlads deso and fight early game. Hell, even vlads+medallion deals loads f damage.

And the vlads... How dareth thou not mentioneth the holy vlads!!!!!

You could go for a vlads deso and fight early game. However, if you are the 1 position carry, and they repel your pushes early game, you're left with a gimped late game..

Going Battle Fury or not just depends on your strategy..

As for Vladmir's Offering, I'm OK with the item, but I'd rather let a support or offlaner pick it up, rather than on myself.. As a PA, I'd rather go for that Satanic.
Unscathed (47) | February 3, 2015 4:38am
I am against the BF build. Instead, we can just make vlads deso and fight early game. Hell, even vlads+medallion deals loads f damage.

And the vlads... How dareth thou not mentioneth the holy vlads!!!!!
Squidzzy | February 2, 2015 7:44pm
Could use some color.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 2, 2015 5:13pm
make it more readable man.This hurts my eyes.
Blubbles (13) | February 2, 2015 5:04pm
gingerino wrote:

Good one.

***** Mammoth XD
gingerino (3) | February 2, 2015 2:02pm
This ***** mammoth is one of the best allies you can get.

Good one.
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