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Slippers are a bad idea, go branches.
You need a salve.
In some cases I max bash first, it depends on the lane.
Check out this replay. I know there was one leaver, but it's just to show how centaurs can be better protection than a support hero or a vanguard :)
Here is my FV (feel free to add me on steam) with my vang build. it was public game - and they got hammered. but I was laning against WR AND Traxex - and after I got vanguard, I dominated the lane - as you can see by their items. Though I do like your build.. :D
The idea of vanguard poormans / time walk / backtrack build is lane control. based on your comments you all know dota well. And as you know, FV like many other carries need baby sitters at the beginning to ensure good farm and no deaths - and as a bonus potential kills. Having a Vang poormans and level 4 backtrack early will basically allow your supports to leave the trilane and gank/roam aggresively. At the same time as put your opponents in a difficult position of not being able to stop your farm or farm themselves. If they do decide to keep harrasing you in an atempt to stop your farm they will gap (3vs1 lane), while your support is still ganking mid and your respective suicide lane.. I admit the damage is poor up until around level 11 - but during that time you have caused more problems to your opposing team than actually killing them. we all know how easy it is to farm with void when you have lane control - any good hero will get perfect creeps and nearly perfect denies. keep that going for 10 mins (after vang) and they have serious issues.
late game builds on any hero , support carry is always down to the game itself, that is the beauty of dota - so the guides that have all these late game items are innacurate. a simple example is what if they have mass disables like tide BM lion lina rhasta (2 or more) on the opposing team. are you going to rush dmg? or consider rush bkb. it will also change your support build from mech to pipe. It's a guide, try it out and see what happens. MOM build is still core - but I challenge it with an alternative orb.. I agree with MOJO - I do prefer HoD to MoM for void - as it builds into satanic as well as allows creep control ( I tend to get a wolf, becuase I can't macro to save my ***) it also give +20 dmg which is always nice haha. so far my last few void games I haven't actually got life steal.
Both your chrono arguments are valid - but you don't need lifesteal if your opponents can't move or are dead already..
There is no reason to build a tank item with no damage, when poor man shield does the same thing, armlet will give you health and damage.
Mask of madness has no damage on it. Attacking fast with 75 base damage accomplishes nothing.
As to the whole idea that you need to push when you are missing racks? That's what Mjollnir is for.
Faceless void does not need good damage early. All he has to do is carry a TP scroll and land good chronospheres, that's it. Mid to late game is where you need damage. Armlet = 40 damage and a **** ton of health.
A little secret fact about armlet and backtrack. While armlet is on the health drain will constantly up and down proc your backtrack. It basically bugs out the RNG of your backtrack to work in your favor.
Armlet also allows you to toggle on bash-timewalks-chronosphere - centaur stun or even fog.
The mjollnir only over rides life steal when it procs, which is way more beneficial than stealing 30-50 health.
Battle Fury is not bad, again should be optional, it's great for pushing. Pushing in one fundamental thing to do. e.g. When you loses 2 racks, or need to push different lanes.
Armlet: Don't know on that never try it
HoD: Your argument is viable but wouldn't it be better to kill them fast in Chronosphere instead of 9 seconds stun? 75% increase in aspd is no Joke. Void is one of the best to get MoM due to Chronosphere. For me, there are many more heroes suited for HoD. and think about it, 2-3 heroes clump together with MoM+Battle Fury? Just something to for you to think about.
Also if you rush HoD and then get Mjollnir late game? Orb-override? Or are you gonna say, late game doesn't matter anymore?, just deal **** loads of dmg?
Vanguard is bad, poor man's shield is fine. Battle fury is also bad.
Should try out rushing Helm of the dominator and start dominating centaurs ASAP, then eventually a wolf comander. Your dominated neutrals can attack and move freely in your chronosphere.
Armlet is also extremely powerful on faceless void. It gives you a **** ton of health, regen and dmg/atk speed. Also you master the toggle with time walks, bash and chronosphere.
After armlet get a bkb then mjollnir.
To MOJO: Mask of madness is a awful item. Grants no damage and ends up suiciding your hero. Helm of dom is infinitely better due to the armor, damage and ability to control neutrals. With the tiniest amount of smart micro you can position your centaurs before you timewalk in chronosphere, then chain 2 centaur stuns on top of a 5 second chronosphere turning yout 5 second diable into 9, not to mention wolf commander damage aura and centaur attack speed aura.
- late game it is really hard to put it down to a set of items.. which is why I've left it broad. All these guides talk about getting this that and the other item at late game - but it is team and opponent dependant, where as the START of the game isn't (as much). generally you don't change your first 20 minutes of gaming against most opponents, you start to mix it up when you get to late game stages based on what is going well and badly.
As for the bash build - even then you don't need it - you REALLY don't need it if you have SK and Lich trilane - my argument for this build still stands, given good support, you actually don't need to bash.
HoD over MoM is only if you plan to get a satanic - I don't think I put that on the item list. I personally don't get lifesteal with void :) - like you said DPS
1. Vanguard should be optional instead of core items, depends on how well or bad you're doing in the game.
2. You should prioritize some luxury items over some. E.g. Buriza or MKB > Butterfly, Void is more about dealing damage instead of dodging since he has Chronosphere.
3. Desolator is fine, MoM is fine, but HoD should be out, for Void, there's no way HoD is better than MoM, for obvious reasons, dealing damage.
4. Heaven Halberd is alright but this is item is really not for you. You're late-gamer dealing damage. Heaven Halberd is for support heroes, all type of ints, and some str heroes, but not for Void. If HP is needed, get Heart of Manta Style is Sufficient.
Skill Build:
This one is great but should also have an alternative build where Time Lock should be prioritize over backtrack e.g. Tri-Lane with lich and SandKing etc. or if you're doing very well. Once you get at least Power Tread Time-Lock can be powerful enough.
For a guide, your Luxury item is too broad, newbies wouldn't know what to go for and as I mention above, you should prioritize some items above others.
Items are ok skill build ****y.
Try the skill build first - I play void a fair amount, with the item build and skill build together you are difficult to kill, your base damage is already strong, and like any carry - you need a good support to ensure a kill anyway.. so have bash isn't going to change much when you have a disabler with you anyway..