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5 Votes

Fuzzy Wuzzy Lulzy Buzzy

May 5, 2013 by kurtthecobain
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kurtthecobain | May 7, 2013 2:35pm
Yasutsuna wrote:

If you're gonna jungle early, a Tranquil Boots is more preferred until you get Vladmir's Offering.

However fairly good although Shadow Blade is more preferred than dagger since it gives attack speed and you can move around without the problem of 3 sec delay.

Shadow Blade is easily countered with a gem, but blink dagger? you can't stop that unless you ward behind every tree :D
kurtthecobain | May 7, 2013 2:32pm
mnoi wrote:

"Right click champion"? This sounds suspiciously like some LOL lingo :P

On Topic: Get a salve instead of tangos starting as it is much more efficient. Also if you go for early phase boots instead of tranquil boots, you need to get a bottle otherwise you will have some hp issues.

I meant champion as in King, Boss, and the likes of that haha.
well salve means youll have to stay away from the jungle for 10 seconds while the salve goes to work, and thats crucial farming time lost during the early game of Ursa. And a bottle is pretty unnecessary for regen, I usually go back to base and tp in once.
Yasutsuna (51) | May 7, 2013 4:15am
dynasty987 wrote:

Not true. Shadow blade is only better against bad players. Invis is not a reliable form of initiation or escape. It costs more and the attack speed isn't that useful.

Yes, it is down to preference, but to say it is 'more preferred', implying that that is the general consensus, is wrong.

Hmm. I guess so. Hiding behind trees and jumping out is quite good at the same time. Anyway, I have to agree with you on that point.
dynasty987 (6) | May 7, 2013 2:46am
Yasutsuna wrote:

However fairly good although Shadow Blade is more preferred than dagger since it gives attack speed and you can move around without the problem of 3 sec delay.

Not true. Shadow blade is only better against bad players. Invis is not a reliable form of initiation or escape. It costs more and the attack speed isn't that useful.

Yes, it is down to preference, but to say it is 'more preferred', implying that that is the general consensus, is wrong.
mnoi (2) | May 6, 2013 8:25pm
"Right click champion"? This sounds suspiciously like some LOL lingo :P

On Topic: Get a salve instead of tangos starting as it is much more efficient. Also if you go for early phase boots instead of tranquil boots, you need to get a bottle otherwise you will have some hp issues.
Yasutsuna (51) | May 6, 2013 5:16am
If you're gonna jungle early, a Tranquil Boots is more preferred until you get Vladmir's Offering.

However fairly good although Shadow Blade is more preferred than dagger since it gives attack speed and you can move around without the problem of 3 sec delay.
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