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Also, I don't think
Also, when you mention allies you should talk about heavy physical damage dealer like :
I'm not sure about Oracle being a mid hero, or at least a position 2. I've lost many times because my Oracle stole all the kills and wasn't able to carry afterwards. But your explanation is great, the guide looks good and we're able to see the efforts you put in.
A case could be made for either fates edict, fortunes end, or purifying flames at the 0:00 mark. I often don't pick until I see what heroes are at the rune with me and what heroes are contesting the rune. A lack of stuns makes fortunes end very helpful for a first blood, whereas a fates edict (after all the magic dmg has been cast) can ensure a first blood as well if the enemy is caught out.
Oracle really struggles in anything besides 1 v 1 in my opinion, especially if outnumbered. The 3-4 seconds to be in range (always an issue if you dont have blink) can get turned on you very quick by the second hero. Oracle of course shines when there is a hero there to help start or finish off your combo. Just like any other ganker, wards are incredibly important and communication too.
Great guide all the same, I look forward to seeing it being developed, and I really like the 6.84 additions.
Hey Goo!
Well written guide, although I'm still a little uncertain about the viability of it all...
It would be nice if you included a "Worst Case Scenario" chapter, where you discuss what to do in case you're really behind.
Otherwise, good job, +1.
Good idea, might do that for future guides as well.
Well written guide, although I'm still a little uncertain about the viability of it all...
It would be nice if you included a "Worst Case Scenario" chapter, where you discuss what to do in case you're really behind.
Otherwise, good job, +1.
I like the guide, well written as always...however, I'd question the skilling...why take
In the Laning Stage and Early game section I noted that at level one you can take either
Dotabuff or it never happened :)