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Gank to Victory

January 11, 2013 by XcALibuR
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XcALibuR (3) | January 14, 2013 6:38am
Why don't you consider SB on sniper? Sniper is easy to kill, even more easy with MoM. SB gives you a escape mechanism, which you don't have. SB is also nice for ganking.

Yes, I do agree it indeed is a nice item, but it will delay your core, and thus making this build less effective. If you use the normal build I would recommend this item.

About MoM:
Ok, yes it does make you squishy. That's why always gank with a partner so that you won't be focused on.

Which heroes would you consider as ideal gank partners? And do people really don't focus you until you are quickly dead, then focus on your partner?

Ideal gank partners are those with a stun or two ( e.g CM, Lion, VS), those who can soak the damage up for you (Centaur, Skeleton King, Axe). But most importantly is they can get the enemies' attention off you.

About Shrapnel:
This skill might be pretty good if you are playing the pusher Sniper, but as a ganker Sniper, I recommend taking this skill at lvl 22.

It has more uses than pushing. It has a huge casting range (1800). It can slow, which is always nice for ganking.
I would recommend at least one point early in it, since it also gives vision in that area. Like shrapnel the on the hill or on juking areas so you will still see him to at least assassinate him, or maybe if you have the mana, scout a area with it. (or solo push a low hp tower without creeps, shrapnel to get vision, and then attack outside of tower attack range).

Sometimes when I play a normal Sniper I usually use this skill, but your early mana pool is so scarce, and the items on this build doesn't support that part, thus it will drain your mana so quickly.

"I'd like to say thanks to:
Nova for his Perma-Basher guide "
In my opinion, that is not a good guide.

I do agree, I would like to say the same, but it only inspired part of this guide, which is the MoM item and nothing more.

If you want to talk about other guides, I'll say Atlas's guide is very worth while to read and to try.

Yes it indeed is a good one! This is where I was inspired to first play Sniper.

All in all, this isn't the usual Sniper build who likes to spam Shrapnel, this is just my personal reference. Still, your comment is absolutely appreciated. Thanks for the comment :)
Galois4 (1) | January 12, 2013 4:06pm
Why don't you consider SB on sniper? Sniper is easy to kill, even more easy with MoM. SB gives you a escape mechanism, which you don't have. SB is also nice for ganking.

About MoM:
Ok, yes it does make you squishy. That's why always gank with a partner so that you won't be focused on.

Which heroes would you consider as ideal gank partners? And do people really don't focus you until you are quickly dead, then focus on your partner?

About Shrapnel:
This skill might be pretty good if you are playing the pusher Sniper, but as a ganker Sniper, I recommend taking this skill at lvl 22.

It has more uses than pushing. It has a huge casting range (1800). It can slow, which is always nice for ganking.
I would recommend at least one point early in it, since it also gives vision in that area. Like shrapnel the on the hill or on juking areas so you will still see him to at least assassinate him, or maybe if you have the mana, scout a area with it. (or solo push a low hp tower without creeps, shrapnel to get vision, and then attack outside of tower attack range).

"I'd like to say thanks to:
Nova for his Perma-Basher guide "
In my opinion, that is not a good guide. If you want to talk about other guides, I'll say Atlas's guide is very worth while to read and to try.
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