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121 Votes

Gorgonzola (ANTI alt-tab)

September 10, 2014 by Sp12
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DxdApex89 | February 4, 2016 11:26pm
Nc Guide
Blubbles (13) | January 16, 2016 10:38pm
What do you think of slahser's way Divine Rapier core?
Min_Dota | January 11, 2016 11:19pm
Good, but can be done more elaborately.
Cheese Ausar (1) | December 2, 2015 4:23am
medusa is fun, but what I need to know is when I should be participating in teamfights, the time I should get my items by :c its confusing af as a new player
Maykelph | July 4, 2015 3:32am
Nice gude. :)
Ill probably try bloodstone build since i never tried to change zsmj's medusa build.
MrPoo | January 4, 2015 10:40am
Played like this many times! Good job done by you! +1 :)
BrecMadak | September 14, 2014 6:05pm
So what has had been updated by now ? It would be useful to be able to see the changelog...
And readability still lacking overall, a bit too eye-tiring on item listing sections especially, feedbacking you incase you may want to fix them this time.
Affluenza | May 29, 2014 1:02pm
This guide is very out-of-date and most of the builds are pretty bad except for the classic Linkens build. Ancient farming got nerfed.

A lot of more current Medusa play revolves around getting online a lot quicker as the meta doesn't allow for long drawn out games and 4v5.

So we see points into stats as early as level one with the maxing of shields and snake first and split shot after level 10.

We see the first big item being a Maelstrom or MKB into Skadi into Butterfly. You go phase or treads and get either a HOTD or MoM.

Linkens can still be had if you're against line ups that can proc Linkens but what we're really after is getting DPS going on Medusa. With shields and stats taken early she can solo a lane no problem.
JACKAZZ234 | May 25, 2014 6:41pm
Good guide. It has depth but my issue is why do you only upgrade your ultimate twice. Also, why wait so long with mystic snake, I know it doesn't get you that much mana until late game in team fights but it's good for scaring people off or harassing early game because of the damage it does. I think you should put it get at least one upgrade for it at level 4 or 5.
Barttron | May 13, 2014 9:48am
Hey all,

I would just like to add that +46 dmg for 2400g is also a very good early item or maybe 2.
The first reason is that Linkin is very expensive and gives low dmg. So alot of the time you are there shooting away doing no dmg while your team dies. For 1 Linkin you get 2*46dmg +500gold.
Take into account that only base dmg is reduced for split shot. So the 2*46 dmg isn't reduced at all by split shot. And you have to farm alot to get the necessary item. So the extra dmg wil boost you lvling and farming speed alot. So 15 minutes into the game you can ulti and shoot 200dmg spit shot in 700 aoe. Oké you might die a few times more. But you will be able to contribute much more in the early game and farm up very fast.

YellulzQuiet (8) | January 13, 2014 2:30pm
I think should you say which are best supports to lane with medusa
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 28, 2013 9:48am
I just wanted to say a few things:

While the Bloodstone HotD build is a good build - I myself did pretty well every time I tried it - I think the core items are redundant and too expensive. A Bloodstone already gives you a huge amount of regen; I understand going for the Soul Booster first and then, as you need in-lane sustainability, taking a HotD, but sometimes saving 1850 gold for a quicker Manta Style/ Butterfly makes the difference. Plus, you'll end your BS straight after one of your bigger items and get all that extra regen. So, people might ask why you don't directly finish your Bloodstone instead of going for a more expensive lifesteal item; I'd like to have more information, too.

The Refresher build severely lacks damage. Also, as the Shadow Blade is more of a snowball item, I think the best way to get it is buying a plain Ring of Health and finish your Perseverance after it so that you minimize your "downtime" in which the enemy might gain an advantage and prevent you from getting fed. Honestly I've never tried it, but I guess I'll do so in a bot match at least.

I like all your builds a lot, these are my only concerns about them. Other than that, I really can't think of anything wrong.
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