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27 Votes

Gondar 404 - To be Bounty Hunter (6.81b Update)

June 10, 2014 by Yzreel
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TransactionComplete | April 4, 2017 7:03pm
Great Guide, for the most part. Lot of effort put into it so I made an account just to upvote it.

However, you neglected to put in Dagon. Dagon BH gets a fair amount of flak, I know, but there's a reason it is so popular: it works. With bounty hunter, you want to maximize your instant burst damage, especially if you are versing heroes that have great escapes like AM, or any hero using shadowblade. If you kill them before they react, that is ideal, and Dagon is uniquely suited for that role.

I read a fair amount of your huge guide but not all of it, so if you addressed why you didn't include Dagon already, that's my bad. But if you see this comment, or if there are any other members here that play BH enough to have an opinion worth listening to that want to answer the question, please do. Thanks.

Final note: I don't see a need for BKB, especially not as a core. -Maybe- situational. But if you need a BKB as BH, that means one of two things: one, you're doing BH wrong (since BH is meant to appear out of thin air, instantly melt an opponent, then vanish) or two, the enemy team is successfully maintaining vision on you via skills (Slardar, Zeus), sentries, dust, or gem and you can't take their vision away.

The first option can be fixed just by learning how to play the hero correctly. The second can be mostly fixed by just carrying a gem and being mindful of which heroes have dust or gem. BKB absolutely should be listed as a situational. Anyone have a different opinion and can back it up?
drewZ | January 16, 2016 10:39pm

IS it ok if we dont buy drum at all

usually i buy:
phase - vlad - deso - butterfly/mkb/bkb

but my friend always keep telling me that BH must use drum after phase
and they said drum is a core for BH

what is your opinion?

Yzreel (30) | August 2, 2014 9:38am
CheakyTeak wrote:

insanely good guide, although id reccomend picking up a clarity at start when going mid. i always find a use for it, whether on me or a support.

Thank you so very much :D
Hmm... clarity sure is useful in most situation, but since I rarely see Bounty Hunter using it in tournament scene, and I don't find a need for it in my personal build I do not put it in. Furthermore, for me Bounty Hunter is a very bad mid hero, so I am quite against it (except if what you mean is a supportive Bounty Hunter played like how pieliedie plays his Bounty Hunter)

Anyway, thanks very much for commenting, hope to see you more in the future!
CheakyTeak | August 1, 2014 11:56pm
insanely good guide, although id reccomend picking up a clarity at start when going mid. i always find a use for it, whether on me or a support.
Yzreel (30) | June 11, 2014 4:46am
Safecyn wrote:

+1 from me. Nicely done. I <3 the mathy explanation of why Track is OP.

Thank you some idiot :D
I have also read your guide of Brewmaster! I love your guide! (I think I +1ed it already.) Too bad the control of Brewmaster and your humor is way beyond my capabilities:(
Yzreel (30) | June 11, 2014 4:42am
Xyrus wrote:

If you've managed to get all of those Items then it's probably gone past about 50 minutes (unless you be snowballin and your Team be wasting time Farming instead of Pushing...)

If you haven't used your Tangoes by the time you get Vlads, then naturally, those should go first, they're not that useful beyond the Early Game.

This ^

Next is Poor Man's Shield, 20 Damage Block and 6 Agility is nice early on, but it falls off after about 30 minutes.

Next is Magic Wand, getting 225 Mana is always useful, but it's much less important than the other Items.

A 6-slotted Bounty will probably look like this

Gem of True Sight is just an example, you should always leave a Slot free for whatever Situational Item you may need, or even simple Utility Items, like Dust of Appearance, Wards, etc. as well as Town Portal Scrolls

You took my job of explaining it :(
Yeah, basically everything that Xyrus said. Tango is obvious, and Poor Man's Shield as well as Magic Wand is useless in late game. Note that the Gem slot up there is where you should put the Desolator if you do decide to pick it up (if not, take the situational, luxury or other core extensions to fill the slot). Note that if the game has allowed you to go 6-slotted, it might be wiser sometimes to have utility items for team compared to picking up luxury items (except if it's pub game :p)
Xyrus (104) | June 11, 2014 4:03am

I always have a problem with the inventory, can you please tell me what should be sold when? if we go with this build with no selling we will have deso,drums,boots,shield,vlad,wand, bkb and scrolls, thats 8 items not including tangos, so what should be got and what should be sold?

If you've managed to get all of those Items then it's probably gone past about 50 minutes (unless you be snowballin and your Team be wasting time Farming instead of Pushing...)

If you haven't used your Tangoes by the time you get Vlads, then naturally, those should go first, they're not that useful beyond the Early Game.
Krwiozerca wrote:

I guess Poor Man's Shield and Magic Wand should be sold in order to free inventory slots.

This ^

Next is Poor Man's Shield, 20 Damage Block and 6 Agility is nice early on, but it falls off after about 30 minutes.

Next is Magic Wand, getting 225 Mana is always useful, but it's much less important than the other Items.

A 6-slotted Bounty will probably look like this

Gem of Truesight

Gem of True Sight is just an example, you should always leave a Slot free for whatever Situational Item you may need, or even simple Utility Items, like Dust of Appearance, Wards, etc. as well as Town Portal Scrolls
Krwiozerca (34) | June 11, 2014 3:42am
I guess Poor Man's Shield and Magic Wand should be sold in order to free inventory slots.
unknown soldier | June 11, 2014 3:02am
I always have a problem with the inventory, can you please tell me what should be sold when? if we go with this build with no selling we will have deso,drums,boots,shield,vlad,wand, bkb and scrolls, thats 8 items not including tangos, so what should be got and what should be sold?
Safecyn (32) | June 10, 2014 10:38pm
+1 from me. Nicely done. I <3 the mathy explanation of why Track is OP.
Yzreel (30) | June 10, 2014 7:43am
Krwiozerca wrote:

How about Tinker?

Yeah him too, and Puck, and Lion... don't pick on me!!! :(
On a more serious note, dagon is generally a good item on every hero, and is more useful on some ( Tinker Puck Lion etc.) but I think it's can be replaced by other items and are more to situational (which is why I am not a fan of using that as core on most heroes.) Only hero I think dagon is a core on is Nyx Assassin, but it is also outclassed by Blink Dagger on him, so....

Anyway, you think I should go and make Juggernaut's guide next?
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