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9 Votes

Feathers are for the weak (Proffesional Guide)

February 17, 2014 by Xr Kyuz
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Xr Kyuz | February 14, 2014 3:48am
beatSTV wrote:

great guide mate well presented and thought out.

A couple of things firstly the first buy on the hyperstone i don't agree with i think grabbing your aghs first is a higher priority especially if you are focusing on the early ganks.

the heart, ac and butterfly are ok but a heavens halbard or bkb is a much better pick in my opinion.

All in all great guide but just not the way i would play the hero

I've looking toward that bkb halberd viper, it would be really ncie as an unarmed hero would be so easy to kill them slows and a magic immune viper with heart/meka would be unstoppable
beatSTV | February 13, 2014 5:51pm
great guide mate well presented and thought out.

A couple of things firstly the first buy on the hyperstone i don't agree with i think grabbing your aghs first is a higher priority especially if you are focusing on the early ganks.

the heart, ac and butterfly are ok but a heavens halbard or bkb is a much better pick in my opinion.

All in all great guide but just not the way i would play the hero
Xr Kyuz | February 13, 2014 5:38pm
Tikru8 wrote:

Because 250 team heal from mek is game-changing especially in early team fights (and to keep up tower pushes). Pro games have much stricter time windows than pubs, therefore pros often have one (Tanky) utility-item farmer who gets mek as 1. Item (doom, death prophet, viper)

Oh no wonder
Tikru8 (4) | February 13, 2014 2:00pm
Because 250 team heal from mek is game-changing especially in early team fights (and to keep up tower pushes). Pro games have much stricter time windows than pubs, therefore pros often have one (Tanky) utility-item farmer who gets mek as 1. Item (doom, death prophet, viper)
Xr Kyuz | February 13, 2014 1:15am
DarthB wrote:

I also play Viper with meka and phase boots often recently.

a) I try to deny or catch runes if an enemy hero needs them but never got a bottle in the latest games with Viper. I think phase boots are better than power treads for two reaseons:
1. You do +24 damage really early.
2. When activate you are faster than with power treads and you can go through creeps which allows better chasing early on.

b) Normally I get boots as fast as possible, then I go for either headress or buckler depending on how much my lane opponent is harassing (and how much consumables are left). The buckler is nice to have at the four minute mark because it's active armor buff makes side lane ganks much safer for you and your teammates. Normally I get phase boots before meka but this is situational, if there are no good gank opportunities because both your side lanes are pushing as hell a meka is better as you can assume that a team loosing a lot of lanes tries to group up early and you want that team heal then.

Following recent games, Viper has been really popular with a mek, but I needa know why ?
Tikru8 (4) | February 10, 2014 3:12am
Xr Kyuz wrote:

a) I do agree with rune whoring/controlling but is phase boots a goot pick on viper ? wouldn't treads be a better choice for the extra stats and speed be better for his slows ?

The Power Treads extra attack speed and +8 attribute are certainly nice, however, the +16 % MS boost from Phase Boots is IMHO most of the time much more crucial to Viper. I used to make Power Treads, now I make almost exclusively Phase Boots on Viper: Having that slow natural MS means that you will otherwise almost always get caught if you try and run and/or enemies can often barely escape you. Your basic slow from Poison Attack lasts only 2 seconds. When I don't get Phase Boots, I often run into situations where the enemy hero gets away 1-2 hits from dead even when orb-walking.

The only situation where I would pick Power Treads would be against a team with lots of disables + max MS/blink heroes where you expect to "tank through" multiple disables early game and can't keep up/run away from the enemy heroes anyway.
DarthB | February 9, 2014 12:24pm
Xr Kyuz wrote:

a) I do agree with rune whoring/controlling but is phase boots a goot pick on viper ? wouldn't treads be a better choice for the extra stats and speed be better for his slows ?

b) Mek is a really good item on viper, when do you normally get it

I also play Viper with meka and phase boots often recently.

a) I try to deny or catch runes if an enemy hero needs them but never got a bottle in the latest games with Viper. I think phase boots are better than power treads for two reaseons:
1. You do +24 damage really early.
2. When activate you are faster than with power treads and you can go through creeps which allows better chasing early on.

