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Greed is Good - A guide to Alchemist

September 5, 2014 by SoloKings.Adrenaline
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Zwe_for_Accenssion | March 6, 2015 2:44pm
I think you should pick Greevil's Greed first cause nobody would use Unstable Concoction at level 1. This means you will obtain about 25 more gold. This might nor be much but it is still better than nothing
CrysMaidenofWintersnow | January 18, 2015 5:11am
Just my own little opinion.

If you are the first position carry in your team, max Greevil's Greed early because you would be farming big time. If you are the second position carry, max the armor reducing acid spray: this is because you will be needed to clean-up after ganks or fights, so just dish out all your damage, plus as a second position carry you don't have the free time to position yourself for the stun. If you are a semi-carry, max the unstable concoction stun: Do I need to explain why? Stun the enemy and go in to tank attacks for your team, your second or first position carry will finish the enemies off.

That being said, almost always have at least level 1 stun and acid spray, because it's the way you can disturb your opponents' play effectively.

This is just the ideal situation. Much play-style discourse depends on your situational in-game performance of your team and the opponent team. Anyway, the skill build I mention is quite reliable during your plays, I think. =)
wangyuphing (9) | November 29, 2014 1:11am
You should put Black King Bar as a core item, instead of situational. Nowadays people are becoming smarter and smarter and they begin to understand the meaning of <TEAMWORK>, so in each team there must be at least 2 nukers / skill-type hero, so why not BKB??
SoloKings.Adrenaline | August 24, 2014 11:42am
BKvoiceover wrote:

Hmm, the majority of the stuff in this guide I would agree with there are just a few tidbits I would like to bring up.

1. Put a Ring of Basillius in your early game items. If you buy a Ring of Protection as a starting item it only makes sense. It will help desperately with your mana problems you will experience in the early game.

2. As much as you say to max out Greevil's Greed first I would almost never recommend that. your stun is extremely helpful and when you only have 1 level of it in the early game your ganking and main killing skill is squandered. In my experience so many kills and ganks could've gone successfully if the Alchemist would've had more levels in Unstable Concoction.

But on the other hand it is a very well formatted and in-depth guide. The ability descriptions could've been a little more in-depth but they are supplementary. I really like this guide since I love carry Alchemist.

Good job. Hope to see more guides from you in the future :)


I literally forgot why I would buy the Ring of Protection. After reading this I remember it was meant for making a Ring of Basilius. I will include that in the next update of this guide, which will be after some hours. I will also change some of the skill build because as you said early-game if you have the opportunity to gank you will fail to do so just because you don't have a long enough stun. Thanks for pointing this out :-)

BKvoiceover (12) | August 23, 2014 9:18pm
Hmm, the majority of the stuff in this guide I would agree with there are just a few tidbits I would like to bring up.

1. Put a Ring of Basillius in your early game items. If you buy a Ring of Protection as a starting item it only makes sense. It will help desperately with your mana problems you will experience in the early game.

2. As much as you say to max out Greevil's Greed first I would almost never recommend that. your stun is extremely helpful and when you only have 1 level of it in the early game your ganking and main killing skill is squandered. In my experience so many kills and ganks could've gone successfully if the Alchemist would've had more levels in Unstable Concoction.

But on the other hand it is a very well formatted and in-depth guide. The ability descriptions could've been a little more in-depth but they are supplementary. I really like this guide since I love carry Alchemist.

Good job. Hope to see more guides from you in the future :)

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