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Ganker's Guide to Nyx Assassin

August 18, 2013 by Mukl
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heedrix | February 14, 2018 12:36pm
I disagree completely, players like you is what makes nyx seen as only a nuker its disgusting, nyx has great potential to be an auto attacking hero.
Mukl | August 22, 2013 3:35am
dasMetzger wrote:

I prefer Bottle over Urn of Shadows, just because you are typically starved for mana w/o multiple Arcane's on your team. Plus by nature of ganking with Nyx, unlike with other heroes, you will usually either have an insta-kill, or no kill. So the Urn charges are left pretty much unusable unless you're supporting your teammates.

I 100% agree with you here.. i prefer bottles to urns, although you musn't forget that buying an urn isnt completely unheard of. in many matches an urn provides alot better value for money than a bottle so this a matter for debate. However, i agree that nyx is often starved for mana, losing the potental to gank w/o multiple arcanes or trips to spawn. Thanks for your input :):):)))
Mukl | August 22, 2013 3:32am
Asdaft wrote:

It's a nice guide, but it lacks some depth explanation.

For example; in the items section, you haven't explained why you should be grabbing items such as a Blink Dagger and a Diffusal Blade. And why I need Arcane Boots Also, since you're a ganker, it's wise to grab a Urn of Shadows. Eul's Scepter of Divinity isn't that much of a core for a ganking Nyx Assassin. Sure, it gives you some bonus movement speed and nice mana regen. But it doesn't benefit you if you can solo 24/7 and swimming in gold. I'd rather put this in the Situational items.
Also, a Blade Mail? Why?

By the way, fun fact for Impale. You can avoid triggering Linken's Sphere and missing your stun by simply using your stun on the direction of your opponent, rather than clicking it on him. ( Linken's Sphere only triggers when you click on the hero with your skill)

You also haven't explained which lane I should and shouldn't be going to.
I can't just go to a solo-offlane against a tri-lane with a plain Tango and a Null Talisman or a Stout Shield

all great comments - i like it! I understand that i havent explained alot of my items in depth, and so on, but i completely agree, I dont think i made it clear enough, or even made it clear at all that the euls was situational, as much as the blink dagger is. I thought that upgrading the dagon was an important part to my build that makes it unique because i believe that the 800 burst damage is a vital role to playing nyx as a ganker. Whilst initiating with vendetta is a plus side, i also agree that in many cases it is not possible to initiate with this skill and you need an instant, unstoppable way to initiate a teamfight. I will make it clearer that a blink dagger is more core than situational, but is still as situational as any other item i have mentioned. In alot of matches that i play i figure i cant get very far without that blinkdagger. I personally disagree with the idea of getting an urn, and i prefer a bottle in preferance, but ofcourse it all depends on the other players on your team. If you have other heroes such as Night Stalker who wish to get an urn, then two urns on a team is not a wise idea, and likewise with a bottle. I cannot deny however how good urns and bottles are on nyx and will make them more prominent in my guide. The reason i prefer a bottle is the fact that it not only gives you health, but the mana is also handy, and although it doesnt give as much as an urn and is less helpful to teammates, the infinitely refillable factor makes it a first choice for me over an urn, although this decision is also entirely situational... The reason for Blade Mail is the fact that it has the potential to reflect 2x damage, although i have still got to test this, i believe it works. I will have to double check with my friends and so on if this actually works, but ofcourse if i am mistaken then Blade Mail with find its way out of this guide!!! I will also add in the factor about this linkens because i didnt know this! thank you very much for your feedback :)
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | August 21, 2013 1:48pm
You advocate upping Dagon? Interesting... not many people would.

Also, Blink Dagger should not be on the situational over Dagon as core. This is a mistake, unless you are low enough level or playing in stacks with low enough level, where you can actually initiate with vendetta every time. The sheer fact of the matter is that Nyx is an initiator in teamfights, and if you aren't landing that sick impale because you wanted to invis first instead, that is on you, I guess.

Sentry Wards destroy Nyx Assassin. Normally, invis heroes aren't actually countered by detection. Nyx assasin cannot initate without his invis, and enemies can deal with a nyx they see without many issues.

If people don't know how to ward for nyx, which means actually warding in the lane every time he goes missing, warding the river, ect ect, spending tons of money to not die and probably kill him... then yea, blink dagger is a sometimes item.

I personally have to get blink if I play nyx because I can't do much until I do.
dasMetzger (2) | August 19, 2013 10:12am
Asdaft wrote:

However, it still comes in handy when all of the sudden your health is low for some reason.

absolutely true, its why i love the urn on many ganking heroes. and i'm not trying to play devil's advocate here... but in my experience, nyx either insta-kills his target, or needs to run away/escape before giving the OP team the chance to kill him. nyx is so squishy and unable to finish targets off with auto-attacks that if you dont kill them with skills/items, you really need to abandon and try again later vs another target.

having both isn't bad, but but that takes either 600 or 875 away from building your next item (dagon and/then e-blade).
Asdaft (1) | August 18, 2013 6:40pm
dasMetzger wrote:

I prefer Bottle over Urn of Shadows, just because you are typically starved for mana w/o multiple Arcane's on your team. Plus by nature of ganking with Nyx, unlike with other heroes, you will usually either have an insta-kill, or no kill. So the Urn charges are left pretty much unusable unless you're supporting your teammates.

However, it still comes in handy when all of the sudden your health is low for some reason.
dasMetzger (2) | August 18, 2013 11:27am
Also, since you're a ganker, it's wise to grab a Urn of Shadows

I prefer Bottle over Urn of Shadows, just because you are typically starved for mana w/o multiple Arcane's on your team. Plus by nature of ganking with Nyx, unlike with other heroes, you will usually either have an insta-kill, or no kill. So the Urn charges are left pretty much unusable unless you're supporting your teammates.
Asdaft (1) | August 18, 2013 11:05am
It's a nice guide, but it lacks some depth explanation.

For example; in the items section, you haven't explained why you should be grabbing items such as a Blink Dagger and a Diffusal Blade. And why I need Arcane Boots Also, since you're a ganker, it's wise to grab a Urn of Shadows. Eul's Scepter of Divinity isn't that much of a core for a ganking Nyx Assassin. Sure, it gives you some bonus movement speed and nice mana regen. But it doesn't benefit you if you can solo 24/7 and swimming in gold. I'd rather put this in the Situational items.
Also, a Blade Mail? Why?

By the way, fun fact for Impale. You can avoid triggering Linken's Sphere and missing your stun by simply using your stun on the direction of your opponent, rather than clicking it on him. ( Linken's Sphere only triggers when you click on the hero with your skill)

You also haven't explained which lane I should and shouldn't be going to.
I can't just go to a solo-offlane against a tri-lane with a plain Tango and a Null Talisman or a Stout Shield
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