b) Normally I get boots as fast as possible, then I go for either headress or buckler depending on how much my lane opponent is harassing (and how much consumables are left). The buckler is nice to have at the four minute mark because it's active armor buff makes side lane ganks much safer for you and your teammates. Normally I get phase boots before meka but this is situational, if there are no good gank opportunities because both your side lanes are pushing as hell a meka is better as you can assume that a team loosing a lot of lanes tries to group up early and you want that team heal then.
Timminatorr (57) | February 8, 2014 1:40am
Even in pubs i wouldnt get shadow blade. I see too much people getting it too late and doing no damage and being squishy as a result.
The whole problem of having no escape is just being in places where you want get killed, or just build items that make you actually feared. A tanky viper with 4 levels corrosive skin and a 20 min scepter is scary to jump on.
Xr Kyuz | February 7, 2014 12:11pm
Tikru8 wrote:

Yes and no: Viper usually doesn't "absolutely" need the bottle regen as he doesn't spam spells and usually stays back so that he doesn't take much damage.

However, you can (but don't have to) go for a fast bottle if

a) you want to control runes (and tactically, at the same time denying them from the enemy): Using haste, invisibility or double damage you can effectively gank the other lanes instead of just sitting mid farming) One of the main functions of a good mid hero is to help win the other lanes by ganking them. (BTW in this role, consider Phase Boots for extra MS/chase/escape)

b) you are up against 'dem nukers and need HP regen. Alternative is to build a Headdress into Mekansm, pros often get mek on Viper for some tankiness and team fight potential.

a) I do agree with rune whoring/controlling but is phase boots a goot pick on viper ? wouldn't treads be a better choice for the extra stats and speed be better for his slows ?

b) Mek is a really good item on viper, when do you normally get it
Tikru8 (4) | January 24, 2014 4:23am
Yes and no: Viper usually doesn't "absolutely" need the bottle regen as he doesn't spam spells and usually stays back so that he doesn't take much damage.

However, you can (but don't have to) go for a fast bottle if

a) you want to control runes (and tactically, at the same time denying them from the enemy): Using haste, invisibility or double damage you can effectively gank the other lanes instead of just sitting mid farming) One of the main functions of a good mid hero is to help win the other lanes by ganking them. (BTW in this role, consider Phase Boots for extra MS/chase/escape)

b) you are up against 'dem nukers and need HP regen. Alternative is to build a Headdress into Mekansm, pros often get mek on Viper for some tankiness and team fight potential.
Xr Kyuz | January 24, 2014 3:47am
Tikru8 wrote:

Starting with Wraith Band and Healing Salve leaves you vulnerable especially to opponent's nukers ( Lina, Keeper of the Light, Death Prophet etc.). If they see you only have a salve for regen they'll be "oh look, Viper has little regen, let's nuke him out of the lane": At low levels you have low HP and little or no extra spell resistance. I recommend starting with Tango as well and taking the 1. level into Nethertoxin for easier last hitting. (If mid, you can instead go for a fast bottle).

Why do you fear Wraith King and Lifestealer? It is you who counters them, not the other way around: Just get Aghanim's Scepter as 1. major item and you can keep them out of the fight with your 12 sec cooldown ulti that goes through BKB and Rage. The upgraded ulti wrecks melee carries ability to fight if used correctly due to the massive movement- and attack speed slow.

I agree with the Wraith King part, will edit off, but is a bottle really that good of a item for viper ? He is not really rune dependent (not not at all but not really) ?
Tikru8 (4) | January 24, 2014 2:43am
Starting with Wraith Band and Healing Salve leaves you vulnerable especially to opponent's nukers ( Lina, Keeper of the Light, Death Prophet etc.). If they see you only have a salve for regen they'll be "oh look, Viper has little regen, let's nuke him out of the lane": At low levels you have low HP and little or no extra spell resistance. I recommend starting with Tango as well and taking the 1. level into Nethertoxin for easier last hitting. (If mid, you can instead go for a fast bottle).

Why do you fear Wraith King and Lifestealer? It is you who counters them, not the other way around: Just get Aghanim's Scepter as 1. major item and you can keep them out of the fight with your 12 sec cooldown ulti that goes through BKB and Rage. The upgraded ulti wrecks melee carries ability to fight if used correctly due to the massive movement- and attack speed slow.
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