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God Help You Now...

December 25, 2011 by thefriend
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Atlas (117) | January 2, 2012 6:10pm
HamSandwich wrote:

This is wrong.

First of all, take arc lightning first, and then static field while maxing bolt. After you've maxed bolt, max field and then finally max arc. Ulti at 6/11/16. Your skill build seems disorganized and random at best.

As for items, consider building a blink dagger or force staff in the midgame, after you've picked up manaboots and a bottle. To be successful in the late game, build towards ghost staff or sheep. What you should avoid is aghanims scepter and refresher. With aghs, you're paying 4200 gold for 140 damage (per target). Dagon 2 costs about the same and does 500 damage. And if you're buying aghanims for stats, buy an ultimate orb instead and make a sheepstick.

Remember that Zeus is a ganker and therefore should gank. Even items like urn and mekanism are much better than aghs/refresher. You're focusing too much on his ultimate and not enough on his other assets.

I agree with almost everything you said, but I WILL always end up getting refresher. Refresher, in all my experience, has ended up being far more useful than anything else for Zeus. What's better than one global nuke on every enemy hero? A second global nuke on every enemy hero. Aghanim's is a bit of a waste though.
HamSandwich (34) | January 2, 2012 5:59pm
thefriend wrote:

Getting Scepter and Refresher are vital for Zeus to be decent late game.

This is wrong.

First of all, take arc lightning first, and then static field while maxing bolt. After you've maxed bolt, max field and then finally max arc. Ulti at 6/11/16. Your skill build seems disorganized and random at best.

As for items, consider building a blink dagger or force staff in the midgame, after you've picked up manaboots and a bottle. To be successful in the late game, build towards ghost staff or sheep. What you should avoid is aghanims scepter and refresher. With aghs, you're paying 4200 gold for 140 damage (per target). Dagon 2 costs about the same and does 500 damage. And if you're buying aghanims for stats, buy an ultimate orb instead and make a sheepstick.

Remember that Zeus is a ganker and therefore should gank. Even items like urn and mekanism are much better than aghs/refresher. You're focusing too much on his ultimate and not enough on his other assets.
thefriend | December 30, 2011 12:31pm
In my guide when I said "farm", I meant only do so when you know you're behind. Getting Scepter and Refresher are vital for Zeus to be decent late game. Refresher is quite expensive, and thus may need a little farming to get in a timely fashion.
kumquat (15) | December 29, 2011 8:32pm
HamSandwich wrote:

101 cs in 47 mins is terrible.

That's debatable.

You should only farm as much as you need to. If you clearly have a huge lead, there isn't much reason to passively farm, especially when you can just secure Kongor and win.

On top of that, Zeus isn't meant to farm. Any time spent farming on Zeus is time you could've spent ganking, so I'm not surprised by the low end creep score.

The entire premise of "high creep score = good" is actually the reason why a lot of people lose games. It's a really poisonous train of thought. You're usually better off keeping the enemy team down when you are playing an item independent character like Zeus so that the characters who can actually utilize farm (like the carry) are free to do as they want. Zeus is an early game character, and a low creep score is a sign (although not a definite one) of a Zeus played properly. Complaining about his creep score is sort of like complaining that a jungler doesn't have many denies.

I know you probably don't care, but I figured I would clear that up so other readers wouldn't see your trolling as actual discussion. I already have enough Zeus players who spend large amounts of time farming. =)
HamSandwich (34) | December 29, 2011 8:12pm
101 cs in 47 mins is terrible.
kumquat (15) | December 28, 2011 9:40am
Where's the part where you give information on how to play the hero? : /

Also, I disagree with your tidbit about how you should be farming with Zeus. he is an early game character who falls off later on. You need to as much damage as you can after you hit level six. Every second spent farming is a second wasted.
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