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Gank to Victory

January 11, 2013 by XcALibuR
Comments: 2    |    Views: 8544    |   

Ganker Sniper

DotA2 Hero: Sniper

Hero Skills

Keen Scope (Innate)



2 4 8 9

Take Aim

1 3 5 7


6 11 16


10 12 13 14 15 17 18


Sniper is a hard-carry that he needs lots of items and gold to make him efficient. Not quite. This guide here is going to tell you how we play a Sniper as a ganker (which means he is useful even starting from mid-game), and I'm sure this build will change your teammates' negative views like "f*ckin KS-er", or even "oh f*ck another feeder at team". This build will regain your trust from your teammates.

What this guide is about

This build is my personal and favorite build so far. The main purpose for this build is to be a mighty ganker and not some kinda ****ty KS-er - well you will, though, but at least people will tolerate it considering your kills and not just a stand-and-watch guy. You will be able to bash the enemy and crit them to death. The items aren't that expensive either, but the time you get the items matter.


This skill might be pretty good if you are playing the pusher Sniper, but as a ganker Sniper, I recommend taking this skill at lvl 22.
Max this skill second. This is the skill that makes you pretty deadly as a ganking machine.
Max this out first, as you need to keep distance while touching the enemies with your bullets.
Deals ~266 Damage (after reduction) at Lvl 1, so use this skill to last-hit (or KS) heroes.

Item Builds

You might want to take mid-lane to have the gold advantage to farm up your items fast.

Starting items
Just follow the Suggested Items for starters

Early Game
Farm up a Magic Wand, especially againts heavy nukers, then Power Treads. I recommend Power Treads due to the +30 AS, which if useful for bashing your opponents and proccing the crits even more. Plus, you can switch the stats anytime you want.

Core Items
Your core item is Crystalis. This thing gives you burst amount of damage. Then, follow up with a Mask of Madness. Oh, wtf! That thing will make you squishy! Ok, yes it does make you squishy. That's why always gank with a partner so that you won't be focused on. Next up is just Power Treads and Magic Wand.

Wraith Bands
You might want to get a few of these if you are having a not-so good game. It provides more AS, damage, and a bit of survivability.

Luxury Items
Ok, you probably have racked up some kills under your belt. Use that gold to get yourself a Daedalus, which is fairly easy since you have Crystalis already. After that grab a Butterfly. More damage, AS, even evasion. Then, if the game hasn't end yet, buy MKB for more bashes, and also true strike. Well, if you have enemies with evasion, get MKB right after Daedalus. Lastly if it hasn't even ended yet, get the Eye of Skadi. It fully stacks with your lifesteal orb.

Laning Phase

When soloing, get EVERY last hits you can get, deny as much as possible, and harrass anyone who dares to step into your attack range, but watch out for creeps. And also, request a partner for a gank if you are having trouble laning. Your main objective here is to get rich and not to die. Grab kills if you can.
How to kill someone (solo lane):
1. Activate MoM.
2. Shoot your target's ***
3. Look at it's HP bar. Is it already 1 bar left? Yes, go to step 3. No, repeat step 1.
4. Use Assassinate
5. BOOM! You got a kill, now just run back and move your *** from incoming gankers.

Laning with a partner is relatively easier for you to grab kills. Go with a stunner if possible. They are your friends. In this case, you just focus on last-hit and harrassing. Farm up your items then call out for ganks on other lanes or push.

Laning time is over
Grab TPs in case you need those things. Now, stick to your partner and start killing people in wars. Same objective, DON'T DIE.

Team Fights

This is when your build starts to shine. Shoot the enemies and just watch their HP go down the drain, or getting helpless from being bashed to death. Use your ult on escaping enemies (you can KS too if you want). Just remember:
1. Watch your positioning and range
2. Don't die. EVER
3. Always have map awareness, and be aware on what you're doing
4. Get fat, and carry your team to victory

Screenshot and Replays

Match ID: 74928743
OK, in this match, Sniper is starred by... Me. I'm taking mid lane as usual, and having a bit of hard time since Zeus is harrassing me alot. Secondly, the opposing team's Ursa is raping every member of the team. In the end, we were turtling, my teammates got Blademail as well and I was able to farm my late game items and ended up with lots of kills.

I'm gonna add more replays soon...


I'd like to say thanks to:
Nova for his Perma-Basher guide and the Dota 2 Guide app on Android Play Store for inspiring me with this build.
IceFrog and Valve for creating such an AWESOME game.
All of you for reading this gude.

Hope you can enjoy shooting the **** outta your enemies with this build.

Please give me suggestions about this guide. Any type of suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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